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About black00

  • Rank
    Grand Poohbah
  1. black00


    dual 1's no problem.
  2. black00

    The wall has a new look. . .

    wow...kickass. Wiring is fast. Thats good. Safe too... Get a clamp going. Find out how much amperage (and voltage if any) you are losing going through all those mega's. You may need to either make a larger copper lug to bridge that gap for competition or make whole new peices of wire to hit straight to batter...either way. Don't forget to add some more ground wire to frame from the bank. Add more ground to frame from lead battery. Add more wire from alt to main. Add more wire from main to bank. More wire more wire more wire................. And a zip tie lol...... Wall is sexy...... bank is sexy..... amp rack is sexy (needs the black bedliner...looks good enough to do it) You are right about a buss bar to switch your sub wiring..thats what I used...thats what ScottieJ used as well...workes perfect. All you need is a good LED volt meter that is accurate to keep your eye on whats going on during burps and Pounding..... Damn fine job bro........you got talent.
  3. black00

    The wall has a new look. . .

    AWESOME brian....now....lets see a video
  4. black00

    The wall has a new look. . .

    Hey....... Who does BKOLFO4 look like? (I told him and he said he was driving from Dallas today to kick my ass)
  5. black00


    95honda is co-owner of that site.
  6. black00


    http://www.forceaudio.com/showthread.php?p=2184#post2184 autobots.............. we have a home.... its dead.....so we'll just make ourselves at home..... Run in...make yourselves at home........lead the others.... And we'll just wander back and forth...
  7. black00


    GERMANY...N.A.T.O. base... He'll be poppin in...
  8. black00

    Back to play in the sand...

    My buddy "95honda" just got back from the kitty litter and now has a 3 year stint at NATO in Germany....poor poor bastard..... Maybe you'll get lucky on your next turn too .... stay low killer.... post as often as you can.
  9. black00


    ...i saw threads saying a bunch were at your house that he promised to send back to people and you were not coming out of your pocket to ship them back....( hell i dont blame you, you didn't promise to ship them to back )...
  10. black00


    He went MIA after that "12 challenge" ... People started throwing fits about not getting their woofers back.. I havn't seen him around since... Me and Ndmstang65 were the best men at his wedding and he won't even return a call.
  11. black00


    Kyle sells handjobs by the bucket.... herkaleez herkaleez
  12. black00


    yeah you and derek both had a pretty hgih number of posts...i was only at 500 something and ithough that was a lot by the way...what is everyones real fist name anyways? i have never known when people are talking....i mean c'mon...everyone knows my name is todd My name is Marshall
  13. black00


    Well...once again SIN/CSO has had the plug pulled without us knowing. I have no idea if it will ever come back up again.... So those of you members that have been deemed homeless once again thinking like I have been..."oh...i'll just check it tomorrow".... You maybe wrong........ Find a new home cause I don't think ours is coming back........ I just talked to X-overdistortion and the outcome looks bleek..... Looks like the owner of the server has moved and may not be able to get the connection he needs to run the server from his new home. i have no idea.......... So uh.............. I'm homeless.... ain't that a bitch.....head admin....nothing to admin lol.... who has a really really big cardboard box for me and the rest of my titanic crew???? Whatever right............life goes on....... I feel like an Autobot..... Sending out a signal to all my menz from my explodededed forum ...... Just a heads up.....i dunno if its coming back online any time soon......... So uh...............gather here and lets make the best of it...... Grand Poohbah- Prime
  14. black00

    Looking for larg round tubing

    I got some... Your typical 18 has like a 17 inch cut out...find out what it is... Mine are like 17.5...which is perfect cause you gotta build rings for them anyway... I got about 4 or 6 or something... I'll sell them cheap but shipping will bite you in the butt...they are big and ups hates that LOL... Where are you? PM me if you don't want to say....if you lucky you close by and can come get one. I am in Memphis TN.
  15. black00

    Ranger Blowthrough

    WOOHOOO.....balls.........my man.....join the family