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Everything posted by liljestrand

  1. liljestrand

    Some NS-1 News

    holy jeebus what ar the specs on this beast
  2. liljestrand

    sub status??

    When did you order it. I think they have a 7-10 business day build time and with the holidays it may take a lil longer.
  3. liljestrand

    Happy Birthday bassahaulic!

    what a shitty day to have a birthday.
  4. just have it at a slightly lower volume and listen to what each change makes and see if it sounds better or worse to you.... learning these things is fun
  5. if you feel you don't have the notes covered that you want just raise your lpf to 100 and see how that feels to you.
  6. im looking into changing that...and going active..but thats for a different thread.
  7. LPF on subwoofer signal set to 80, and HPF for front speakers set to 100, that creates a nice dip in output from 80hz to 100hz. My zcons overpower whatever speakers i have.....and if i slope at 80 on the highpss my mids bottom out...i think
  8. subsonic filter will be a few hz lower than what your box is tuned to.
  9. most will do 60 or 80 on sub and 100-120 on the high.....maybe higher depending on how you like it.
  10. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you should be able to use the wiring harness that your deck has now....if its an aftermarket deck.
  11. liljestrand

    what size ring terminal opening?

    No. Ones just 1/16th of an inch bigger.
  12. liljestrand

    what size ring terminal opening?

    I got 5/16 terminals myself
  13. liljestrand

    Sundown NeoPro 6.5" Pre-Order

    Thanks for the response Jacob. These may just be what I go for.
  14. liljestrand


    Not to thread Jack but Sen the bypass they sell on eBay is just a relay that is shrink wrapped.
  15. liljestrand

    Sundown NeoPro 6.5" Pre-Order

    I saw that you said you put 200 Watts to these. Will that end up being the rms that you go with or are these going to be a little more conservative. Looking to go active sometime soon and I'm interested in these.
  16. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Didnt even mention the 4 boxes of records.....mostly beatles, rolling stones, dylan and elton john.....and classical stuff. And add that to the 8 or so boxes my mom gave me....i got quite the collection of records piling up. Whats cool about their records is that they have a bunch from when their dad was stationed in okinawa so they have japanese sleeves.
  17. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So we were moving my aunt into a assisted living community and we had to clean up her house. My mom told me about this stereo equipment and told me to take it since I'm the only one that would appreciate it and not sell it. Crackle record player...dont know much about this but it looks cool Nakamichi tape deck was able to find info about this one. Belles I power amp.....couldnt find anything about this one but did find out the company became power modules or something like that. Has no numbers on it but a serial number that is 368. Audio Research preamp model sp-6b....found this one online...went for 12-1400 new. JVC t-x6 synthesizer..found info on that one. And finally some chapman t7 3way speakers. Gonna hook this stuff up and see how well it still rocks. If any of ya have any info on any of these especially the belles just pm me.
  18. liljestrand

    zcon 15's bc5500

    Just a little taste of these beast.
  19. liljestrand

    Made some funny smells after DD-1 use....

    yeah thats come loose on me before
  20. liljestrand

    F-1 audio wtf

    how do you mix up i and 1
  21. liljestrand

    Made some funny smells after DD-1 use....

    I can approve of this message now lol
  22. liljestrand

    Made some funny smells after DD-1 use....

    ....I only get called a "friend" and not named....
  23. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Well I had a coworkers neighbor make em. Basically aluminum bar stock with holes drilled. Bass_4_ever just look at the pics I have of my batteries. Its just 1/2" aluminum bars screwed to a board.
  24. liljestrand

    Funny Install Pic Thread

    it wasnt an actual install but i saw someone once with a car battery on his front bumper
  25. liljestrand

    I know what the chart says but...

    starts at 15.1 usually sits around 14.8-9 after warm. Like was stated you can just turn the gains down till you can get another batt if its not up where you want it. your not gonna know how your system can handle it till you try