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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Would adding fans help?

    low voltage will cause your amps to run hot.. and yellow tops are only like 40 amp hours.. 13.8 is not to great... you said it was hot today... were you running your a/c while playing when it shut off? if so i would look into voltage issues.
  2. jonbearsmt

    i need help!

    bump bump bump
  3. jonbearsmt

    2010 SSA Texas GTG

    you took some great pics hugo.. and i know you have more! dani said she seen you like tha papiratizi !!
  4. jonbearsmt

    2010 SSA Texas GTG

    i had the perfect storm of bullshit happen this weekend... so my mind was scattered bad! i was so stressed out alday sunday, so when i got there.. i didnt get a chance to see and hear everyones stereo like i wanted too. then we got shut down that really sucked.. so i didnt get to see much my self.... but it was good seein you guys.. i wish i would have been more relaxed and able to enjoy my self.... and for the few guys that were tryin to get at my chick even after she told you that she was with me... wow how disrespectful... lucky for you she knows how i am and waited to tell me untill after yall had left... wont be so lucky next time..
  5. jonbearsmt

    2010 SSA Texas GTG

    congrats vic on the 149.5 !!!! so close to the 150. club insanely loud! good job
  6. jonbearsmt

    2010 SSA Texas GTG

    hugo your the man thanks for taking pics and whatnot.. seems how my pic taker was broken! great to see you and all the other guys... even though it was kinda shitty about the laws.. it would have been a PERFECT place.. other wise.
  7. jonbearsmt

    help with sundown

    sounds like it may need to be looked at... perhaps jacob will chime in .
  8. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    it should be a diffrent set of shoes for the parking break... on your car it should be rear disk... with a parking drum.
  9. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    yup yup.. ill be showing up at 11 to set up.
  10. jonbearsmt

    help with sundown

    is it stuck in protection? have you removed all speaker wires from the amp along with the RCA. and just let the amp stand alone with power to see if it comes out of protection? have you removed all power and ground? as to reset? where is your amp mounted? to the box?
  11. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    ill have some 6.5 mid drivers.. i forget who makes them but they are brand new.. and pretty beefy.. 30 bucks if anyone wants them also a external dvd burner 50 bucks.
  12. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

  13. jonbearsmt

    Official 2010 SSA Texas Meet

    sooooooooo 24 hours utill the meet whos coming?!
  14. jonbearsmt

    1938 Chevy Rat Rod pics for fun...

    i fucking love that shit... i went to a friends car show last weekend.. had a shit ton of rats... ill have to get some pics next time....
  15. jonbearsmt

    (2) SSA Xcon 18'' Review

    thanks for taking the time to spread the word... infact you may have just helped me look into grabbing a pair..... vids fosho!
  16. jonbearsmt

    (2) SSA Xcon 18'' Review

    Copyright Duran Industries 2010. I like how you went subs up port forward. looks like sub up port back to me.
  17. jonbearsmt

    From: IS THIS ENOUGH???

    i would pick up more batteries...
  18. jonbearsmt


    i would pick up more batteries...
  19. i got test tones from 20 hrtz to 85 but i fail to find a sweep for free. any ideas?
  20. jonbearsmt

    i need to download a free sweep

    i tryed yours... some will unzip some wont.
  21. jonbearsmt

    i need to download a free sweep

    i found the link but when i click on it , it only shows me his vids.
  22. jonbearsmt

    i need to download a free sweep

    no dice.
  23. jonbearsmt

    To All Members

    no one likes me
  24. like i said... CB's i found are best to be used under the hood.. then again on your + lead before your rear cells... but i found that they can become trip happy if used between your cells and your amp on a short run of wire. i still use CB"s in the same way im telling you but i use a ANL 300 amp for the inline amp