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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    8" sub, need some help

    im waiting for a few e8's my self..... i did not bring it up as you stated you were wanting a 500 watt 8 inch... i currently run a 8 inch kicker cvr, it sounds great in my tow truck
  2. sounds like a plan... can you get a h/o alt for your car?
  3. jonbearsmt

    Pictures of my Explorer ..All kicker....

    how does it sound.
  4. my goliath poped everytime i went below an ohm!
  5. jonbearsmt

    BTL 12"

    i have a pair of them too.... older people allways ask me.... where did you get those? i tell them i got them at the long shorts/ short pants store! but i dont think hes wearing a wife beater.
  6. hollywood sound labs made some correct?
  7. jonbearsmt


    how would it be puttin out 1600 rms with 2 70 amp fuses.. are they really really efficient? they dont........ and they are FAR from efficient
  8. jonbearsmt


    that they put out claimed power. i know personaly on both accounts.
  9. one install i did for an amp rack... i put it on rollers for like cabinets i have some here ill take a pic if im not convaying my self.
  10. jonbearsmt


    are you sure about that
  11. jonbearsmt

    sundown on myspace

  12. jonbearsmt

    Stock 15" Nightshade Testing

    no i have not metered yet.. its looks as if im gonna have to buy a tl to do so!
  13. jonbearsmt

    Stock 15" Nightshade Testing

    love those nightshades!
  14. jonbearsmt

    New Addition

  15. jonbearsmt

    Overheating 1ohm load?

    Be careful of you statements. Have you ever heard of cheater amps. you beat me to it!
  16. jonbearsmt

    The new box and MT's

    whoa what a weird statment...... yes louder then me....... weird.
  17. jonbearsmt

    Now Playing!

    atb!!! i have not played trance in a while!! haystak album cracks the safe
  18. jonbearsmt

    The new box and MT's

    im confused with the port direction...... its firing right into the truck lid... acctualy the way those trucks are the carpet goes into the trunk when it closes to its pretty much on top of the port.. how does it sound?
  19. jonbearsmt

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    or post it for sale on ssa
  20. jonbearsmt

    what kind of wire is this?

    i cant really tell in the pics....... but i know when i do wiring sometimes ill take a few cuts and put one in in my drill and the other end under my foot and hit the drill and spin the wire up tight togather
  21. jonbearsmt

    Going Fi

    and the rms on the sub is a 1000 but i sent my bls everybit of 1300 daily
  22. jonbearsmt

    limo company

    i did alot of work on tha navi in the past two days...... 8 new speakers all 4 ohm wired into two channels at 4 ohms, 150 feet of speaker wire 30 feet of power 1 total amp, 1 10 inch sub, new sony cd/mp3 brand new set of 22's also clean up ALOT of the fucking mess behind the driver seat, added alot of shit also we bought two coach buses, and the party buss is done! ill add pics later today... o were doing a gig tonight for Breal from cypress hill tonight... should be fun!
  23. jonbearsmt


    hes not a new member.