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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    rainbow, the bagless vacume, ....fill it with water and it bubbles ! works like a bong, traps all the dirt and dust in the water as it passes thru the water... shitty part is dumping out the water.. alot of old people cant lift it. door to door vacume sales sucks shit... i sold kurbys back when i had the gift of gab... hard and shit. .but i did well.. others.. ah not so much.. and when i say not so much.. they sold none. at all
  2. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    sumbitch is triiiiiccckkkyy
  3. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    just got my go pro hero 3 black
  4. jonbearsmt

    Your order # and when shipped

    vic! whats the deal
  5. why tho have you already paid for them>?
  6. jonbearsmt

    bc3500 confused as ever

    lol great glad you understand, but there is now way im going to start picking and choosing what you may and may not understand... IE "bridging " a mono block amp. dont get your panties in a wad.
  7. jonbearsmt

    The price of owning a diesel...

    do it
  8. jonbearsmt

    Blown SP415

    pics? normaly that is cause from over exursion of the woofer. but i cant belive that somthing else did'nt fail first..... i have seen this before in woofers that had too much spider movement and not enough surround to back up that moation.. hope this is not the case. email [email protected]
  9. jonbearsmt

    bc3500 confused as ever

    yes im well aware of how it works.. but idle was no where in the statment,. just making sure the op understand that 40 amps will not be added to the the 270 amps. as thats the way it seemed he understood it.
  10. jonbearsmt

    subwoofer wiring

    and thats why i think its a bad idea for nendo to advertise thair amps this way.. as being .5 stable
  11. jonbearsmt

    bc3500 confused as ever

    no pulley in the world will "add " 40 amps to the output of an alternator.
  12. jonbearsmt

    subwoofer wiring

    i found diffrent specs for the same amp on their website.. very confusing, but they do say the amp is stable down to .5 ohms * on good electrical *
  13. jonbearsmt

    subwoofer wiring

    thats a mono block amp from what i know... it may have two ++ and two -- displayed but its a mono block amp. oh you know what now that i think about it.. those amps claim to be .5 ohm stable.. so follow option one. sorry for the confusion
  14. jonbearsmt

    subwoofer wiring

    you should have gotten dual 1s, but if you already have he dual 2s then you will need to follow the second wireing option for a final load of 2 ohms http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/woofer_configurations.asp?Q=2&I=22#results
  15. jonbearsmt


    damn you beat me too it.... ima do it anyway
  16. jonbearsmt

    The price of owning a diesel...

    soooo now its a money thing? lol
  17. jonbearsmt

    skar zvx 15 or fi bl 15??

    why do you suggest something that is FAR from what the user is asking about? the Zcon is worlds apart from the skar and the BL. in both price and performance
  18. jonbearsmt

    The price of owning a diesel...

    the allison is far from a " shitty" trasmission. when they fail they are very costly to repair.. but far from shitty in performance or failure rate
  19. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    nsfw http://i1185.photobucket.com/albums/z356/262683473/tumblr_mjee3or1EJ1racc9so1_500.gif
  20. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  21. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  22. jonbearsmt

    skar zvx 15 or fi bl 15??

    FI BL hands down any day.. dont skam your self with a skar
  23. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    yes indeed! did any one watch the new top gear ep, sig uses a 03 lincoln town car as a off road chase vehical... it was bad ass..... i was sad tho.. because the sig was " unable " to catch the F150 with a camry body on it... bullshit.. that town car has way more balls then a F150
  24. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  25. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    i was chrushed when they stopped making the town car... but it looks like there is a concept that may make it.. god i hope so. yes please!!!