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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    * correct perimeters
  2. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    1.so one should blindly build a box for a sub with no kind of perimeters at all? 2. are you now saying that skars products are inferior ?
  3. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    " hey this is kevin with skar audio with an un boxing of the new skar audio shirts, know i know alot of you guys have been waiting for this shit to some out and we have been telling you about them on youtube and the forums but here it is, made 100 out of super cool stuff its like no other shirt from any any other company, its skar so you know its great any way this is kevin with scar audio. i like the soud of my own name and the word skar,. lets show you what our shirts can too,. " check us us soon for skar audio tampons and shoe strings and tolit paper coming soon
  4. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    change of plans.... turns out im not cut out for team skar..... i emailed for an application for teaming and i got this in reply "the team is waiting come on it" no thanks. umm ill stick with what i have.
  5. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    well you guys changed my mind, im selling all ,my sundown and SSa stuff today TEAM SKAR FUCKERS!
  6. sounds normal to me for an after market alt.. if you throw your car in nutrel while at a light im sure it comes back up to 14
  7. jonbearsmt

    Today's 4"VC Heavy Hitters

    priceless. good lookin ass tho.
  8. jonbearsmt

    55 Chevy Rat Rod Bagged Pickup

    Not sure what you mean about the A/C panel? Its was already done prior, just need to put back on the one vent on the drivers side. huge is in that line of work, i believe his company makes a/c systems for these kinda builds and older.. very very custom work... truck looks sweet i like it alot,.
  9. jonbearsmt

    what do you think about this

    your questions are about YOUR personal preference... no one can tell you if they will make YOu happy.
  10. jonbearsmt

    Which American Bass Subwoofer is this?

    one thats made in china! BOOM
  11. jonbearsmt

    2k budget

  12. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    lol this guy.. i had already posted 1 example . and theres some more... are you blowing him or something?
  13. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    lol. yeah thats it... you busted the case wide open.... gigs up guys. SMH
  14. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    drunk and bored dani is sleeping as she has to work in the morning
  15. jonbearsmt

    15 to 18

    what kinda power do you have on tap. brand and model please, along with a list of electrial back bone please
  16. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    was that directed to me? am i the one faning the flame? if so.. let me speak on that.... im a man. my word is all i have. as a man.. i am expected to be held to my word. and my actions. and i strongly belive in that. i am a business man my self... my business is built directly on my reputaion in a small town. because im a man that stand by my word and is known for honest and dependable actions i thrive. either your a man or a fish..... you CHOOSE what kinda man you are....
  17. jonbearsmt

    15 to 18

    ill explain more.. you would have more luck gaining output by making a optaiml box.. im talking tonsof air space, kurfed port smooth cornors and so forth.. the right box makes ALL the diffrance,. you can put the best sub in the world in a shit box and get shitty results..... same token you can put a bullshit sub in a optial box and yeild shocking results... lucky for you FI publishes accurate specs and building a perfect box is easy but hey... what the fuck do i know
  18. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    i think 08 was when he made a new ebay name aswell... either way it was more of a joke then a fact.......
  19. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    pioneer = kevin. chill out kevin, no need to make a fake name and come on and half ass defend your self..... you know damn well this is classic kevin
  20. jonbearsmt

    15 to 18

    you honestly wont see a huge diffrance between the 15 and the 18... not really worth all the money.
  21. jonbearsmt

    Noise Pollution ticket

    500 bucks first offince where i am.... and in fla the impound your car... so. i know a city here in texas is acctually looking into a system where they take your stereo from you on your second offince
  22. jonbearsmt

    07 tahoe iKon build

  23. jonbearsmt

    Xcon v1 / v2

    i think it may be the spiders aswell. not 100% wait for mark or Aaron to confirm
  24. jonbearsmt

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    true story i rememeber before he got skar he was pullin scams on ebay.. selling amps as new, but if you looked back in his feed back ratings he sold them as one already as new, turned out they were blown amps,. he finaly refunded the money got the amps back had them repaired then tried to sell them again on ebay as " new" something like that i may be lose on the facts it was years ago.. but i recall a few shady things done like that...