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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. awsome congrats to the winners, just glad to help donate to a good cause.
  2. jonbearsmt

    First Week of Owning the SSA Evil

    thats what i assumed.. but then again that big ass SSA AUDIO BANNEr on your windshild defeats thats,.
  3. jonbearsmt

    How to tell the difference between the ssa subs ?

    PM me ill give you my phone number and you can text me the pic
  4. jonbearsmt

    First Week of Owning the SSA Evil

    i was wondering why you didnt invert it
  5. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    ah thats nice!
  6. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    i mean itsfair im not compaining.. and the rates i got were 105 from one guy and 115 from another.. both shipped ... both worth it no doubt. but i guess im juat having a hard time choosing, im not above making home made shit if it works.. i do it all the time.. like my fuse holders. may not be the best ever but it serves its fuction with out looking like trash imo. case in point or maybe it dose look like trash and im just out of touch because i made it.
  7. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    i had one too http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2972287/2001-lincoln-town-car/2001-lincoln-town-car/
  8. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    i need sluminum chunk blocks (two) with 4 4/0 iputs on one side and 8-12 1/0 exit holes..... kinda like this. http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y231/AudioAnonymous/IMG_20130104_162856-1.jpg and the home made ones will be kinda like this.... but better of course. but this is the closest pic i have found to explain what im thinking in my head.. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2173111/2002-chevrolet-cavalier/
  9. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    should i spend 120 bucks on a nice set of distro blocks or make my own style at home for 10 bucks.....
  10. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    you asshole
  11. jonbearsmt

    So how much can the Evil really take??

    i would personaly run a NS-1 or a 7.5 K at .25 in the lanes and 1 ohm daily...... to a single sub.... but should you?
  12. jonbearsmt

    So how much can the Evil really take??

    no one is trying to ne an asshole, like i said if you have to ask... THEN FOLLOW THE FRIGGIN RMS suggestions. meaning.. someone that has vast knolage can run 10K to that sub.. and not blow it... does that mean that someone should tell you the answer to your question is 10k??????????? no.. because YOU problably should not run over 3250 watts to it... because YOU dont understand how it works.... yet. so you asked a loaded question. you got the newb responce because you are a newb...... get it? dont be so ass hurt... maybe you should word your questions diffrently.
  13. jonbearsmt

    2 18 zcon wall HELPP

    how about you install it first.
  14. jonbearsmt

    FI BL VS. FI Q

    damn rick i was just about to say that too.. your a ninja, goals please
  15. jonbearsmt

    FI BL VS. FI Q

    IMO, the Q gets lower. but is more sensitive and is also a great SQ sub that sounds great ported or sealed. the Bl is a more intro to SPL kinda sub... better with abuse, and fits most people applacation for " for the lows" i say that because most people truly dont know what real lows are.
  16. jonbearsmt

    So how much can the Evil really take??

    if you have to ask.....
  17. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    any one a memeber on 8thcivic.com? well this asshole is.. and he took pics to sell something on the fourm... but also some of his chick nsfw http://s592.photobucket.com/profile/moisesl909/uploads#!cpZZ1QQtppZZ16
  18. jonbearsmt

    2 18 zcon wall HELPP

    not too large at all.. infact its pretty much dead on with optimal ported specs
  19. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  20. jonbearsmt

    My "Why Fi" Promo vid :D Pls Like :)

    every one please go and vote!
  21. jonbearsmt

    Bass in freezing air

    the cold cracking amps on a battery is LOWER when it is it cold....