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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    i know it! stupid me i had no clue i was looking at the wrong calender.. what a fool... but it should all work out.. its gonna great
  2. jonbearsmt

    2 Fi BL 15" rms handling question

    well IMO.. just as i stated... the amp is trash.... here are some reviews read them for your self Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Lanzar MXA282 Max Pro 4000-Watt 2-Channel High-Power Mosfet Amplifier what did you come up with on that box?? also the kinda rap you listen to it kinda just quick punchs more then long drawn out bass like most sounthren rap like texas and 3soast areas am i correct?? i ran the BL's i had two 15s on a saz 3000d .. i have vids. and a part with these subs.. they are no joke.
  3. check your + post.. make sure your tighted it well after adding your amp lead. the second question would be.. is it 12.8 at a redlight? with it in drive and your foot on the break? or is it 12.8 as your driving down the road or hwy?
  4. jonbearsmt

    2 Fi BL 15" rms handling question

    and if your talking about this amp Amazon.com: Lanzar VIBE286 Viberant 2 Channel 4000 Watts High Power Mosfet Amplifier: Electronics then its trash.. dont waste your time.. nor your money. but its not about if the amp will blow your subs.. its the user that blows subs.. not the amp.. you can have a 10000 watt amp on a single 10 inch sub... its gains, bass levels,box,volume and such that makes it or breaks it.
  5. jonbearsmt

    2 Fi BL 15" rms handling question

    hi welcome to ssa.. slow down... what kinda box are we talking about.. got a pick? or is it an ebay box? now when you say your goals are only to out bump everyone at school.. let think a little bigger then that... what kinda music do you listen to daily?more then rap.. what kind of rap whats your budget? and what kinda car... now the BL's are great subs.. but your needs can all change once you understand what your looking for.
  6. jonbearsmt

    Can I still get recones for the E8's?

    i have been trying to get 2 recone kits.. jacob gave me the email address for the guy that has the recones... he said he only has 2 of them.. i asked him to sell them to me and he never emailed me back
  7. jonbearsmt

    NASTY FLEX!!!!!....1 18"....1 Explorer

    cool... what is this fish eye cam?
  8. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    well last night i went out there and checked everything out.. i text matt and hugo while i was there.. i told all the owners to come outside and sit in my truck and check out the kinda noise that will be made.. and i was sure to tell them that louder cars will be showing up... and they loved it.. no backing out here. the fucked up part.... i have been lookn at the wrong month on my calender.... I HAVE TO WORK THAT WEEKEND!!!!! so im trying to get it off last second.
  9. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    i thought the same things as in about the burgers... but.. hes not charging us to hang out there... and hes alowing us to have this many people out there making a ruckus because he stands to gain a few bucks... IE food and drink sales.... so i think bringing a grill would kinda be a slap in the face.......... as far as sodas.. i dont think he would mind... but beer must be sold from him.. as TABC has laws about that. and again the respect thing.... this guy is pretty happy about this.. he was already talking about making it an anual thing..... so i hope it goes well....
  10. jonbearsmt

    can i vent?

    cock sucker.... there is a sundown rep in centrel texas that thinks he is GOD>... he bugs me none stop to buy my shit.. subs, amps, wire batteries... pretty much anything that i have... and it pisses me off because he text me all the damn time telling me i need to sell him my stuff.. like he owns me.. then ill give him prices.. and he gets all pissy and states that hes the sundown dealer and blah blah blah.. and hes tryin to get ready for a show.. and i need to give him this stuff cheaper.. and he would just buy it him self online but he dont have time to wait for shipping.... like thats my fucking problem... but i keep tryin to work with the guy becuase hes in the sundown family.. but its starting to get really old.. hes fucking rude.. he thinks that being a rep is like being a FBI agent or some shit... now how the fuck am i expected to unload my shit for pennies on the dollor??? this guy is a sundown rep.. but he no longer runs sundown in his demo car.. i dont know how the hell that works.. and he tryin to boss me??? im the one thats promoting sundown in the centrel texas area HARD>. and this guy is making me feel like the HULK inside... i have been nice so far.. but im a stern man when you rub me wrong.... and this guy crys when he dont get invited to SSA meets... like why would i want some turn coat who thinks hes god around... fuck this,.
  11. jonbearsmt

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    there is a black navi already in my town.. it has been sold like 4 times... and it still stays in the same small town
  12. jonbearsmt

    Advice for Battery or Alternator

    i would add a cell in the rear... thats just me... then work on getting a alt...
  13. jonbearsmt

    Good smartphones and providers.

    i like t mo... but i hate touch screens, but the behold was alright. the tmo tap was ok. the G1 is a fair phone but they have alot of problems imo,.. the iphone is nice.. but i love a blackberry 8220.. its my choice of phone every time
  14. jonbearsmt

    15'' Fi BTL

    fi D1 do read .7
  15. jonbearsmt

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    first vid
  16. jonbearsmt

    can i vent?

    yeah i think hes your friend right?
  17. jonbearsmt

    can i vent?

    im not trying to be like that... ya know.. perhaps he just like that with me.. and hes awsome with sundown customers.. i donnoo... but i know hes pushing me to my edge yesterday he text me "nevermind.. its fine ill just order some 0 gauge and have it overnighted i guess you dont need the money thanks for the help" damn dood.. i work ALOT and so i rushed home and counted how many feet i had and give him a price.. then he only wanted a few feet of it and he wanted me to drive 50 miles to meet him.. WTF? then he just said never mind... then at 1230 am i get a text " you wanna sell your subs" i text back today .. sure.. " i wanna talk about it over the phone,.,. how much do you want remember they are used when you give me a price " so i tell him.. your trying to get them by this weekend? yeah im not motivated to sell them they way you assume i am.. the box is included in the price i gave you .. the box cost me 600 to have bult.. its an awsome box.. and the subs are still great.. he says " nevermind"
  18. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    im sure we will make it work... and i donno thats a good question.
  19. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    man i should have kept the towncar...... now im at the starting stages once more.... and im gonna be sad..
  20. i have used tons of audio lines.... once i used sundown i fell in love... i have been doing car audio for 14 years... i have seen alot of fly by night companys come and go.... i have seen good and bad.. i didnt just fall off the truck lastnight.
  21. so ur saying that amp aint as good? cus the guy said that amp has the same parts from the saz 3000d.. he said its just about the same if i believe has the same board and something else cant think of iff the top of my head. i mean i havent heard anything bad its already on youtube just want to see if any body here ran across them yet. but i like how u used a your exp to break it down no im not saying its not as good.. .what im saying is that it sad that the 3000d is the amp that every one says thair crappy amp is "just like" wether it is a great amp or not.. i donno.. i know for a fact its ugly... and it seems to have some of the same parts.... but the biggest thing i can tell you about when you buy a sundown.. not only are you buying a bad ass amp in this case... your buying the best customer servise in the bizz.. your buying from a man that is so passionat about his line that you know for a fact that your in good hands....... will this company fix your problems or treat you like your part of a family??"?? i donno... maybe you will just be another # like most companys..... sundown FTW imo btw sundown amps are rated at 12 volts.
  22. i just remembered where i seen one of these here on ssa.... the topic is "failed meeting" or somthing like that..
  23. if your looking for somthing as great as the 3000d but cheap... its not gonna happen.... its like wanting a viper... but you can only affored a neon.... but so and so said they drove a ford fiesta.. and its just like a viper and its the same price as a neon... somthing you just have to callem as you see them,. man people are spoiled these days... i remember back in the day you would have to pay a dollor a watt... and now.. you can get 3000+ true watts for 800 bucks and people dont wanna pay... blows my mind. not speaking to the op/