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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Alternator question

    1500 watts depending on how you play.. maybe fine with a OEM alt and a bigg cell under the hood. with a nice fat power wire..... IMO.... but a second cell never hurts either....
  2. jonbearsmt

    1 or 2 btl 18s for 4000watts

    i think that 1 btl will take that that kinda power... .. and it wont be a full 4k.. it will be 3k or so... i would say a pair of 18 inch BL's
  3. jonbearsmt

    hi Fi - Can you get back to me?

    when i get shit from canada it simply sucked!.... it took 2-3 months..... customs is a bitch..... i even marked my box as lett then 10 bucks in value... it still got cought up...
  4. jonbearsmt

    Battery saver?

    falkin pontiac.......... my only other thought is that... while playing... for 5 mins or so.. with the music on.. headlights and the a/c you will depleate your batts...... because the alt puts out a fraction of the amps it dose while driving
  5. jonbearsmt

    kicker solo x 18...

    are you sure.... i thought it was 2500 each voice coil........ either way... . i just sold my hifonics goliath, 5000 watts....... to a man with 2 solo x 18's he had tryed many amps.... the only other one besides the hifonics was the MOJO 4k
  6. jonbearsmt

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    lol you really thought i ment next door.... nevermind.
  7. jonbearsmt

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    sounds like im gonna open a shop next door to yours
  8. jonbearsmt

    Replacing 2 BTL 12's with 2 lvl 5 15's

    why?????/ why do you think that YOU should get inside info on the them???? out of all the poeple that email asking about them why do you think that your on the top 10??? you spent a 1000 with fi... ok... that means you bought a PAIR OF SUBS...... ME TOO>. dont mean im an insider... are you on team FI??? have you directly effected the income on fi like steve has?????? NOPE i hear that you may push FI if thay treated you better... but damn... what other sub to you sell that plays like a fi?
  9. jonbearsmt

    Replacing 2 BTL 12's with 2 lvl 5 15's

    damn why did they treat you poorly? yeah tell us
  10. jonbearsmt

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    Wow. Pretty logical idea to buy a sub based on how it looks. Maybe you should sell your Fi's and get some A-bombs. There is a protocol for communication that if you follow you will get a response as well. :( Hmm... well lets see.. if you FULLY read my post you will see it says "Scott or no one is replying to my emails" and therefore i feel that after I already spent about $1,000 on speakers I would at least get the decency of a returned email or something, beings i was going to be ordering some new ones when my questions got answered... but i get nothing in return, worst $1K ever waisted in my life (customer service is supposed to be 100% in my book).. but just like every other high-end company out there, all they care about is the dollar from the consumer your stupid. fi is SOOOO FUGGGGIIINNN BUSY... its just a few men with a load of work and personal shit to do ..... i run fi... i allways stay calm and wait.... i allways get my emails back........ what kinda work do you do???? i know at my work most time the customer are JERK OFFS
  11. jonbearsmt

    this song hits pretty hard

    that song does knock..... its an older song now... but i may have vid of it some where.... im tuned a little differnt then the Hz played in this song.
  12. jonbearsmt

    Ball and Chain!

  13. jonbearsmt

    Future Amplifiers

    thats what the gain is for
  14. jonbearsmt

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    lol I really don't see anything funny. You could have kept your mouth shut for that much. I do notice a slight difference in the basket. lol your a funny funny BOY... i laugh at FUNNY BOYS..........and you know what you can do with your mouth
  15. jonbearsmt

    4 Mj 18s in My Caprice wagon

    what are your goals with this clam shell... i mean are you doing the 4 mj's to please the eye.. or are you trying to do spl or street beat?? and what amp do you plan on..... 28 hrz is very very low for music. are you sure?
  16. jonbearsmt

    What motorcycle is this?

    yeah buddy... thats a bad ass bike... and im not even into bikes.... the only reason i know is my best friend is all into them.. he has a jixer.. i donno ho wto spell that either... i towed a hybusa one time... and indeed a very fast rocket
  17. jonbearsmt

    What motorcycle is this?

    jixers big brother hibusa...... i cant spell it.. but impretty sure thats what it is.... an hibusa
  18. jonbearsmt

    SSD vs ICON

    i seen that lol
  19. i talk to a guy that has a lincoln towncar, a 95 i think.. any how hes a impulse buyer.... he states that the tornado works, add 4 miles to the gal the cold air intake while gives more power makes the fuel milage very bad and i want to know what K&N filter stands in all this
  20. jonbearsmt

    you know the guy who spends $1200 on his car

    and this is not a new law... sound laws have allways been around.
  21. jonbearsmt

    SSD vs ICON

    thats funny
  22. jonbearsmt

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    i havent seen steve talk about re doing his truck so im sure its gonna be a drop in..... he has 4 btl 18's now... im sure thay are gonne be pulled out and sold....... and the new ones will make a man smile.
  23. jonbearsmt

    E8 Pre-Order / Intro Sale

    this maybe my replacement for my kicker 8 in my wrecker....