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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt


    unknown what are you lookin for? what are you tryin to do?
  2. jonbearsmt

    Recieved my 1500d

  3. january is fast approching, i will be emailin you soon! i cant wait jacob!
  4. jonbearsmt


    i can tell you dont waste your time... thats just me
  5. jonbearsmt

    Customized SAZ 1500d's

    wicked sick
  6. jonbearsmt

    Amp search...

    RMS Power Output @ 14.4V 3600 Watts x 1 @ 2 Ohm RMS Power @ 17.0V 4000 Watts x 1 @ 2 Ohm am i reading this statment correctly, theres only 400 watts diff, between 14.4 volts and 17volts! i must call BS on that statment from MA audio... if thats that case and its only 4000@17 then it cant be more then 2000 watts with a stiff 14 volts
  7. jonbearsmt

    Amp search...

    well i never liked anything by MA. but tha goliath is somthing like 3200 watts at 2ohms, and 5000 at 1 and thats based on 14 volts, depends if you get a used sundown 3000 some guys on here sell them for like 700 with 3 month warrenty, the sundown 1500, is a great amp, and i belive the output at 12 volts is 1500 and at 14 volts i think its like 1800 or more, look around this site for TEST RESULTS, on the sundown amp, i think ray farmer posted some great honest test info,
  8. jonbearsmt

    Amp search...

    sundown 3000 or two sundown 1500's strapped, or in feb i will have a hifonics goliath 5000 watt for a good price, you have a 17 volt system?
  9. jonbearsmt

    im looking for a three inch driver, sub,

    in my trunk, there is little room besides the box, so when my subs play, the trunk seal breaks and my back deck flexs about 4 inchs, if i port into the car... will it 1 bring more bass inside my car, 2 keep my trunk from unsealing when the bass hits, 3 slow my back deck flex
  10. jonbearsmt

    im looking for a three inch driver, sub,

    from what i understand 6x9's are made for 6 foot or air space or more. and or a free air style set up. anyhow i dont care about yout 7x10's and m5, my box is vented, and my back deck of my car, is being beated up, and.. i would be intrested in porting my back seat, to bring more pain to the inside of my ride.
  11. jonbearsmt

    Dual Alternator Kit

    the wood floors are in the works, as soon as its done ill post some pics... for now all i have are pics thats i took to see how it may look, and also pics of my mock ups..... M5 i wouldnt lie to you all!
  12. jonbearsmt

    Dual Alternator Kit

    cuurent 20001 lincoln towncar L 1 200 amps alt 3 yellow tops 2 fully loaded 15 FI BL"S 1 sundown 3000 1 jl 300/4 4 screens 1 indash dvd h/u 4 heated heats HID headlights A/C heater those are all my current loads coming soon, above PLUS 2 more yellow tops, for a a end number of 5 2 sundown 100's HID back up lights perhaps another sundown 3000's and chaging the bl's out for BTL's with the 3rd option is 600 bucks worth a Dual Alternator Kit and do ya think i need one now? or later after i get some of the more power loads installed? thanks
  13. jonbearsmt


  14. i talked to ray farmer a few weeks ago, from what i remeber, im pretty sure he was telling me that he ran at .5 ohms and was getting 5300 watts with one cell, and it never went below 12 volts, i think he said he burped 3 times, thats from memory i smoke alot, so.... yeah
  15. jonbearsmt

    im looking for a three inch driver, sub,

    m5 your anti 6 pack im sure???? also what are your thoughts on making a port into the cab to releave pressure in the trunk?
  16. jonbearsmt

    Dual Alternator Kit

    ok, i was thinking today to sell my yellow tops and go with 3 Kinetik 2000's if i can use one under the hood, yellow tops, or Kinetiks? IF I NEED TO DO ANYTHING
  17. jonbearsmt

    im looking for a three inch driver, sub,

    i have done 3 or 4 boats... i have allways used 4 6x9's 2 6 1/2's in he boat cannons, and 2 15's
  18. jonbearsmt

    BTL vs BL

    how many watts do you have to deal with, how much space, and what are your goals the two subs do two diffrent things, two diffrent goals, music, and u have 6 foot, bls allday,
  19. jonbearsmt

    Dual Alternator Kit

    i have a nice pioneer indash dvd unit with the back up cam option, i guess i could go that route, but its just to PLAIN!, im a razzel dazzel kinda guy, thats why i have custom wood floors in my car... do i need it???? NO... do i like it... yes..... HID back up lights, that is a little strange, but its wicked cool, and the 600 bucks is for the bracket and an ALT, and a few pullys all the bolts... i was intrested in finding out more about,running 1 12v alt, and system for the car, and 1 alt on a 16 v system for my trunk....... thats more why i wanted two. that and, its bad ass when you pop that hood and the motor is o no clean, and ya got things that people have never seen in person... ahhhhh
  20. jonbearsmt

    im looking for a three inch driver, sub,

    yeah 6 packs is an old florida dope boy thing to do, i was raised in FLA, anyhow, im intrested in that build,what year town car? more so in if those 15's were sealed or vented, and if thay were vented, did you do anything to releave pressure? my rear deck acts a fool,4 inches or more in flex, thanks
  21. jonbearsmt

    Btl recone

    if i send in my fi subs, can fi do the recone?
  22. jonbearsmt

    Dual Alternator Kit

    i have LED back up lights now, they cut it inside and even as my curb lights, but thay are not doing well as back up lights, i even have the 25 led per bulb ones,,, there just not doin it, as far as it being my dumb idea, im sure it is, many many things i have done people say THATS DUMB..... but the first man who put a house speaker in his car,........ the man who started car audio,.... im sure people said he was dumb aswell.... but who cares.... its what i want, i didnt ask you to fund it, i didnt even ask if you would help me on that... i would not be suprised if in 2010 thay start useing SOMTHING LIKE hids for backing up, chill out
  23. jonbearsmt

    Dual Alternator Kit

    umm buddy, i have many cars with HID lights,,,, mine take about 4 seconds,....... and regardless, my tint is so dark that i need more light to see when backing up, see when i get my new wheels i want to see the road when im backing, in texas we dont have alot of curbs out side the citys, we have ditchs,
  24. jonbearsmt

    Cold Cap, stinky coil

    i love that new sub smell!