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Everything posted by blimblam

  1. this is ridiculous. over a month with limited contact.you only pick up on some of the calls even if we leave a voicemail after you telling us to, you say you dont receive it. you say you will refund his $400 and he doesnt receive it after you say he should have. and we contact u again about it and u dont wanna pick up the phone. get with it man. you run a business and you should keep your word after saying you will do something.
  2. hey man, my friend still hasnt received his refund. u said he'd receive it by monday/tuesday
  3. blimblam

    my friend's 12"xcon and enclosure

    wassup? i tried calling you like 10+ times man
  4. my friend said he's been trying to contact you to see if its ok to still meet up for him to pick up the 12"xcon and enclosure but you havent been answering his phone calls or emails. his email is [email protected] if that is any help. please get back to either me or him so i can let him know.
  5. blimblam

    my friend's 12"xcon and enclosure

    he said since you already made the box, he would just wait. this thursday or friday correct?
  6. blimblam

    my friend's 12"xcon and enclosure

    he said he left you a voicemail and you still never called back. i tried calling you a couple times and you didnt pick up either. wassup man?
  7. blimblam


    idk if my friend contacted you yet about a xcon but he said he did.
  8. blimblam


    my friend will probably take u up on this offer real soon. ill let you know man.
  9. blimblam

    12" BTL cutout?

    oh, alright cool. i bought it used off of acex3a. i didnt know i could take that boot off. thanks man. greatly appreciate it. ill try when i get home from work.
  10. blimblam

    12" BTL cutout?

    so, i got an enclosure built for my 12" BTL (single slug motor) but the magnet refuses to fit into the cutout. i was wondering what the cutout diameter would make it fit. i can't trim the cutout because its only enough for the cutout itself since the box is 14"H with only .25" clearance on the top and bottom.
  11. blimblam

    12" BTL cutout?

    dammit! the site had it at 11.125 so the guy that made it did it at that. alright thanks. heads up so you might want to change it on the site.
  12. blimblam

    ground location

    You couldn't be more wrong my friend. from what he's saying, yes you can ground to another ground in the trunk. will it work, who knows unless you try.
  13. blimblam

    from baton rouge

    welcome. im from new orleans so we're not too far away =] Welcome to the site! My brother goes to LSU currently and is also a fellow bass head I AM A be going to lsu next year too =]
  14. blimblam

    ground location

    grounding is grounding.
  15. blimblam

    09 corolla firewall

    i decided to drill on the driver side all the way up in the dash behind the fuse box.
  16. blimblam

    09 corolla firewall

    anyone knows where the hole in the firewall is? if so, will it fit 0 gauge cause i cant seem to find one...anyone knows something i dont?
  17. blimblam

    09 corolla firewall

    probably end up making one if i cant find one today/
  18. blimblam

    electrical upgrades for a 2000 watt system?

    the hifonics is overrated. and SA are always nice. so id go with the SA. as for electrical upgrades, first off i'd do the big 3 then battery in the back then up the battery in the front then HO alt. that's the order i'd go with if your light dims.
  19. title. im planning on getting a 12" btl but i dont have the funds until around the end of the month, was hoping that it would last till then. so what does it end? thanks
  20. blimblam

    when does free cooling on BTL end?

    no one from fi is on here?
  21. anyone knows the max dimensions of a battery that can fit in stock location? thanks. or anyone know if the yellowtop d35 fits into stock location without a problem? and is the yellowtop + big3 enough for 2200 watts?
  22. im not that dumb/lazy. i dont have the car yet. im planning out the system before i get it. and im going to need a new battery with the current system so i have no way of measuring it. thanks for your help though
  23. blimblam

    which alarm??

    didnt know where to put this but... looking for an alarm system and i landed on the viper 7900 and viper 5901. which would you suggest and why?? thanks
  24. blimblam

    which alarm??

    think ill go with the viper. the python is 20 dollars more expensive
  25. blimblam

    which alarm??

    alright. thanks. thats what i heard.