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Everything posted by ZUaudio

  1. ZUaudio


    Hello I am having problems with the JBL GTO 1514D. I have made the enclosure to the jbl specifications. It is in a 3.45 cube box with a 4 inch PVC port that is 13 inches long. However I am getting a LOT of port noise, which makes the audio very dirty. I am using this subwoofer in a home audio application. When building the box i used liquid nails to seal the joints of mdf boards, and I also used 1 5/8 coarse thread drywall screws. After this was completed I coated the inside with fiberglass resin to fortify the interior. The sub is recessed and down firing with a back facing port the amplifier is also on the back. These cutouts have been sealed with silicone, as well as the sub hole. I found that the sub is .115 cubes and the amp is .105 cubes which have been subtracted from the total volume of the enclosure to fully ensure that the box was the correct size. the dimensions are 22 long by 20 inches wide by 18.5 tall and its made from 3/4 mdf. I am not an amateur box maker, however I am having trouble correcting this problem can you help me? Also the jbl paper says that the porting is tuned to 30 Hz, however I was hoping that you could give me a new spec to tune it to 27 or 26 hertz. Thank you, Jason
  2. MY L7s are both dual 4 ohm voice coil versions. They are each individually wired in parallel @ two ohms. I though most decent amps could handle this impedance. My thought process was that I would be able to use a DECENT amp running each one individually at 2 ohm, or eventually get a MONSTER and run them BOTH in parallel at 1 ohm. Im not understanding why running two separate amps powering two separate subs would cause a problem. BUT IM DUMB AND A NOOB so most things escape me. I am DEFINITELY NOT saying you ALL are wrong, NOT RUNNING TWO SEPARATE AMPS is very clearly consensus, but could someone maybe explain the technicalities of why it would be counterproductive? FINAL NOTE: 1) What are loading issues? Chevy boy 95 said there may be problems with that. Im assuming that means that there is not enough room from the mouth of the port to the wall of the trunck, which may act like additional port lenght and throw off the tuning? If that is the case, then the boxes were designed to fit within this space and the distance from the mouth of the port to the trunk wall is fine, I designed it to fit and utilize the space. 2) What would be the problem if one driver moved more air than the other? Arent there some setups that have two different drivers matched to two different amps and they function fine? AGAIN NOT trying to prove you wrong, I just want to know why. THAKNS GUYS
  3. Hello I recently picked up two Kicker L7 12s (yesterday) and I need and additional amp to power both of them. I have a kicker 750 installed from a previous system, But I don't have the money at the moment to but another 750. So I found a deal on craigslist a guy selling 600.1 for 75 bucks. I made arrangements to meet with him tomorrow. Will having tow different power amps cause an audio problem? I know its a funny question and probably stupid but I just didn't know. Never tried it and didn't want to run into problems down the line. The sub boxes that I built are separate so they don't share air. Here is a picture of my trunk and one of the subs installed: The sub is mounted towards the cabin of my car and the port fires at the rear of my trunk. Here is the second box: The sub in this one will sit towards the rear of the trunk and the port also fires at the rear of my trunk. The subs although they fire towards each other are off set so they wont counteract each other. I dont think there will be a problem using two different power amps, but I have been wrong before.
  4. I am looking for two bass control knobs for two kicker amps. Two questions 1) will a generic or other brand "phone line" bass controller work with my kicker amps? 2) Why are they so darned expensive. ppl are asking 25-30 bucks for them, essentially they are a potentiometer with a rubber dial? I dont see where the cost is incurred.
  5. The sub cut out on the second box looks a little funny, BECAUSE IT IS. I had to take a grinder and cut out the walls of the sub box a bit to fit L7 in. THe demensions were so exact that the sub didnt fit by MM. DONT you hate it when that happens? OK, I KNOW THEY WERENT EXACT OR ELSE THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN. the truth is that I have NO more room HEIGHT wise or else the box wouldn't fit into my trunk, so I had to give it a little "LOVE"
  6. I have a single ported kicker CVX 12" in a custom box which I built, IT sounds nice. It is powered by a kicker 750.1. The box is tuned to 34hz i believe and is 2.25 cubes. The audio is nice, a nice mix between power and quality, the way I like. But Im looking to go bigger which is difficult because I have a volvo. I came upon an AMAZING deal. I am getting TWO kicker L7's and a 1500.1 kicker amp. Each L7 requires 3.23 cubes ported I believe. THER IS NO ROOM FOR TWO PORTED IN MY TRUNCK. But each one only uses 2 cubes sealed. MY QUESTION IS: Would I get more sound (louder) with one CVX 12 ported @ 750w OR would I get more sound (louder) with two SEALED L7's @ 1500w? I KNOW sealed will give better SQ, Im not worried about that, im worried about volume achieveable. THANKS GUYS, Jason
  7. Here are the boxes that I built This is one installed in my car. As you can see the subs face each other and the ports fire towards the rear of the car. This is the other box that is complete but I havent loaded the sub into it yet. I ordered the wire for it and Im looking for an amp to power it. Just like the other box the sub faces inward and the port is firing towrs the rear of the car. THE SUBS HOWEVER are off set so they dont fire directly at each other.
  8. THese are the subs that I got:
  9. THis is my origonal CVX that i traded the guy I got the kickers form. I traded ONE cvx and 50 bucks for TWO L7's and a kicker box, I dont know what he was thinking?
  10. BETTER? At this moment its hard to say. There is def a difference. Im only running one at the moment in a ported box. THE L7 is DEF. louder BUT I dont like the sound as much, probably the box. The the audio quality difference at this point is negligible, although noticable. BUT thats just me being picky. Ill upload photos soon
  12. Thank you guys for the input. After 5 days of communication the guy backed out of the deal. Im really really sad.
  13. Ok, Im meeting the guy today to do the deal. What are some good sealed designs? How do you tune a sealed box? CAN IT BE tUNED? KICKER is saying 2 cubes sealed each, they are also saying that the l7 has .087 displacement. Im planning to line the outer most walls of my trunk with he back of the boxes, and have the subs face each other. Leaving a linear cavity in the center of my trunk for use when need be. So i will make two identical boxes the dimensions of which will be 31 long x 10.5 wide x 15 tall. Does this design look good? ALSO i would like to mount both of the subs toward the cabin of the car leaving mdf walls on either side of the trunk cavity. Is that feasible or will offsetting the subs toward one side of the box create sound problems? DOES WHAT IM SAYING MAKE ANY SINCE? Or am I missing things? Thanks again guys.
  14. PS dont even ask about the deal that IM getting. IT WILL MAKE YOU CRY!!!
  15. I expected MASS ridicule for posting this question. I havent built, boxes in a while or had MONSTER subs for that matter. At the PINNACLE of my interest I had a FI BTL fully loaded on a MEMPHIS mojo 2600 D. THAT THINK SLAMMED!! I had a land rover and the box I built was 9 cubes. IT WAS GORGEOUS, had to hold the sub into the box with BOLTS. NOT so imply that I am disinterested now, just saying that I haven't played with any REAL power recently. Graduating from school took priority for a while. I would RATHER have a really nice 15 ported, BUT the deal I cam across is almost STUPID To pass up, so Ill settle for this for a while. To answer some of your questions: I have a 01 or 02 volvo S60 cant remember which one. I am limited because although my trunk space is LARGE the trunk lid is small, which limits the opening into the trunk. AT MOST I can have a box that is 15 inches tall, it can be wide and long but again the hight is limited. I also want to use my truck space which also limits placement and types of enclosures that I can utilize. ULTIMATELY I DO have space to port two L7's BUT I don't want to sacrifice the "usability" of my trunk. I know that sealed subs have less SPL than ported subs, I ESPECIALLY know this because I design and build ALL of the sub boxes I have EVER had. BUT MY EXPERIENCE IS LIMITED with SEALED boxes simply because I NEVER found a use for them HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!! GO BIG OR GO HOME!!!!! SO THAT IS WHY I ASK, will there be a noticeable difference between the 12 cvx ported or the DUAL L7 sealed? The concensus that I got was that it would be about the same. IS THIS TRUE? Again I am NOT disputing this, I am just asking because I HAVE NO EARTHLY IDEA!!!! Keep in mind the CVX is stretched about as far as it will got, while keeping PRETTY DECENT SQ. 34hz (I believe) in a 2.25 or 2.3--->PERFECT CUSTOM FOR IT. FURTHERMORE, there were tricks that I used previously to get more SPL, and cleaner sound from ported boxes FOR EXAMPLE: -Eliminate square (90 degree) corners, especially in ports -Brace box when MDF panels got to QUESTIONANABLE length -SEAL the interior with fiberglass resin ETC.... ARE THERE ANY tricks like that I could use for sealed. AGAIN I do NOT want to sacarfice SQ for SPL. I like about a 90 to 10 ratio, meaning ill sacrifice a maximum 10% SQ. THANKS AGIAN GUYS FOR ALL THE HELP!!!!
  16. ZUaudio


