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Everything posted by liljestrand

  1. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Well had a comp today . This was with 0 testing. And I burped at idle since ihavent come up with a way to set idle at 2k rpms. Pretty happy so far. Planning to redo the baffle on the box. Want to make it so I can swap ports one for daily and one for burps. We will prolly shrink the box some since these subs like smaller boxes. And the projectdb stuff should help the score some.
  2. liljestrand

    The PT Bruiser, 159.5db!!

    Liking the rims
  3. liljestrand

    What is this about?

    Maybe he got confused when they said it would take a little while. Since recodes have been slightly delayed. Mark and aaron are usually pretty upfront about things so id assume something this serious would have been brought up on this forum if it were rrue
  4. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    No I havent. I've gone in order bl,q, xcons,zcons, sp4s, xcs
  5. liljestrand

    16v testing

    yeah i know haha i have an audio pipe rated for 16v not sure how true to 16v it is but it says it. Why are you bringing up ap in the crescendo section?
  6. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Ok I understand some of those pics may have been posted earlier. I've been posting build logs around different forums and it was easier to just copy paste. This is an update of the gear that I am currently running/installing. enjoy!
  7. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    The box is roughly 8 cubes tuned to 34hz. Its an odd shape and fit perfectly in the cargo area. This was not fun to put in. Basically i have to turn my box sideways push it on top of the back seats then twist it and pull it back. With the zcon/sp4's i could easily lift it up by myself, with the xc's i had a little more trouble. That is 4g speaker wire! My 1100.4 with projectdb 4g to 1/0 adapters. The d3400 with toolmaker terminals. Waiting for my projectdb stuff to arrive. Thats where I am at right now. Sorry if there are dupes of the pics I was just kind of running through my pb and grabbing pics. Hopefully the amp will be installed Friday. Waiting on a big order of stuff from projectdb to show up. Got a comp on sunday. Can't wait to see how I do.
  8. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Here is my xb. work in progress. I am mainly competing in stock pro 2 for iasca. This was the box build itself
  9. Chances are its a connection grounding out.
  10. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Sen. Just an fyi. I teabagged those amps before sending them off.
  11. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Sadly I only get to look at pics till Thursday and wait till friday to install
  12. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Some teasers
  13. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    I will hopefully be updating this this week. Got an amp and wire on its way from b2. Metal stuff from projectdb.
  14. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ah then I dunno
  15. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Isn't it 3dbs each time power is doubled
  16. liljestrand

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    You have amps where are the damn updates
  17. liljestrand

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's absurd. This time last year they were still $300. My guess is with the 80prs coming out the market for the older ones dropped.
  18. liljestrand

    buy or not to buy

    You gotta ask why you even need this? It looks like it would be mounted back by your amp. So you would hardly see it. Just pick up a cheap voltmeter and run that.
  19. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    That vid really doesnt even do them justice. They were moving twice as fast as that shows. I got a new high def camera (kodak playtouch) that i can do 720p with 60fps so hopefully itll be better
  20. liljestrand

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    You fail sen. This is a 20hz test tone to break in the subs played at lower volume for over an hour and these things are still super stiff. Btw this is a video. You just have to click on it. Sorry it uploaded to my photobucket and this was the easiest way.
  21. liljestrand

    raffle/ benefit for a good buddy.

    Is there a PayPal account set up or just send it to you?
  22. liljestrand

    Competition box

    Comp boxes are usually tuned higher. In the 50-60hz range
  23. liljestrand

    Quick fab fuse holder

    Good idea! I may steal it.
  24. liljestrand

    B2 xc side by side with SSA zcon

    I am hoping to install them this weekend. Have had no time working 6 12's then saturday I have football then 3 more 12 hour shifts. Hoping these sound great. They are sq subs that get stupidly loud.