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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    ssa people

    i have never ihoped. and i was happy to have ben at 500 yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhh
  2. jonbearsmt

    SPL 12 issue

    i had a jl w7 13 that i did the wall socket test on..... i seen jl audio do it in a demo... and i tryed it... very crazy to watch,... i did it free ait aswell... burps of maybe 2 seconds.. i showed all my friends i must have burped that thing 15 times. then i sold it!
  3. jonbearsmt

    My OTHER expensive hobby:

    what state is that zip line in.. thats very nice country
  4. topic says it all. i have a 3000 watt sundown, how mnay runs of 0 gauge should i make, i have one run now. ill run up to 3 runs of need be i have 3 yellow tops and 2 bl 15's
  5. i have three kinds of sealed 6 pack type cells.... one red top, i got it for the motor start.. but i have it in the back for now.. not sure why.. and i have a yellow top and then i have a diffrent brand, 6 pack.. its 1300 cca's ... the red i think it like 600 and the yellow is 800??? red for crank, yellow for secondary in the rear, and then i have the amp going stight to the big boy.
  6. jonbearsmt

    sundown 3000 watt how many runs of 0 gauge?

    ill take pics and post them of what i did. other peoples maybe PRETTY but mine works,,, im not one for making wires pretty,,,
  7. im a saz owner....... and i run slightly below one ohm, no problems, with a strong back bone. with my car running i never dip below 13.0 unless my a/c is on. a/c headlights, and saz runnin im at 12.8
  8. jonbearsmt

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    and that aint no joke..... but if you wanna do it... you have TO DO IT>.. i mean spend a lil more... do it right.. and reap the benifits ya dig?
  9. jonbearsmt

    sundown 3000 watt how many runs of 0 gauge?

    are you messing with me???? yeah thers a ring term, then wire, and then another ring term......... you have 237 post..... u must be messing with me
  10. jonbearsmt

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    the one BTL will sound like 2 of your friends 15's i asure you
  11. jonbearsmt

    sundown 3000 watt how many runs of 0 gauge?

    we were talking about runs from the front cells to the rear cells.
  12. jonbearsmt

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    just to let ya know....... m5 is just ..... how can i say it,.... hes a good guy... and he will allways help you set up an active set up. or give you advice anywhere else... it may sound rude... but its just to the point and fast,,,,, but hes a good guy, undertone or not
  13. so allways hear people talk about how there dust cap is warm is it normal blah blah... and then say some or one is warmer then tha other......... but i never see people ask how hot is too hot!>? i know it will be warm just knowing how a sub works i know it will be warm... mine arnt too hot.. i dont think they are!
  14. jonbearsmt

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    Not at all what this poster wants. He just wants loud. I would guess that the OP coudn't tell the difference between 40hz and 60hz and will be fine with a one note wonder. Just get the damn BTL's, port them, and continue to pretend they have good SQ and be happy. actually its exactly what i want and yes i do konw the difference between a high note and a low note...but thanks for the checkup i guess... If you think I am wrong perhaps you could explain your magical front stage that is going to blend well with a high powered BTL in a ported box. . man man if you know of one i want it!!!!!!!!!!!!! share with us fawlker
  15. jonbearsmt

    How strong is the Nightshade Cone?

    so my chick didnt see the big deal...... so i cut up a jl W6 and had her stand on it....shes 160 lbs... it crushed like a soda can!... she understands now!... i would have done the standing but im near 400 lbs! i dont think even the nightshade can stand my weight
  16. jonbearsmt

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    thats stright up from FI... thats why i like them boys... thay shoot stright...... and yeah the set up will be NICE>>>>>>. way better then the ABs you had...... why the btls??
  17. jonbearsmt

    dust cover is warm... how hot is too hot?

    i hear that.. like i said i dont think im clipping, and if i am its just a hair,..... and as stated,. 10 years of playing with audio and i allways tune by ear. and i have never blown a sub!.
  18. jonbearsmt

    amp//box//ohm information for 15in. BTL

    if you plan on getting another sub later down the line yes.
  19. jonbearsmt

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    Not at all what this poster wants. He just wants loud. I would guess that the OP coudn't tell the difference between 40hz and 60hz and will be fine with a one note wonder. Just get the damn BTL's, port them, and continue to pretend they have good SQ and be happy. actually its exactly what i want and yes i do konw the difference between a high note and a low note...but thanks for the checkup i guess... and the manufacturer calls for a ported box on the assumption the buyer wants an spl sub...and i know for a fact no one has ever put every sub theyve had in a manuf. sugg. box...if they did, there would be no such thing as a custom enclosure, or am i mistakin when thinkin a custom box is fabricated to meet the unique 'custom' desires of the buyer ...who knows...but theres alot of doubt in this and i love provin folks wrong so maybe i will maybe i wont lol...who knows... and as far as a fart box goes...i was under the impression that the fart/burp was the sound that is generated from the sub in a db drag...not that it refered to the trunk rattle...i could care less if my trunk rattles i mean hell its gunna have 4000kw throwin sound right at it, as long as it sounds good in my car, im fine. and i listen to southern rap which hits alot of pitches despite popular belief, rock, a lotta country, neo soul and r&b...pretty ecclectic in my music choices... the manufature makes the suggestion of a ported box for a SPL reasons..... CAUSE IT A SPL SUB!!!!! you would not put 87 octane in your airplane would you???? nah you would put in airplane fuel.... because its an airplane... and thats the kinda fuel airplanes take.
  20. jonbearsmt

    Mono 2ch 4ch

    hifonics amps are not that great for alot of reasons... the lanzar amp that i told you about... is diffrent from tha one o boy trashed..... true the opti is not in the same class as a saz 3000d but its not as bad as tha other lanzar lines.. infact i onnce posted asging about the opti 6000 and the 4 k people had alot to say about it. the people who used it liked it for the price...... i say this all tha time... you have to pay the cost to be the boss. i did a 3kw budget build. subs, 2 15' fi bls 600$ tuned custom box 300$ sundown saz 3000d 700 power cells 250 wires and acc 300
  21. jonbearsmt

    Kicker zx2500.1

    dont do hifonoics..... u can get away with a SAz 1500d with those bls and you will be happy i would say a saz 3000 but price seems to be a little bit of an issue
  22. jonbearsmt

    amp//box//ohm information for 15in. BTL

    o chit... what i ment, was... are the dual 2 ohm fis... really 2 ohms a VC...... because the the fi dual 1 ohms,are not 1 ohm each VC.... thay are dual 0.70
  23. jonbearsmt

    amp//box//ohm information for 15in. BTL

    are the ohm fi's 2 ohm cause the fi 1 ohms are not 1 ohm.
  24. jonbearsmt

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    yeah i wanna know who the hell told this guy that the BTLS are perfect for SQ!!!!! and secondly.. when the specs for a sub call for a ported box why would you think you know whats better for the sub the men who make them//??????? and its plain to see that you dont know all about the BL SSD A Q. other wise you would know that one of the otehr subs is what you need..... infact it sounds like you need the Q's..... and it makes my head spin when you say you want 2 BTLS in a HIGE sealed box,.. but you dont wanna make your trunk fart...... you put BTLS in a car.. you better know that your car WILL rattel and BTLs are not a fancy jensen sub. you need a true 2000 watts PER sub... with 2000 watts on each BTL there is NO WAY around it. why do you THINK you need BTLs... and im guess your a music kinda guy.... u listen to rap??? cause if so there is no sounds to make quality.