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Everything posted by redlineaudio

  1. redlineaudio

    Crossfire XT recone

    hate to dig up an old post, but did anyone ever find a coil/former to fit the older Crossfire XT15's? I have 2 of the good old XT15F series that I would like to recone.
  2. redlineaudio

    The future of SPL

    I don't usually chime in on topics like this, but I thought I'd drop my $.02 -- I think what really holds SQ back and makes SPL big is a couple of things. 1st SQ is almost purely subjective--one judge might absolutely love the way it sounds and another might cut it down. In SPL, the meter can't lie--so there is no sore loosers or anything like that. The other thing is crowd involvement---face it, how fun is it to watch someone listen to some jazz or test tracks? I love SQ, but I think it's going to be very hard to ever get it to the level that SPL is right now.....just my thoughts....
  3. Don't know if this is the right place for this or not, so feel free to move it. We are hosting our 1st ever DB Drag racing event down here in Sidney, Montana. It will be FREE as in no entry fee-seems like we have tried everything to get more kids to come out and compete, different organizations (MECA, USACi, etc.) so we thought we'd try something different this time. We will only be giving out certificates, so come down and have some fun!!!!
  4. Where are you located? Sidney is about as close as you can be to North Dakota without actually being there! You would be surprised at some of the systems running around up here---the Team Sundown guy I was hinting to is supposed to be running (4) Sundown 3Kw's and (2) Nightshade 15's along with (11) Kinetik 16v Batteries. We are running (2) Memphis 4kw's to (2) Memphis MOJO 15's in a radical wall designed by Pete Kulicki and hope to put up some good numbers. We have had 30 cars at some of our USACi shows a few years back.....we'll see how DB Drag does....
  5. sounds like there should be a Team Sundown member @ our show--if he gets his truck done, that is.
  6. Will do - along with some results.
  7. I know it's a long ways from anywhere, but if you happen to be close by.....come bump w/ us!
  8. redlineaudio

    SPL Box

    Here's a good start boom basics..
  9. redlineaudio

    USACi Competition in Sidney, MT

    Pretty sure I've been to Sidney, but refresh my memory as far as where in the state it is. I used to live in Great Falls and traveled all over the state on my way to various places. very eastern edge of MT-only 12 miles from ND. Sidney sits down in a little valley along the Missouri River, about 45 min. north of I-94.
  10. redlineaudio

    Your db Numbers

    car: '94 Ford Escort GT Electrical: (2) Kinetik 16v batts Amps: (2) Memphis 4KW Subs: (2) Memphis MOJO 15 dual 2's Box: <> 6 ft'3 Mic: TL Tone: 63-65 Hz Score: (legal or outlaw) 154.4 outlaw, 146.6 Street Beat (30 sec. avg music)