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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Fi BL setup help

    i think its 90 amp max output... so i would replace the cell under the hood, to the big three. do a run of 0 and watch your voltage if its dipping low then get another cell for the trunk
  2. jonbearsmt

    Amp over heating

    well 2 hours is a long time... how much air flow is around the amp.
  3. jonbearsmt

    Fi BL setup help

    how many amps is your oem alt.
  4. jonbearsmt

    Wut up

    i did not see any battery ups.
  5. jonbearsmt

    Does anyone have a JL Audio w1v2 sub?

    i used to own ALOT of jl subs and amps..... i never kept the w/0's or w1's.... i allways leaned more to the W3's and w6's always sealed.
  6. jonbearsmt

    FI.SSD 15'' Or Fi.SSD 18'' Please Help!!!&

    no.... it should go in one of the MANY clipping topics.... we need to help this young man decide.
  7. jonbearsmt

    What would you do with 100k tax free dollars?

    college fund, thats funny to read, my parents never even talked to me about college....
  8. jonbearsmt

    FI.SSD 15'' Or Fi.SSD 18'' Please Help!!!&

    the same person thats gonna clip a 15 is gonna clip an 18. the 18 inch bl would take alot of space.. thats a tiny car.
  9. jonbearsmt

    FI.SSD 15'' Or Fi.SSD 18'' Please Help!!!&

    i dont understand that..... use an 18 cause you will just blow a 15........ if hes gonna blow the 15 he will blow the 18.
  10. if all is well where did the smoke come from?
  11. what kind and size are the two amps? i ground to the frame, along with t he big three it is a great ground. sounds like your amps are toast now huh ?
  12. jonbearsmt

    32 Sundown E8's build

    hows this build going?
  13. jonbearsmt

    FI.SSD 15'' Or Fi.SSD 18'' Please Help!!!&

    i dont think you have the space for an 18.... well maybe sealed..... also what do you have inmind for power? also if your more into slp with a music base, i would go with the BL. it hammers hard and sounds fine on most music IMO. but you would have to run a ported box for a bl... to be honest in a little car like that 1 15 is gonna give you everything you want,. the last thing is WHY do you want an 18.. it seems to me like your only reason is so that you can say "i have an 18"
  14. jonbearsmt

    Random Question

    let them name them selfs.
  15. jonbearsmt


    hey there.. where from.
  16. jonbearsmt

    Random Question

    i allways thought it was F.... I audio.
  17. jonbearsmt


    who said the BTL is made to run in a sealed box?
  18. jonbearsmt

    Door Panels with E8s

    man i wanna move back to NC....... i lived in flat rock for a second.
  19. jonbearsmt

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    WHATS THIS!?!?!?!?!!?!? ooooo yeeeeaaaahhhhh its that 50 foot of 0 gauge that i ordered. so the question is..... should i make one more run... and that will make 2 runs of 0 gauge....... or make 2 more runs... to make 3 runs of 0 gauge??????? lemme know what yall think.
  20. jonbearsmt

    Back pack speakers

    i think teachers should be paid as much as judges. maybe then.... maybe....
  21. jonbearsmt

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    jacob your gonna make me buy a van or an suv..... my chick is not gonna like you much longer!
  22. so yesterday, i got a call from a guy i know, telling me that he had a guy that was gonna blow my doors off my car.... so i said ok. so today i text him and ask if were still on..... he met me at the limo shop.. and i started talkin to the guy my questions to him BEFORE 1. so your sponsored by kicker? A. yup. ok lets start, he opens his back hatch... rolls all his windowns down... folds his back seats down... then ask me to see mine.... i pop my truck and he says.. .oh shit. so he says who was to go first....... i dont give a shit.. so i turn it. i did not pick a song.. i just turned it up. so then we went.... he asked his friend "what track was it!" i tell him awww yall even picked a song alright alright.. he played his... it had some drive to it.. but NO NO LOWS so i tell him let me play the same cd in my car! i take his cd.. put it on the same track... and let it play.... air was pumping shit was flexin.. then the limo line rings... its the lady accross the street behind the shop. she said her pictures on the walls are shakin and stuff is ratteling. so i ask the lady HOLD ON HOLD ON>.. let me play it two more times and let me ask you witch is louder. she agrees with some ass kissing. so we play his truck........ then we play my car... ... she said mine was much louder AND THEN>> A GLASS FELL OFF HER SELF AND BUSTED> so i went over and gave her 20 bucks and a hug... i ate that fools lunch. so i aksed him a few questions afterwerd. 1. what are you tuned to? A. umm what do you mean... " i explain" he sais ohhh umm i think 60... 2. he asked me if i do shows... i told him no.. he told me how many shows he does... SO I ASKED HIM HOW MANY DBS IS THIS TRUCK? A. he says whats do you mean? "gain i explain" he says i donno. 3. so your sponsored? A. well i bought the truck like this.. and the lady i bought it from works at kicker,. and when i blow a sub or an amp thay send me a new one free......... WHAT A JERK OFF. thats not me in the picture sundown FTW
  23. jonbearsmt

    kickin ass and breakin glass.....

    yeah but there is a big difference between stupity and ignorance.(well not so big really) stupid can't be fixed, but ignorance can be remedied with the gain of knowledge, thats all Bubba needs. Some learnin.. i think its the other way around
  24. jonbearsmt

    kickin ass and breakin glass.....

    like i said he has no idea what DB's even were!.... i wish i would have filmed it... it was so funny got into his truck.. selected a track.. then turned his h/u bass +12 or somthing then rolled the volume up those subs were clipping like barber, his lights on his EQ just dimmed right away..... no H/o alt.. no second cell... but he did have 1 cap that worked and one cap that did not.
  25. jonbearsmt

    kickin ass and breakin glass.....

    Oh God no. lol i know.. but we must stop this mainstream madness! it was weird man.. i think hes from mexico but his name is bubba.