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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Hi from texas

    we need more texans welcome to ssa san marcos here.
  2. you dont need 2 saz 3000d's to run stock nightshades...... and you would need ATLEAST three powermaster d3100... those are MONSTER cells.. so if you use other brand of cell syou will need to shop for amp hours on the cells.... 1 saz 3000d need needs atleast 110 amp hours....... so two saz's will want 220 amp hours or more just for the amps..... i run 1 saz 3000d i have a h/o alt and 250 amp hours on tap. any i run two nightshade 15's
  3. jonbearsmt

    First Comp

    you dont think that if he was playing hard before the run the cells might have been lower then normal and did not get the charge they were looking for in the time that he recharged, or maybe im thinkin off..... but you should charge faster with more runs.
  4. jonbearsmt

    will this bumb??

    your a bad bumper.
  5. jonbearsmt

    Google Search Added

    indeed a great add... but google has no love for me!!! on yahoo search if you type bigjon lincoln im number 3!
  6. jonbearsmt


    combustion... your confused
  7. jonbearsmt

    More flex videos

  8. jonbearsmt

    SAZ-3000D question...

    saz 3000d does 3000 watts at 12 volts by the way... so at 14.4 your getting even more power... i found that my 3000d runs waaaaaay cooler with 250+ amp hours worth of cells to back it up... sundown is indeed no joke.... SUNDOWN FTW
  9. jonbearsmt

    First Comp

    perhaps the big three and a few more runs to the rear, have you ever DMM'ed your voltage while playing?
  10. jonbearsmt

    Team SunDown Dallas/FT Worth

    very nice! wish i was closer to dallas
  11. jonbearsmt

    Contact number

    if you didnt have money uploaded into your account it can take up to 5 days just for the money to be moved around. the best way to get intouch with FI is to email them, or post here as you have done.
  12. jonbearsmt

    SPL Box in a sedan Help

    and what did you do with the subs firing back?
  13. jonbearsmt

    Best subs for a saz 3000d

  14. jonbearsmt

    Congrats Team Sundown

    pics pics please
  15. jonbearsmt

    Email response?

    GOOOD LORD THATS ALOT OF MONEY FOR SHIPPIN!! im glad im in the states!
  16. jonbearsmt

    Shorted out Sub/Amp?..messed somethin up

    well you cant unless is smashed or cut.... try ANOTHER pair...
  17. jonbearsmt

    BL 15 problem

    didnt you have a problem with this install the day you drove it home from the shop??? the settings were maxed out and the sub was sounding like trash? a prefab box is never a good idea to me.
  18. jonbearsmt

    showin off again

    im ready to hear it!... i was gonna tell you well get some ling wire and run my 3000d on that btl and see what she does!
  19. jonbearsmt

    Shorted out Sub/Amp?..messed somethin up

    yup... but check those wires and shit first. take a good look at your RCA's
  20. jonbearsmt

    showin off again

    im not hispanic either... but mexicans sure do love them some big jon... thats why i stay in the lone star state!
  21. jonbearsmt

    Shorted out Sub/Amp?..messed somethin up

    check your wires... and if all is good there change the head unit
  22. jonbearsmt

    Fisher Customs T-Shirt- Vote!

    i voted 3 but i wish i could vote two times cause i like 4 too.... i just think that anyone looking at the shirt should have some kinda of clue that it is somthing to do with audio... or box's ya know... some of the shirts look like you could be in the hot rod bizz. thats just my take.
  23. i noticed it was clad... but its gonna be one of many runs so im sure it will get the job done,
  24. i bought 50 foot of knu 0 for 80 bucks.....