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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    wsup with the BL

    i seen a post a few weeks ago where two newbs were telling one another that the Q was way better then the bl..... it was like a lame ass circle jerk of hear say and confusion. i was gonna say somthing but i figure hey the mods USED TO CHANGE PEOPLES POST WHEN SOMEONE MADE A MISLEADIN POST... but now most of them just jugde people.... what im sayin is perhaps he read that post... and steped away feeling confused and jerked. i like my bl's.... thay throw down on anything from elvis to bonecrusher
  2. jonbearsmt

    FI BL

    did you already by that amp........
  3. jonbearsmt

    hifonics goliath

    alright heres a few vids a goliath 12 that i tossed a jl 500/1 on just to see what it would do after i fixed the basket with JB weld. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...videoid=9305477 http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...videoid=9304559
  4. alright i wanna make my lincoln have a little rumble to it,.... not alot... but i do wanna hear it just a touch, i was thinking maybe a 50 series..... i know nothing about mufflers... my car has duals with an H pipe and dual res, i want a little smooth rumble at idol... and a little touch of muscle/class as i leavem, i got a qoute from a shop today 485.......
  5. jonbearsmt

    Another 2nd batt question

    yeah buddy... good man sizzon. good man....
  6. jonbearsmt

    The Lady

    anything besides fast food and retail, very knowledgeable on computers and automobiles, i might just go to school somewhere out there too, it all depends. only past work i have done is for my parents hot shot business. well im a driver aswell... have your parents start a hotshot here! you and me we already have two drivers!
  7. jonbearsmt

    3kw @ 26hz = Bad Idea =(

    im gonna need that song aswell.... jonbearsmt on yahoo
  8. jonbearsmt

    hifonics goliath

    yeah its a plasic bagg... someone should take this sub off my hands.
  9. jonbearsmt

    The Lady

    depends what you wanna do my friend, also what kinda work you have done in the past, also... you said your gonan look for a cheap place to live IN A COLLEGE RIVER TOWN..
  10. wow you could have really smoked that amp
  11. jonbearsmt

    3kw @ 26hz = Bad Idea =(

    lol like i said else where you may be the first person to blow a shade, what song was it!!!!!
  12. jonbearsmt

    Happy Birthday ANeonRider !!!!

    happy birthday to you sir
  13. jonbearsmt

    Another 2nd batt question

    i dont promote issolators what kinda 3500 watt amp are you talkin
  14. knock that bass boost down too...... and what are your setting on your h/u.....
  15. jonbearsmt

    wrecks wrecks wrecks

    im glad to know that atleast 1 person here knows what i go thru day after day. night after night, call after call.
  16. jonbearsmt

    1 or 2 btl 18s for 4000watts

    dont seal those bls
  17. sure it would.... .wheres your bass boost.
  18. i did it once... a spark.. no smoke... but then again.. i didnt have the - hooked up.. so it was just power in the wrong slot...
  19. jonbearsmt

    The Lady

    buddy! you have to let me know when your intown...... and AGE WILL TELL YOU GET OFF 60 BUCKS AND GET A ROOM! hays co is looking for you guy!
  20. + into the -..... whats your gain like do you think your clipping
  21. check your subs... make sure all the wires are still hooked up... .to me it sounds like perhaps its below the ohm threshold. your ground is not bif enough imo and its never good to wire it ass backwerds.... but i have done it...
  22. jonbearsmt

    Noob from California.

    very nice welcome.
  23. jonbearsmt

    12" Fi BL Meterd

    well dont you think that is dumb ass question is no longer funny once everyone on the planet ask it........
  24. jonbearsmt

    flying back to the us

    well are you talking about staying at 13.6 at idle or while driving? with the a/c on or off with the headlights on? heated seats... there are so many veribials. i have one saz 3000d.... sitting at a stoplight for more then 1 mins. with the headlights on and a/c on.. no music playing at all im at 12. ur my screens heated seats and lights and s/c im near 11. but i can RUN ALL THAT... while wangin running down the road at 13.6. your saying you never wanna dip below 13.6... well you need a power plant... your gonna need 3 alts, 24 powermaster cells. and a big wallet