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Everything posted by patented17

  1. patented17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anyone, every taken Logic in college? Extra credit question I got: In a certain place, all the inhabitants are either Knight or Knaves. Knights always tell the truth and Knaves tell the truth. You meet two inhabitants, A and B. B says: "both of us are Knaves." Determine weather A and B are Knights or Knaves. Explain your reasoning, And construct a derivation which 'mimics" your reasoning.
  2. patented17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol, yea they filled with a crap load of sugar, so not really good for anyone. It is also nuts that its 32oz.
  3. patented17

    aa mayhem 18. any good?

    Not really anything your going to notice, and yes they are kick ass. AA has always had awesome subs, I owned the Avalanche back in the day.
  4. patented17

    NOOB Here

    Welcome Sir I too am the broke Student.....
  5. patented17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This some times motivates me....
  6. patented17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    30mg study pill, and my Monster BFC= Tweaking out like no other, and going to crash hard in 30+ hours.
  7. patented17

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Kicking homework's ass, and Studying for a test. All while hoping my mom comes out safe of her surgery.
  8. patented17

    RF Shallow sub box help pls

    What are the max measurements you can get?
  9. patented17

    Hello from NorCal

    Welcome to the forum amigo.
  10. patented17

    94 Acura Legend Build

    I'm more impressed with restoring the car, to how it is.
  11. patented17

    12 RE SE 12s

    Nice, I wanted to do a wall in my Camry. I just had a fear of being in a crash and having a 500lbs object cutting me in half.
  12. patented17

    Do you smoke?

    I'll maybe smoke about 2-4 cigs at a party. I stopped buying them, so that's one of my baby steps to stop smoking them.
  13. Yes, knew it was something like that but, didn't feel like giving out false info.
  14. patented17

    10" Fi Bl Box Problems

    The different woods shouldn't make that much of a difference, since they are both 3/4 thick. How are your settings on your amp?
  15. Just go with what fits your budget, they all are great amps. The only thing I would say would be the Kicker. Apparently has one setting on it, that is set and you can't set it. I can't remember it for some reason, at the moment.... lol
  16. patented17

    ok all i need to ask somethin

    You need to buy the bulletproof glass.
  17. patented17

    Sundown Z v.2 -- Cool new part preview

    I like it the way it is, but you could always make it an option for other people.
  18. patented17

    400 watt amp @ 2 ohms

    http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/p_20399_Soundstream_RUB1400.aspx 400rms @ 2 ohms and for $179, took about 5 minutes of searching...
  19. patented17

    400 watt amp @ 2 ohms

    Google.com,Yahoo.com, ping.com they all work pretty good. Ok done being a jackass, Just search for one on ebay or such, What is your budget?
  20. patented17

    Fi Btl Popping

    I think your bottoming it out, on the back plate. How are your controls on your amp set?
  21. patented17

    Fi Btl Popping

    Is it Dual 1 ohm or 2 ohms?
  22. patented17

    Scuffed Up Subs?

    You could just silcon it and use some touch up paint. I suppose, if it really bothers you that much.
  23. patented17

    O/S US AMPS Addict!

    Hola Sir!
  24. patented17

    So.... What do you guys think?

    Giant selection in the shop on this website, Incriminator DP's, SSA xcon, Mach5audio SPls or IXL's, or you can go to Fi's website and get the BL. Just depends on your budget and what you want.
  25. patented17

    So.... What do you guys think?

    They will likely die a horrible death.