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About bobc04

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  1. well i have the end of week to make a decision.. irragi or db electrical. iraggi will be more expensive though
  2. good to hear guys... guess i'll try and give them a shot as well
  3. Has anyone tried there high output alternators or have opinions about them?
  4. bobc04


    so wait... idk where my last thing went but can we do .5 ohm no problem?
  5. bobc04


    can the 1500 handle pretty good at .5? i know its voided warrenty if i do do .5
  6. bobc04


    thanks jacob... very informative! how much could u get outta 3000 @ 2 ohms... got a d1 sub and its either .5ohm with the 1500 or 2 with the 3000.
  7. bobc04


    can anyone send my wut it had for the 3000?
  8. bobc04

    RE Destroyer 15

    like the mts but better sq... please post pix
  9. bobc04

    2000d pre-sale?

    i'm interested.... hmmm... from 1500 watts to 2000 for my sx
  10. bobc04

    Sundown 2000d?

    oh cool... i would love to pick this up if i can sell my 1500
  11. i have the pioneer 9800bt... a very good deck... only downer would be trying to browse for songs on your ipod... takes forever!
  12. bobc04

    getting bored. Want to switch sub

    whoa dude chill... sorry i did not know we were in english class.... might as well bust me for not doing I instead of i
  13. bobc04

    getting bored. Want to switch sub

    can the ICON take 1500 watts daily... really don't want to get rid of my sundown
  14. bobc04

    FI/Sundown Ford Focus

    i like the video... sounds really good....nice job!
  15. no i don't have the sub yet... thanks for the advice...i love my sx but it might be time for a change...