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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Happy Birthday Bigjon!

    damn dem beats thats a hell of a birthday ha ha! you know how to party!! ha ha. thanks.
  2. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP

    is that your set u?
  3. jonbearsmt

    Need box plans for 2 Fi BL 15's

    here is the blue prints from my 02 town car.. same trunk as you
  4. jonbearsmt

    Happy Birthday Bigjon!

    thanks guys!, shitty part... i worked an 18 wheeler roll over lastnight... and im always sore the next day,... so today.. on my 30th birthday.. im sore and shit.. when i get up off my chair i make a moan, and i was tired all day lol it just funny that on my 30th birthday i felt old as shit lol birthday bananza this weekend.. its going down!
  5. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. jonbearsmt

    Long time no see

    WTF am in bazaro world... you just said you did not like the Zcone because of the inderted dustcap... im tell you .. the ZCON DOES NOT HAVE AN INVERTED CAP> what am i missing.
  7. jonbearsmt

    Long time no see

    What? yeaaaaahhhh. the Zcon does NOT have a inverted dustcap...... so tell me again why you dont like tha Zcon
  8. jonbearsmt

    Happy Birthday Bigjon!

    hey thanks every one! i hope that 30 brings me some new outlook and re freshed sence of drive ! thanks again!
  9. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    the notice was minimal but i dont run a rear fill anyhow.. so it only makes sence for me to remove them. i have an active front stage, i have had over 30 lincolns .. all from years 75 to current model... i love them... so i have no choice but to adapt and over come... untill i get a new lincoln... and seems how they no longer make the town car who knows!!!
  10. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    lol fred i feel your pain.. no one understand the ford panther body style trunk.. they always say "just face your subs forwerd and seat it off from the trunk" like im a dip shit and never thought of it!!!! ha ha. its just not possible unless your going to run three 8's thats the only way..... anyway. dont cut your deck lid. it does not gain that much.. and if you ever compete it will KILL you in class placement fucking assholes. also... the loudest way to face the subs is port back sub back.... but the LOWEST playing can be ahcived with port up sub up. just depends what your going for.... my self.. im a self proclaimed ground pounder that competes for fun... but i meter at shows. then demo hard as FUCK for 3 hours or so untill throphies are handed out... i love to demo... and i love my music low.. so i kinda go agaist the grain in ways.. im tuned untra low.. most of my music is custom made.. ( a pain in the ass) and my tuning KILLS me on the meter.. competing life would be alot easier if i would just tuned higher!!! i would murder the mic then...... but anyone that competes can tell you .. i do the hard thing in SPL..... i do a 150+.... out of the trunk... thats hard... but the really hard part is..... i do 150+ at 30 hrtz!!!! a very hard thing to do . for 2 15s in a trunk.
  11. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    another reason why i would tell you to stay smaller is because big subs weight alot and so do batteries, my car is SO heavy its not safe for a normal person to drive it... its just too much weight the car acts bad, and hit a bump going 70 miles an hour and your out of there,...... army kyle just wrecked his car.. and I think its because of the weight. i tow for a living, so its no thing for me to controll an over weight vehical, also over 90 feet long i tow over a 125K dead weight with no breaks other then my rig every day... so im an above average driver.... weight is a car is no joke, i warn people all the time.. think bout it first... i would NOT drive my car every day, its hard on the tranny, the motor and everything else... i know its fun.. but once you get into big stereos you have big problems. just a warning oh, and house or indutral wire and auto wire is not the same.
  12. jonbearsmt

    0ga or 4ga

    i would do the 0 gauge
  13. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    ok, the BLs are great subs like i said... the nightshade V1s ( is what i had in the black town car after the BLs) was louder when directly swapped out... BUT DID NOT SOUND AS GOOD,.. meaning.. they were not as musical... they are more of a SPL sub i now have the nightshade V2s now with your budget i dont see it.... you have enough to get the subs and amp.... but then you will have no money for the shit you really need when running 5K.. like WIRE!! you will need alot of 0 gauge, adds up fast, you will need batteries,. in a big way, h/o alternator, and a good box is never cheap..... and you still have yet to deaden... i personaly think you should scale down a bit, if your coming from 2 JBL 12s in a prefab box, then i think you would be happy with a GOOD box, more cone area and a little more power... you dont even wanna know how much i have wrapped up in a stereo and getting loud never comes cheap or easy!! sub suggestions 2 15's SSA Gcon or icon FI Qs or bls sundown SA's amp, 2K or so would be plenty and you would not have to spend a shit ton on batteries and h/o alts and wire... 3K at most.. but that will require more electrical sundown amps cost more because they are a retail kinda amp. and they provide an amazing customer service, thats worth a little more to people.... and deadener i personaly removed the rear speakers from the back deck, secondskin the shit out of the trunk lid, the sides of the truck the gas tank hump and so on.... now the rest im not gonna just come out with.... as well.. im a competitor and i spent YEARS and tons of money trying and trying untill i found what seems to work for me. im not sure if i missed anything.. but if i did.. let me know. oh and lastly.. i can not stress this enough... the encloser is more inportant then the sub you put in it.... you can but the best speaker in the world in a shit box, and it will sound like shit... but on the same token.. you can put a really shitty sub in a very well designed box for that sub,. and BOOm. your in action.
  14. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP

    must watch http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=563475873665936
  15. jonbearsmt

    Happy Birthday Tom !

  16. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP

  17. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    your all over the place now.....
  18. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    i relized most the videos i posted were with nightshade V1s these are the BL's
  19. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    thanks, i loved having spokes.. i rolled them on 3 of my lincolns,. my 95 my 02 and my 75, 20 22s and 24's... i even bought a set for the new gold lincoln but.. the offset changed in 03 and it makes spokes stick out 2 inchs yuk! so.. no mo spokes for meunless i buy a older lincoln again..damn fred i wish you were in texas i would sell you my box from the black town car.
  20. jonbearsmt

    Fi sp4 18 vs 2 bl 15s

    damn thats huge... what about the opening?
  21. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    you should be able to get 40 wide with ease... my black town car was a 02 smae trunk ill post a few vids of my, BL15 's on a SAZ 3000D this was years ago i enjoyed the BL's its a great first "real" sub.. it handles noogb abuse like a champ. its low enough and they did really well on the 3K if you have any questions let me know..
  22. jonbearsmt

    new project.... looking for suggestions

    that would be called cheating.
  23. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Texans drink stuff other than lone star and keystone or budwiser???? how dare you!
  24. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    i have pretty much the largest box you can got in this trunk... what year is yours? 2 18s in that trunk IS NO WHERE NO HOW ENOUGH AIR SPACE>
  25. jonbearsmt

    Which would be louder?

    2 18's will not fit.