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Everything posted by liljestrand

  1. liljestrand

    New things coming!!

  2. liljestrand

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    I'm the silent type. doing great with the zcons. what does the car do in the legal position sealed and door open? my car sucks all sealed up. What does it do all sealed up on the dash. Just wondering.
  3. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol that would suck
  4. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm sitting at 89k atm. Or at least that is what I can find so far. Mine is gradually getting smaller. Was well over that before Yeah I can only imagine. I've had 1 hard drive fail before that had most of my music on it.
  5. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    On a side note I have a 1tb hard drive in the car with roughly 500 gigs on it. Loving the 80prs since it actually reads it all. and reads it pretty fast.
  6. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm sitting at 89k atm. Or at least that is what I can find so far.
  7. liljestrand

    I'm not seeing much IA builds here

    Another reason could be that usually when people ask about which subs to get the SSA subs are usually pushed harder by forum members. That along with making quality subs will lead to there being more ssa subs used which would lead to more ssa build logs.
  8. liljestrand

    Best amp for 1 15inch gcon d4

    Why the 3.5k? The 2k would be much better at around 1k@2ohm. 3.5k would be way overkill
  9. liljestrand

    SSA store supporters at ??? forum

    I still dont know what the point of this is.
  10. liljestrand

    SSA store supporters at ??? forum

    I don't understand what this is about?
  11. liljestrand

    Soon to be running 5k on the hdc3's

    Grats. I just picked up my second bc5500 to strap those at 1 ohm!
  12. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am currently using this. Good strong amp. He was being sarcastic Sarcasms always so easy to detect on the internet.
  13. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am currently using this. Good strong amp.
  14. liljestrand

    SSA Woofers

    If you are happy there is no reason to change. Sometimes curiosity can break your wallet.
  15. liljestrand

    Bc2k problems

    It shouldn't be though. I believe the bc series is stable up to 18 volts but anything over is protect. Mine charges at 15.1 at times and the only protect ive had was full tilt burp at .25
  16. liljestrand

    New "SQL" system for a metalhead - Right direction?

    I'd just like to add about contacting don. When i was dealing with him we ran into a problem where my emails got sent to a junk folder so the first couple of ones he didn't see. If you send him a message on here or make a thread in the deadening section he is usually pretty good about finding your email after that.
  17. liljestrand

    Bc2k problems

    Ok...if you're getting 1 ohm then I'm out of ideas lol
  18. liljestrand

    Bc2k problems

    oh ok so the 2 pos is on terminal on the speaker box and the 2 neg is one terminal on the speaker box.....makes more sense. Have you tried connecting the 2 pos terms then running 1 wire to the amp, and doing the same for the neg. I wonder if the amps trying to bridge something or something like that and thats why its going into protect.
  19. liljestrand

    Bc2k problems

    I'm thinking its that wiring. do you know how the subs are wired going to the speaker terminals on the box?
  20. liljestrand

    Bc2k problems

    nm...it was on mobile view for some reason
  21. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Lol I need to find some 4g for my sub speaker wire.
  22. liljestrand

    Bc2k problems

    What coils are your subs and how are they wired. I see you say you are using both positive and both negative terminals on the amp. Is that correct?
  23. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    So a minor update. Working on an amp wall for the 2 bc5500's Mostly today was just doing test fitting to see if this was gonna work. Only had those 2 sheets of mdf laying around so I'm gonna have to glue them together. Plan is to put ccf between the wall and box, then between the amps and wall. With rubber washers to try to absorb as much vibration as possible. can't wait to have both these in.
  24. liljestrand

    Help choosing system amps and subs

    I would stay far away from skar. Have no idea about their subs. but their owner keven is really shady. For as low of power that you would be using I would try out SSA subs.