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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    autotek 4000.1d

    it should not be that much more. you can email jake he will tell you all about it.
  2. jonbearsmt

    autotek 4000.1d

    well this a tricky question... as thay are diffrent subs... but the nightshade is tripple stacked. and is geared for music aswell as battle... IMO... and keep this inmind i have never owned a BTL... i would think that it is indeed the gap filler from BL to BTL.... from what i understand the nightshade is rms of 1500 watts... but jacob does make a custom nightshade with a longer coil, more spriders and more glue, and its rms is near 3000 watts if i recall correctly. so the custom NS would be a stronger race for the BTL... but keep inmind jacob is also working on a new sub that is taking 6000 watts give or take!... so do a dance, and if im wrong someone let me know.
  3. jonbearsmt

    Having problems with amps.

    besure that those remote cables are 4 line..... try a nother phone cable... just besure that it is a 4 line.
  4. jonbearsmt

    autotek 4000.1d

    wish i could have said the same!... but im glad i found sundown brother ill tell you that,
  5. jonbearsmt

    autotek 4000.1d

    i bought my goliath from a man on ssa... this was long before i knew about ssa.... anyhow... ray told me... IF YOU WANT REAL POWER GO WITH SUNDOWN MAN. and me i was all like NAH NAH I WANT THAT GOLIATH 5000 WATTS MAN! he said alright... ill put it in a box and send it to you.... i said COOOOLLL... i called ray back a week later...... ray... your selling me this golaith.. what are you gonna be using now.. he said.. SUNDOWN BABY> 1 month later my goliath is off at repair and im calling ray again. RAY>>> TELL ME MORE ABOUT SUNDOWN. and he did. and i never looked back.... i bought a sundown amp... when i got my goliath back i sold it right away..... and when i bought it from ray... HE HAD JUST GOT IT BACK FROM REPAIR>.. i boight it and sent it off to repair. its a cycle.
  6. jonbearsmt

    autotek 4000.1d

    whats your budget?
  7. jonbearsmt


    heey hey ehey ehey
  8. jonbearsmt

    autotek 4000.1d

    and the goliath is unstable, the mosfet feet break quick, input and output driver boards are a JOKE!... and thay only make a few OEM parts a year for repairs..... CIA is the maxxsonics repair center.... average 11 month turn arounds on repairs... my first question to jacob when i found sundown.... DO YOU DO INHOUSE REPAIRS>> AND HOW LONG WOULD IT TAKE IF MY SUNDOWN AMP BROKE> he told he repairs are done quick.. and if it cant be fixed then he would replace it. i have been down the rocky goliath trail.
  9. jonbearsmt

    autotek 4000.1d

    well thats when we get back to CLEAN power....... i dont know anything about that amp... but i do steer away from anything made by maxxsonics these days... im not trying to put you or what you want down... i just dont want you to be sad down the road ya know.
  10. jonbearsmt

    Having problems with amps.

    i belive the remote gains only work when the cross over is in low pass mode.
  11. jonbearsmt

    autotek 4000.1d

    you should look up about the amp he is asking about. It makes rated power, some tests have shown rated some have show slightly less but either way they make power. o well i was not talking about the power that the amp make.... im talking about the quality of build.... you can put a dress on a pig...
  12. jonbearsmt


    kodak.... and only in the right light....alot of times it dose not pick the flex up very well at all.
  13. jonbearsmt

    learn somethin new everyday

    what is with the fucking spamers today!
  14. jonbearsmt

    overveiw of the ed a

    now takin donations to get Kslice a real sub. i got 5 on it.
  15. jonbearsmt

    learn somethin new everyday

    no i think he was saying that HE was a spammer for life. YEAHYEAH.... bannem
  16. jonbearsmt

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    i must have been 13 or so when thay came out.... anyone who was doing somthing had a pair... and i wanted some too.... i got them... it was years later tho.. at around the same time if i rememeber corectly... punch put out the 40... and kicker had the kicker 50 or was it the 60.. anyway.. the smallest amp you had ever seen push 2 12's! ahh yeah back with they were both made in the USA.
  17. jonbearsmt


    yeah thats what im worried about......... but i have been wanting a new car or truck anyway..... its just with the way shit is now days... im not tryin to drop money in bulk ...... payin cash for cars is nice when its sunny outside..... but i see a storm ahead
  18. jonbearsmt

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    if you wanna talk about the old days yeah IMO kicker was more spl geared.... if you look at the circle solos. the first still waters. yeah.. but nowdays... with all the shit they pump on to the market.... but i guess its like anything else..... you can only stay true to your self untill there is HUGE money to be made... then ya kinda lose your way,.
  19. jonbearsmt

    scott -n- fi customer service

    whoooop FI audio...... indeed great guys over there.... i know 1 other company that would!..... just glad there are still some stand up guys in ths bizz
  20. jonbearsmt


    humm... under your trunk do you have a deal inside of a plastic box? with a hose on it... check when you can... i dont have the check engine light... but that fuel did not want to go into that tank...... why are there no pics of your car!
  21. jonbearsmt

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    yeah the spl thing...... no i think kicker is bought up cause its a NAME YA KNOW> i think kicker spends more money on ads and stunts then on there subs.... for the main part...
  22. jonbearsmt

    learn somethin new everyday

    well... its in the eye of the beholder.... is one better then the other maybe.. as thay do have small things diffrent... so is one sub very .. from the other.. yes. if im wrong let me know.
  23. jonbearsmt

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    duran..... really?
  24. jonbearsmt


    lol merc you asshole you jinxed me!!! i went to put fuel in my car... the first time i have done so sence i put the nightshades in... as i had a full tank the day i put them in.... fuel is now GUSHIN out of my fuel neck as i am tryin to put it in......... i had to pump my fuel so slow....... merc have you had this problem?
  25. jonbearsmt

    2 Fi SSD 12s Vs. 2 Kicker CVX 12s

    have you heard an ssd? i know you own kickers.. and that maybe the reason you on the wagon.... i dont own ssd's but i have heard a single 12 in a friends truck in a ported box..... it owns 2 cvr's do da do da C'mon Jon, I know you are more knowledgeable than that. It is not easy to compare woofers and be unbiased. I'm not on the wagon, I just run them because I prefer the sound. If you aren't going to put more power to your subs, don't get SSD's they wont be worth it if you keep the same amp. you may be the only person i have ever heard that enjoys the way comp VRs sound... but to each his own