    I have a Memphis 16-mc2000d mojo amp. I also have a FI BTL loaded This sub is dual 2 ohm. I wired it in series so the amp sees 4 ohms. I have it in a 7.5 cube box tuned to 40HZ However when I really get this thing kicking it sounds like it cannot handle the power. Any suggestions, I know this sub can take all that this amp can give it???
  17. ZUaudio


    IT is an 18 BTL I have 120 amp alt with memphis 1 farad cap 0gauge wire and a line driver When I turn the vol all the way up it makes a tink sound like tink tink tink and before i get there the sound at high power is just not right, maybe its clipping how do i take care of that?
  18. ZUaudio

    KLIPSCH quintet

    I recently purchased a Harman Kardon 5.1 home theater receiver. It has 50w per channel. My question is will Klipsch quintet speakers be a nice match up? what is a good prive for the 5 speaker set up?
  19. ZUaudio

    FI free air?

    thanks for the help
  20. ZUaudio

    FI free air?

    Is a btl capable of free air setup?
  21. ZUaudio

    FI free air?

    I am thinking of a volvo s40 and there is limited space, planning on facing the sub towards the driver, mounting it in the trunk where seats fold down in that hole
  22. ZUaudio

    multiple purchases?

    If i wanted to purchase multiple subwoofers even if i didnt want the same sizes, is there a discount?
  23. ZUaudio


    I cant figure out where to lay the 0 ga wire so it wont show under the carpet! any suggestions?
  24. ZUaudio


    That still does not answer the question, where is the best place to lay the wire?
  25. ZUaudio


    Does the car really make that much of a difference?