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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    doing a job for a cheap ass

    its a 96 i think ur a donk cop i know.. everyone here is.. FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME..... that is my trailer...... and its location location location. if you wanna go stack for stack we can do that. he thinks hes loud your right about that you know u like his car,.
  2. jonbearsmt

    doing a job for a cheap ass

    your losted
  3. jonbearsmt

    powermaster xs

    thanks for your time scottie, i have alot of devices in my car, tvs, dvd players, tons of lights, and THE A/C..... i have a 200 amp alt, but i would rather not count on it to be there when my amps have depleted. sooo i think im gonna go with 1 d3100 for now... with plans for another in the future. scottie, cranking cells, im guessing that the d series is a quick discharge.... or a rapid flow, so is there any gain of getting a powermaster starter cell? or its it gonna be the same as running a red or a yellow top?
  4. jonbearsmt

    2 batteries

    frontcell ...fuse........fuse....rear cell........fuse...distro+ some people do it the way you stated for the - but i just ran double 0 gauge from the frame to the rear cell..... and then 0 gauge upfront from front cell to the front frame
  5. jonbearsmt

    To whom it may concern

    here are some pics from ray......from his top secret build.....
  6. jonbearsmt

    Even newer guy from Texas

    o my.. lots of texas members today... where abouts are you from in texas welcome!
  7. jonbearsmt

    New guy from Texas

    hey now welcome. im in texas too. where abouts are ya from
  8. jonbearsmt

    ascendant audio soft parts

    TA DA
  9. jonbearsmt

    ascendant audio soft parts

    i have never seen nick or scott avoid anyone...... ANYONE>.. so dont take shit so personal
  10. jonbearsmt

    ascendant audio soft parts

    god damn dood.. what makes you think that nick or scott have even been on today!.......... i have yet to see either one.
  11. jonbearsmt

    i think i have a bad cell

    thats funny. i have been thinking about getting the biggest SUV ever made Excursion with mulitiple 18" subs? you got it!... i think just 2 18
  12. jonbearsmt

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    the whole thing about this question was my box tuned to high to do a hair trick or move air, or was it just to close to the hatch? if you didnt think this was a logical question then what are you doing reading it? my tape messure went MIA, so i dont have the demension jus yet FYI: I didnt buy this sub for sq, i bought this sub for SPL. obviously if theres no air moving theres no PL. correct me if i am wrong. OK, you're wrong. In my street A car, there wasn't any air moving, but it was loud. I have a feeling either your driver is port starved, or has too big of a port. On top of that fart boxes generally don't do hair tricks, I believe if you ask around the people doing hair tricks in a daily vehicle will be tuned in the mid-to-high 30's. 33hrz here doin hair tricks in a trunked car
  13. jonbearsmt

    i think i have a bad cell

    thats funny. i have been thinking about getting the biggest SUV ever made
  14. get with chris at DB-r in texas.. im sure he can fix it.
  15. jonbearsmt


    welcome wolcome wobble wobble
  16. jonbearsmt

    Happy birthday jacob

    nah lol mid 20's i was just fudgein wit him lol thats what i thought...
  17. jonbearsmt

    Happy birthday jacob

    jacob is 40!.... well shit brother happy birthday
  18. jonbearsmt

    To whom it may concern

    stetsom 7kd!!!!!!!!!! ray... how are you gonna turn me on to sundown then use stetsoms! great numbers did u put up that 150 in that crx?
  19. jonbearsmt

    powermaster should have a fourm

    i told my chick that powermaster should have a fourm out of no where... she laughed at me of course because she had no clue what i was talking about it...... but i offten say that to my self, im weird i guess. but thay should really have a fourm. i have alot of questions.
  20. jonbearsmt

    powermaster should have a fourm

    im glad i said somthing
  21. jonbearsmt

    i think i have a bad cell

    i was thinking that.... cause when im wangin my meter flexs you can see the numbers go up and and down postion inside its case.... but then again i have to say all my cells were 40% charged......... so i donno what im gonna do! i hate to start throwing money at the problem. has anyone ever seen a long bolt added to a alt,, to that i can stack 0 gauge rings off of the output post.
  22. jonbearsmt

    powermaster should have a fourm

    Yep, he is Scottie Johnson - you know, the guy with the really loud SPL vans He works for Powermaster. bad ass! the 170 and up guy... great while i have you both here... http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...c=18912&hl=
  23. jonbearsmt

    i think i have a bad cell

    i said i know that you do alot of research... i said that....... but you have also been known to buy things from those company because thay told you to... dont take the wrong way.. and when you wire solenoids like you stated... when one goes bad you dont know witch one is faulty.. from what i have read you must replace them alll.. same as with people who have hydro on thair cars.
  24. jonbearsmt

    powermaster should have a fourm

    scottie your from power master?
  25. jonbearsmt

    powermaster should have a fourm

    this is bad ass.... SSA GROWING STONG