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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Official: Show Off Your Shots Thread!!

  2. jonbearsmt

    18 BL owners.. help!

    i think its 27 meters.
  3. jonbearsmt

    I got suspended form school today.

    well i am glad to hear that you get good greads and that you have no plans to quit. acollege is a great way to plan for a future. but im guessing that you have already figured out that your 18 and that means in the eyes of the law you are an adult responabe for your actions... sounds like depending on the kidds parents on if you may even have a law suit on your hands.... in my day you got your ass whoped and you sucked it up and learned a lesson... these days you cry about it and go on court TV.
  4. jonbearsmt

    I got suspended form school today.

    brother... doing installs is not a promiesing job, alot of guys dont make good money doing it...... i know all about the car audio fever... i got it around the time i was 13. im 25 now. but this website for someone in school should really be a HOME ONLY. deal. my lil brother is the same way, hes all into mustangs... hes not worried about learning car audio cause he thinks ill allways do it for him... anyway.... my lil brother sits on mustang fourms allday at school. as soon as his greads fell. we have a talk. and then he got his chit togather, and what ever what ever. my point is.. its 2008, an education is key. in the old day it didnt matter much... i say the old days.. the deal is.. now days its hard to work anywhere with out a GED or a diploma... and dont say that you can go anytime and get your GEd, cause its NOT true. once you get a job, and bills and what ever else grown life comes with... you WILL have no time or DRIVE to get it. I KNOW its a fact
  5. jonbearsmt

    I got suspended form school today.

    whoa whoa.... calm down yall... hey lil buddy.... u dont need to be so quick to grow up man.... your the age where your JOB is to go to school.... not get a job to save up for car audio........ you need to go to school and do well.. and then when your done.. then you get a GOOD JOB... and you pay your bills while you plan for a system..... car audio is not the world......... if you are INTO it big time.. then get your schoolin done with and then follow your dreams... but fighting and chit is NOT the way... i know because thats what i did... i quick school to get a job and a place. and i moved away from home when i was 16. not a good plan..
  6. jonbearsmt

    I got suspended form school today.

    how old are you buddy
  7. jonbearsmt

    any plans for a sundown 5k?

    i jumpstart 18wheelers with my car when my none of my wreckers will
  8. jonbearsmt

    Can the BL sound decent for daily

    the bls are responive, with my sub turned down, it sound very nice, with all music. and mine are 15's from my past subs, not alot of 15's dont respond to well
  9. jonbearsmt

    any plans for a sundown 5k?

    how much are these deals you speak of!
  10. jonbearsmt

    any plans for a sundown 5k?

    thats why i love sundown.... such a flexable amp!..... not only that its sexy as hell. and jacob is the man when it comes to keeping people happy.....
  11. jonbearsmt

    Buying a meter

    damn,.... i kinda wann a buy one now.... i donno if i can wait........ chit 21 days... i donnnoooo..... i think im gonna wait
  12. jonbearsmt

    any plans for a sundown 5k?

    run a saz 3000d at 16 volts and 1 ohms shazam a 5000 watt amp
  13. jonbearsmt

    Problem with order

    sounds like it gonna be sweet. what kinda car or suv is it? i blew my first amp within seconds.... lol then i sent it off to be repaied.... i waited 10 months with no subs!...... so i said screw it and i bought a sundown... im still waiting for my other amp to get repard by the way. but man. it ws still worth all tha waiting when i cranked those FI's up for the firsts time longer then a min.
  14. jonbearsmt

    Buying a meter

    same problem i had... i looked around.. and the only ones i could find peak out at like 135 Db... chit ......... i know im louder then that! did you buy it yet?????/ keep me updated.
  15. jonbearsmt


    i found someone with a TL..... soon we will see where i stand among men
  16. jonbearsmt

    Problem with order

    NO NO NO you placed the order on the 19th.... THEN YOU CHANGE IT...... on the 22nd regardless, your subs are worth even a 30 day wait..... most companys you will never see your sub for 2 months maybe more. when i ordered mine i think it took 15 bizz days. but i know how you feel.. exited,.. jonesin..
  17. jonbearsmt

    Buying a meter

    i once seen tha chit aswell..... it reminds me of the HORSPOWER PLUG IN BOX..... you know the one you buy on ebay and it tells to slice it into your MAS sensor and all it does it make you check engine light come on!... and if you open the box it its have a simple resistor.
  18. jonbearsmt


    People fear what they don't know...... and of what thay dont understand....... that is so true......
  19. jonbearsmt

    0 gauge wire

    i get it on ebay/
  20. jonbearsmt

    Problem with order

    dude its the 3rd,.. so it has been like 5 biz days.
  21. jonbearsmt

    New Toy

    damn i wished i lived in or near dallas
  22. alright calm down.. i know the SQ guys are all worked up with sand in thair clams right about now.... i want better sound in my car.. i have some highs and mids but not enough.. i wanna get a cleaner sound. i have 2 bl 15's on a saz 3000d. and then i have 2 sets of 5x7 alpine typr R comps in the doors and in the rear deck. it sounds good at mid to low volume, but when i turn it up to higher volumes the tweeters are steal sounding and the word are ran over a bit by the subs.. its not THAT bad.. if you watch some of my vids you can see that some songs are better then others ...... some sound good.. and then other songs are just blah... i know 5x7s are junk.. and i know that alpine type R comps are not the best.... tell me what ya think i should run.... im not sure on depth in the front. and i listen to rap...... but i want to be able to throw in what ever i want and have it sound decent.
  23. jonbearsmt

    1 fully loaded btl d1 2 1500ds @ 2 ohm

    if you wanna get a one ohm load on each sub you would get d2's.......... i dont do much strapping... so i cant help you any further then that,....
  24. jonbearsmt

    Is This enough power for a 15in BL

    get a better amp. yes you can mount a cell in the rear o yeah and do the big three before anything
  25. jonbearsmt

    1 fully loaded btl d1 2 1500ds @ 2 ohm

    so you wanna be at 1 ohm or 2 at the amp?