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Everything posted by patented17

  1. Moving is a bitch!

  2. patented17

    3 assassin 8's box

    Got some good subs there, I miss my avalanche.
  3. patented17

    DD 3510g and M1b FS!

    Hello, I got a brand new digital designs 3510g here and a new M1b amp for sale. I'm just throwing this up to see if they'd sell, I'm not hurting or such. The sub was mounted into a box for my computer, but never got around to getting a plate amp for it. Price is $800 shipped for both
  4. Being 530 miles away from my table saw is so freaking frustrating

  5. patented17

    Received Q18, terrible packaging

    We hardly ever package anything, people for the most part suck at packing. We get oil rig stuff that is like 150lbs and its in one ply boxes and such.
  6. patented17

    Received Q18, terrible packaging

    I work for Fedex actaully, and its no joke when they say to pack as if it's been dropped from 6 foot or above. So many packages and they want us to constantly keep a certain pace, so some lazier people will just fling stuff onto the belt.
  7. patented17

    bought my first bike today :)

    lol nice broad statement there, you sound like a troll. You can make alot of money with or without college.
  8. patented17

    bought my first bike today :)

    Awesome bike sure, one of the first bikes I wanted was a ninja 650r.
  9. 3510g, m1b, cnc cut box=holy shit I'm excited!

  10. The hero-Amon Amarth

  11. "we are all going to die in here, now are you going to die on your feet or on your fucking knees?"

  12. New room half set up like I want it, decide to take a break and play some dead space. Ended up finding myself screaming like a little girl with these tower speakers on loud.

    1. 16K


      haha nice !!

  13. patented17

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Thank you sir, I remember when I had trouble squatting 185lbs once. Now if I can just get my ass to do more cardio I'll be golden.
  14. Two more weeks and I'm freaking totally debt free!

  15. patented17

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    New month muhahah new maxes Military press: 195lbs Deadlift: 465lbs Bench press: 315lbs Squats: 405lbs
  16. Rammstein and working out= awesome day!

  17. patented17

    Old school RE XXX motor re-cone

    And I'm retarded.... thank you sir.
  18. patented17

    Old school RE XXX motor re-cone

    Hello, I recently got an xbl^2 xxx motor from a friend. I was wondering who would have a re-cone kit for it. I have the motor and basket, I checked on Fi's website, but they don't seem to have it. I did see the MT's recone kit though, was wondering if I could use MT soft parts?
  19. Truck got stuck on back road in the middle of a thunderstorm, had to walk 1/4 in the rain. Stepped on snake in the water freaked the fuck out!

  20. Looking for a Ascendant Audio Avalanche, if anyone has one. I have the monies!!

  21. patented17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He is trying to say its a mx, but the motor is not for an mx. It's been reconed, just can't tell if its an actual XXX motor
  22. patented17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think I might have found an old school XXX for sale on ebay.
  23. patented17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    God damn you prometheus, you have so many plot holes. I wanted you to be so fucking great.
  24. patented17

    Audio Technix CCA 1/0

    For that price I wouldn't give a crap if it moved around a bit.
  25. patented17

    pink bentley :) (bored)

    lol, I'll take em both.