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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Newbie Confusion: Help with my Single 12" GCON

    if its this listing... http://www.ebay.com/itm/SSA-Sound-Solutions-Audio-GCON-12-Subwoofer-CAR-AUDIO-SUBWOOFER-/281072489477?pt=Car_Subwoofers_Enclosures&hash=item417139d405 and i think it is.. its the only Gcon i have seen on ebay in a while then its a dual 4....
  2. jonbearsmt

    Newbie Confusion: Help with my Single 12" GCON

    no good, do you have a link to the ebay sale ?
  3. jonbearsmt

    FI Audio Adhesive is $10 per oz with shipping!!

    none of the venders or deals have responded to your topics... and no one has tried to sell you anything.... thats the same link i sent you .
  4. jonbearsmt

    FI Audio Adhesive is $10 per oz with shipping!!

    i know google is tricky so here. http://www.amazon.com/IC-2000-Rubber-Toughened-1oz-Adhesive-Glue/dp/B002N507I0/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1359522265&sr=1-1 but this is one oz. you will need more then that. im sure the kit from FI is more then 1 oz, and it should have promoter, and activator included. im not sure. but here ya go.
  5. jonbearsmt

    FI Audio Adhesive is $10 per oz with shipping!!

    its not cheap glue, even if you buy epoxy and amazing goop for a recone you will still spend more then 10 bucks,
  6. jonbearsmt

    Upgrading speakers

    i dont mean nicer then what you have... i dont know what you have.... what i mean is.. you cant do it with a walmart special ... it has to be a nicer deck. some stereos are active capible some are not.
  7. jonbearsmt


    start your own topic of email singer.
  8. jonbearsmt

    Upgrading speakers

    well what im suggesting to you is an active front stage, google it. 4 channel amp, 2 channels running your two mid bass and 2 channels running your tweeters, you will need a nicer deck tho. maybe its out of the budget
  9. jonbearsmt

    in need of your opinions

    thats step one,. unless your willing to do a seat lift, there is not alot of room down there. most shallow mounts just dont seem to have the balls, but if your crafty and can build a nice box with good space then you will have a good shot. use the search bar for for chevy 1500 or crew cab or so on and so forth.. there has been a hand full of memebers on here that have done builds in that model truck and maybe there build logs can help you ,.
  10. jonbearsmt


    no your all wrong the BTL is the " king of all SPL woofers" end of story
  11. jonbearsmt

    in need of your opinions

    do you have depth for a SA 10? have you mesured? are you bouilding your own box?
  12. jonbearsmt

    Upgrading speakers

    i know it sounds odd right. ditch the rear fill. and focus on the front... but i followed that advice, and also ditched the coax and run a active front stage, and man o man. you would not belive the diffrance.
  13. jonbearsmt

    New Videos of the Evil Explorer

    unwatchable with volume on... fun watching the sub work.
  14. jonbearsmt


    WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU the BTL N3 IS THE "KING OF SPL" LOUDEST SUB ON THE MARKET? yes i was yelling, mark this negitive like you did all the others,.
  15. dont say impedance because shizzon will get upset and come in and correct you !
  16. jonbearsmt

    SSD12 internal leads detached

    looks like overexcursion and i can not tell from the pic but IF it does have discoloaration (brownish) it is also seeing too much power in most cases, perhaps heat from clipping aswell. see this more then offten in amature ported installs but not too offten in sealed.
  17. jonbearsmt

    SSA Reppin HARD @ SBN 2013

    what is this SSA skirt not sold in stores!?
  18. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  19. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  20. jonbearsmt

    OMG.. Warning.. watch for spiders outside..

    maybe its just a genrel warning lol
  21. jonbearsmt

    single sub on saz3500d

    huge amp for a single sub. what kind of electrical back bone do you have to support this 3500D and your wanting to run it at 1 ohm?
  22. jonbearsmt

    single sub on saz3500d

    any sub. your question is very vague
  23. jonbearsmt

    Need custom box for my SP415s
