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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    new guy

    well FI makes great subs, i run them my self, your gonna do 2 fi BTLs 15's in your tuner? well you have alot of work ahead of you but that will be a great build, take a look at the sundown amp line, . RF NOTHING on jacob over at sundown, take a look around and you will see the test results and amount of personal touch he has with his customers, and the amps...... well you will just have to see for your self ....
  2. jonbearsmt

    box rise?

    ok, i was thinkin.... that maybe.. it would take a a .7 ohm load and while, playing, the box reverbs and raises the ohm level perhaps makin my amp put out a 2 ohm load not a .7 or 1ohm load i have 2 fi bl 15's in a 6.5 vented tuned at 35 hrz.... and its a daily set up
  3. jonbearsmt

    new guy

    bdl15's and a new amp? who makes bdl.? or did you mean BTL by FI? and what kinda amp and you thinkin as of now?
  4. jonbearsmt

    fuse size for i sundown 3000?

    yeah i hear ya, this is my first time really getting protected,... for so many years i have been lucky and ran unfused, and now i remeber why, but i dont wanna see my car burn down,
  5. jonbearsmt

    fuse size for i sundown 3000?

    a few, Circuit Breaker 300 AMP Reset / Self Test 12 Volt / 12V for 1 sundown 3000 at 1 ohm right? one under the hood, leading to the rear, then one in the rear before it gets to the rear cell's, then one more between cells and amp right? 300 amps or 200 thanks, these are better then normal fuses no?
  6. jonbearsmt

    Port Noise

    your telling me that when your radio is all the way down your sub still has a noise? if you turn your radio off all togather, does it still sound? what about with the car off but the radio on, but at zero? what kinda amp, stereo and do you have any EQ's cross overs or LOC's inline to your sub?
  7. jonbearsmt

    new guy

    what going down will, great people are here to help you! what are you currently running?
  8. jonbearsmt

    BTL 18

    i dont think so...
  9. jonbearsmt


    the one i had was black, it was not like the pics . i sold it on crigslist for 70 bucks, that was last year the gut pics look nice, what were the test results?
  10. jonbearsmt


    ok more and more have seen people using lanzar for high power!!!!??? i see lanzar matched up with AA's and fi's RE's..... i allways seen lanzar at the flea market, and im just wondering .......... im i missing somthing or are thay?
  11. jonbearsmt


    i have an old LANZAR OPTIDRIVE the black one, i gave 20 bucks for it at a yard sale, i put it to 2 jl w3's 12 at 2 ohms. and it and it pushed a lil less then my spare sony 760 explode....
  12. jonbearsmt

    8 Sundowns + 4 BTL = ?

    is that right... what is the monkey working with now.. and what kinda discounted prices are we working with on all that used car audio!!
  13. jonbearsmt

    8 Sundowns + 4 BTL = ?

    i love seeing this truck in vids..... im a basshead and that CHIT IS COOL i posted on youtube asking for more vids,.... wicked sick
  14. jonbearsmt

    Is something wrong with my 3000d??

    what ever happend here... when you got the new amp from jacob and installed it was it the same deal? what caused this..... i must find out
  15. jonbearsmt

    1500D lowing Fuses

    how does someone post like that, and then never come back. crappy install
  16. jonbearsmt

    A few questions ?

    i didnt get one... i never buy when stuff fist comes out, i dont wanna be the test rat!, but thay do look clean..... if you have the money pops those carputers are nice.
  17. jonbearsmt

    Amp search...

    i mean you can buy a fair amp, for little money... and have it read the specs you wanna see, or you can buy a very well buit amp for the same money, and watch and be amazed, dont take my word for it man ,..... read around, see the threads, ask the people who own sundown amps and see what thay tell you, i used to like like mtx back in the day..... now not so much, RE used to make great speakers,,,, but i dont think theres made the same after the company sold.
  18. jonbearsmt

    A few questions ?

    im the type of guy that would rather order a lil bit better sub, and a good amp,,, just incase i want a lil more in three months..... cause i allways want more...... are gonna get a new head unit or try and run off the OEM
  19. jonbearsmt

    CES Information

    take pics jacob please!
  20. jonbearsmt

    A few questions ?

  21. jonbearsmt

    A few questions ?

    i say go with bl 12's and get some options.... make those 12's YOUR 12's what kinda music do you like? but scott him self said the Q's will work out for you.. and hes a stright shooter, say hi to him, hes makin big waves in the car audio world, and jacob from sundown is the man aswell,
  22. jonbearsmt

    Amp search...

    i think if you get a sundown 1500 u will be fine, i think peak on those sx's are 1000watts i think that will make a good daily and you can pick up a B stock from jake at sundown for a very very goood price, if he still has one,
  23. jonbearsmt

    Saz 3000

    i think jake changed the style if heatsink, but for the most part it will be tha same from what i understand the V1 and V2 are still stapable and all that good stuff, i know that jake will have some in his hands in jan, but i donno kno when there gonna be for sale,,, im lookin forwerd to it aswell
  24. jonbearsmt

    Recieved my 1500d

  25. jonbearsmt

    Friends system cuts out

    clipping the amp will make the H/u shut off???/? i have never seen that... but then again i never set my gains at max