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Everything posted by liljestrand

  1. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well Id rather use it since it seems to be some nice equipment or at least it was. Hopefully will hook it up this weekend and get a listen.
  2. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So dilemma: That audio equipment that I posted pics of, well my brother decided that he wanted it. Now he was good friends with our cousin (original owner of the equipment) before he killed himself. So he wants it for sentimental reasons, or so he says. The part that seems shady to me is the fact that he asked our mother if that stuff is worth anything. Now he has had drug problems in the past (meth) whether he still does or not I don't know. So I'm afraid of him selling the equipment for either drugs or booze. Now he can't really use the equipment, he lives in a small apartment. On the other hand I don't really want to be a dick to my brother because he has helped me out a lot in the past, before the drug problems. So either I be a dick and keep the equipment (that I will actually use) Or give it to him and run the risk of it being sold for stupid reasons.
  3. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You just wait. I'm gonnna make them fit.
  4. liljestrand

    would this work.

    Yes sorry meant hpf. And its set off my 800prs
  5. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's a different day...your post dont count.
  6. liljestrand

    would this work.

    im thiking inverted now!
  7. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Do they have an led conversion for that? Not that ive seen. I may just have to take the back panel off and check the air flow....have heard that this things can get clogged easily and that might be why my bulbs burning out. Is it one of the Diamond series? No dont think so...i've had it like 5 years. wd-65731 Ok you need to make sure your bulb has proper air flow. I believe there is a foam filter in there to that needs cleaned once in a while. Yeah thats why I was saying in think theres an air flow problem and just gotta clean it out.....thanks though. Will get to that sometime soon.
  8. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Do they have an led conversion for that? Not that ive seen. I may just have to take the back panel off and check the air flow....have heard that this things can get clogged easily and that might be why my bulbs burning out. Is it one of the Diamond series? No dont think so...i've had it like 5 years. wd-65731
  9. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks will check those out later.
  10. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Do they have an led conversion for that? Not that ive seen. I may just have to take the back panel off and check the air flow....have heard that this things can get clogged easily and that might be why my bulbs burning out.
  11. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Have you modeled them up against other 8"+ drivers designed for midbass, to see how they compare? X2 if you're going to put in the work to fabricate something like that you wanna be damn sure you're choosing optimal drivers IMO. Ok is there somewhere I can read up on what I should be looking for, or a sticky somewhere. I'm all for reading and learning. This will be my first attempt at going active. I'm going to keep the tweets in the sail panels and put 4's i think on the dash....similar to j-road. If you want you can pm me info so we dont muddle up the ihop.
  12. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got a mitsu 65" dlp. Love the tv just keeps burning bulbs.
  13. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If i was actually trying to make a home theater system id consider it. But atm my tv is broke. So I just keep pouring money into my car audio lol.
  14. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah that crown k2 is a bit much for me lol
  15. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Have you modeled them up against other 8"+ drivers designed for midbass, to see how they compare? Psh who needs modeling...i want the cool factor. Ok the cool factor in your case would be your xcons in a ported box tuned to 18hz powered on a crown K2 in your theater. I can have more than one cool factor can't i
  16. liljestrand

    New Year, New Website. The New SSA.

    ooh nice...Im always a fan of darker web pages.
  17. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Have you modeled them up against other 8"+ drivers designed for midbass, to see how they compare? Psh who needs modeling...i want the cool factor.
  18. liljestrand

    would this work.

    Ok so scratch the idea of putting this under/behind the seat. After being inspired by j-roadtatts 12's in his doors I'm going to attempt to put the sa8 v2's in my doors. Meausred the areas and feel that I can put these in no problem with some modification.
  19. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So after reading j-roadtatts build on his doors I feel inclined to make the sa8v2's work in my doors for midbass....i shall make this heppen lol
  20. liljestrand

    would this work.

    I was looking at going 3 way as a possiblity. Possibly putting a 4in in the a pillars. will have to take out the curtain airbags for that though
  21. liljestrand

    would this work.

    For true midbass frequencies, having the speakers located in front of you doesn't really matter. But you would still want them as wide as possible.....under or directly behind the seats are both generally poor options. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to get performance under 120hz with them unless you are simply pushing them significantly past their output limitations. Are you playing them at an excessively loud level when they appear to start bottoming out? I am playing them at full tilt. I used a dd1 to set gains and I'm only pushing 60 watts at them. Believe they are rated for 90 iirc. Like I said im going to take the door panel off tomorrow and check to make sure that the ccf/mlv hasnt shifted and thats whats making the sound. It seems to only come out of the driver side so that is possibly the problem. About the exodus. going active wouldnt be a problem. My deck (880prs) is active capable and was actually planning on doing it sometime soon.
  22. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Was gonna use this fi q i got...but may just use the xcons instead. I would give both a try and see which you like better. Plus it would make an awesome build on HAF. Well I have 1 fi q 15 but 2 xcons 15's.
  23. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Was gonna use this fi q i got...but may just use the xcons instead.
  24. liljestrand

    would this work.

    Did the full sds treatment. cld,ccf.mlv will be pulling the panls to confirm its bottoming out and not something hittin the speakers
  25. liljestrand

    sub status??

    can try emailing [email protected] may get a quicker response