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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Line out converters?

    that is a problem too.. try duct tape around the hole, a few layers will insure a seal and when did you put it in your brother truck or what ever??? and how long was it in his truck. if you left it in there for somtime, perhaps he played it hard
  2. jonbearsmt

    Line out converters?

  3. jonbearsmt

    heading overseas again......

    be safe brother our prays will be with you
  4. jonbearsmt

    best amp for a bl 15 fully loaded????

    very true. i have a sundown 3000 for the pair of my bl 15's
  5. jonbearsmt

    Reconing a 15w6?

    well when i cut it up i figured WHO CARES!
  6. jonbearsmt


    im stright chillin i love SSA. and i love you too nick
  7. jonbearsmt

    Cerwin Vega Stroker Pro 12 or Fi BTL 15?

    its very hard to say, it has alot to do with alot..... but i think so.
  8. jonbearsmt

    Cerwin Vega Stroker Pro 12 or Fi BTL 15?

    btl in abig vented and tuned box.
  9. jonbearsmt

    what set up should i use?

    ok so im leaning towards the pair of Q's. wat amp would be a good one. just post some links wehre i could find some, within a reasonable price range. damn dude why are you askin people to do your work? LOOOK... email some people.... try somthin
  10. jonbearsmt

    Cerwin Vega Stroker Pro 12 or Fi BTL 15?

    how much power what kinda box what kinda music... help us help you.
  11. jonbearsmt


    you got it boss
  12. ohhh buddy your so silly. this all started when i made a statement and you had a hard time understanding that just cause you have 4 subs. that 2 subs can AND ARE LOUDER. and not just my subs..... my amps are very nice aswell.... i know your not saying yours are great.. are you..?? so just know that you started it so dont be sad mejo. and i live in a small town, just south of where austin texas .... where termpro is from. so yeah im petty sure thay have it here...... silly silly boy. and for 10 years i havebeen doing this for fun, are you mad? i tryed to help you... and all you wanted to do was THINK that your bad. so you made me post what i had to shut your hole,. i REARLY post what i have, cause its not an issue. i made the statment pay the cost to be the boss cause your tryin to push 2 18's with two cheap hifonics amps..... think about it. how are you gonna try and run two great subs with crap? step your game up is what i was telling you. stack your cash and buy right. but if you try and build your car with small fund expect small results. last but not least. i have taken so much time to respond to your topic why? because want to make you feel small? no cause you remind me alot of my self. i dont know old you are, but the audio you have the car you have and the end result you want was my goal. and i met it. i simply tryed to help you then you called me slim and tryed to say you were beatin louder then i. if you want an amp for those 18's i have one that hifonics 5k goliath. did you just say HALLELUJAH HOLLA BACK lol i hope your makin fun of your self in a nice way. king of the burbs? ..... i like it your funny
  13. jonbearsmt


    i think that bat caps are close to useless.... to me! ok i kinda feel foolish. i have never checked my grounds for ohms...... how should i do that?
  14. jonbearsmt

    15 Fi Bl

    but if you chose the BTL know that you have to bring the power awell, and you will lose some SQ but if your a asshead it will be worth it
  15. jonbearsmt

    phat audio's civic hatch back

    looks nice lets hear it! any vid?
  16. jonbearsmt

    1 sub, 1 amp, 1 hu

    jacob is the man
  17. jonbearsmt

    re cone for a old jl w6 15?

    just like it says, i have an old Jl w6 15 the basket is good, i cut the souround and the spider to pull the sub apart to show my lil brother how it works,...... anyone do a recone with say an fi cone?? or anyother.. or do you think it MAYBE work listin it on ebay for 10 bucks
  18. jonbearsmt

    need a little advice

  19. jonbearsmt

    1 sub, 1 amp, 1 hu

    ok question, do u think the icon/sundown combo.. would compare to a 13w7/jl 1000.1 -- which one is better for SPL/SQ.. overall just comparison. and yes i know, for 500$ -- thats crazy compared to JL's proabably 1500$ price for the w7/1000.1 ALSO, i have a coupe, and the seat does go down, so this will be plenty of power correct? right now i have 2 chitty kenwoods on a rf 600 watt amp, and no aftermarket hu, and it sounds okay loud, but just TRASHY, like it sounds AWFUL. ALSO, my aim is EXCLIIPSE -- if anyone feels they can point me in the correct direction, and no, i dont want any used items. ty tho. the icon is a nice sub many people like them.... the hifonics is crap. sundown amp fosho. and you have to pick a sub!
  20. jonbearsmt

    Line Driver

    it would help. but check and see the input max level for your amp, some are only 4-6 volts input... some are as much as 16
  21. jonbearsmt

    what set up should i use?

    ? ive been looking at the Btl and Q 12". im not sure whether i should go with 2 of those. or 1 15". and wat kind of amp to power everything with. and stay between 700-1000. if you wanna stay with 700-1000 watts you should stay with 2 Q12's or 1 15" Q..... why 700-1000 watts? do you already have an amp you wanna use? whats the reason?
  22. jonbearsmt

    strapped saz1500d output voltage

    2 ohms each amp? or togather
  23. jonbearsmt

    1 sub, 1 amp, 1 hu

    i have allways BOUGHT pioneer.but i have used everything on the market... im sorry every brand pioneer has always been reliabile, easy to use, easy on the eyes, i like the SLA option, i dont like alpine, i have had nothing but bad luck with them. i likes clarion aswell, but i currently run a n2. like johnecon said, email them for the best price, also shop for used ones with warrenty. its worth it! alot of people are talking about the RF amps this year. i have seen a few test results, the ones i seen the amps wont run at 1 ohm. well im a 1 or less ohm kinda guy. but over all the amps are putting up good numbers i have been staying away from punch and kicker amps for like 8 years. but latly thay seem to be doing work. i wont buy one but take it as you will. i like an amp with flexibilty like johnee also said read read read. its power. do whacha do
  24. jonbearsmt

    15 Fi Bl

    i use BL 15's i live them alot. i cant even compare it, caus i have yet to hear 2 15's drop like mine in person. but its hard to tell you as johne said, it all depends on box, who installs it, the car or van suv what ever its in. also the amp has alot to do with it, and last bot not least your electrial backbone. buy a bl 15 and give it true power. dont starve this sub. if you do you wont be happy. with 1500 watts going to it it does not seem to break a sweat. i used to run jl thay would move 2 or 3 inches to make bass. and the Fi seems to bearly MOVE. but makes so much more noise. what kinda amp were u thinking
  25. jonbearsmt

    1 sub, 1 amp, 1 hu

    is that what you have heard in someone elses ride and liked? well the w7 to ME is over priced,. and the 1000/1 is a great amp but you can find other amps that will a great job for the same price,. i would do a single FI BTL or BL 12 in a large tuned and vented box on a sundown 1500 and i like pioneer H/u's again thats me but eitherway.. with a 1500 sundown or a 1000/1 you would need to do 0 gauge and the big three.