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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    does anybody know?

    from what i understand thay are waiting on mags.
  2. jonbearsmt

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    then make your own cups....... im gonna lift one of the limos with the last item i posted ill show you.
  3. jonbearsmt

    Thanks to all you guys

    buy my bls!
  4. jonbearsmt


    is it a 12 volt system.... the link does not work for me.
  5. jonbearsmt

    FI BL 15

    Well its a VERY sensitive issue, under controlled testing, with the exact same power, and with the same box(proportionately) the larger sub will be "louder" i know it is.. thats why i didnt say that you were wrong or that that is not true... only that I disagree. but if you use the same sub and the same power in a test then yes the 18 would prolly be louder.. but like you said... apples and limons.
  6. jonbearsmt

    solenoid wiring

    ill have to try and do that... anyone else?
  7. jonbearsmt

    solenoid wiring

    im messing more and more with limos.... and my new challenge is solenoid wiring... i have never been into solenoids but now it seems i must! ill take pics if you guys think you can help.
  8. jonbearsmt

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    what size tire are you running... i run a 265 35 22 its a lil thick.. but texas roads are kinda wild.
  9. jonbearsmt

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    i use this.... http://universalcarlifts.com/index.php?cPath=30_98 http://universalcarlifts.com/index.php?cPath=30_31_32_33_54 these will work for you pick your hight with these http://universalcarlifts.com/index.php?cPath=30_31_32_33_58 cheapest way is somthing like this... http://www.autozone.com/R,373332/store,130...oductDetail.htm
  10. jonbearsmt

    FI BL 15

    i do not agree with a sub being louder on cone area alone. i love my bls.
  11. jonbearsmt

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    those suck... for manyreasons thay will slip out.... and thay still give... so its kinda like a lose lose lost type deal i have to run now but ill post what you should get later.
  12. jonbearsmt

    will this bumb??

    im a son of a bumper.
  13. jonbearsmt

    limo company

    http://www.rslimo.com website fosho
  14. jonbearsmt

    limo company

    if it was in the budget i would buddy.. but as it is were not able to pay people.. i wish i was able to pay for help as im sure you can see i need it! whens that hoggie comming in?
  15. jonbearsmt

    solenoid wiring

    lemme ask anyone this..... in this pic... what are the yellow links for.... should thay even be? if what im understanding is correct the input on the right is opened and shut by either a ground switch or a hot switch.. (one of the small post) to let the flow go out the post on the left .. the out if you will... is this correct?
  16. jonbearsmt

    FI BL 15

    its very thick wire.... wire is named by gauge..... 14-12 gauge is normaly speaker wire type.... and 10-0/4 is power wire.... its a measurment,
  17. jonbearsmt

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    you're pucking retarded arent you? we know about you and pap. we dont care, bud. its not all about throwing 10kw on a sub. dude you need to chill out.... LB is a good member who has valued info... i dont think he was disrespecting the op at all... i think you read it with hate in you self..... and to be honest i think hes under powerin it aswell... nothing wrong with that.. i would just like to see full out put from those subs as im sure LB wanted aswell...... and 10k is alot of current to throw at a sub.. when you do it then you can talk down.... till then try to add somthing to the thread. as for the picture of him what are you trying to prove that hes older then you are... thats right he is.. why dont you take a page from his book and make your self a better installer or evern car audio fan.... thats it im done.
  18. jonbearsmt

    Electrical help

    lol. I don't think I'd need something like that.. whats the point of the sealed batteries? is it so they dontlet of gass? yeah gases are the #1 and then also leakege... some cells when played hard or charged fast will boil over for lack of a better term and if a cell were to some how tip over and leak,... ooo nooooo you dont want that.. shizzon.. those sounds like some bad ass cells is that what your using? Which of the Battery Direct ones would you use? I will see if my dad can get a quote for me. I guess I'd buy all the wiring and stuff from KnuKonceptz? or on ebay.. or at a welding supply store.....
  19. jonbearsmt

    Electrical help

    lol. I don't think I'd need something like that.. whats the point of the sealed batteries? is it so they dontlet of gass? yeah gases are the #1 and then also leakege... some cells when played hard or charged fast will boil over for lack of a better term and if a cell were to some how tip over and leak,... ooo nooooo you dont want that.. shizzon.. those sounds like some bad ass cells is that what your using?
  20. jonbearsmt

    limo company

    i dont understand why it has a dual alt with no where to put all that curent... only one crappy ass 800 cca duracrap, the problem is witch to start on... thay are all in need of desprit attention. the only reason for a solenoid is so that everything in the rear can be powered up with one switch.... so that while no one is back there the drive can cut everything off and on.. when people get in... other wise i would just throw a cell in the rear and do it up... but i have to really think this out... cause there is soooo many wires... i would have to re route everything...
  21. jonbearsmt

    Electrical help

    Front cell? Why would I need a front cell? I want the second alt to charge the stereo bat(s) only. http://www.orioncaraudio.com/Support/Manua...ual%2047410.pdf you dont need to do that but in that case ---fuse----------fuse------- alt all a distro block will so is bottle neck your power flow. looks like you should run atleast 100 ah IMO
  22. jonbearsmt

    Electrical help

    amp+-------- fuse-------- (rearcell) ---fuse--------------------fuse---front cell---alt amp+--------fuse---------(rear cell) see what im sayin year send that manual
  23. jonbearsmt

    Electrical help

    D122000 thats a killer one! 200 a/h im not sure how much draw your amp has nor what it requires
  24. jonbearsmt

    Little Sundown System

    yeah those tri boxs wernt made for huge power... yall are gonna do a single 8?
  25. jonbearsmt

    Electrical help

    you dont need a distro block...... you have two + wires... fuse them and take them to the rear cell... you have 2 - wires... take them to the cell... no need for distros.