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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    2000 police interceptor build log

    thats not a very good ground IMO.. the best place is the frame on these cars.... it can be cone slap, a leaky box, a lose dust cap.. a few things.. running the A/C is a huge strain on the charging system.. thats why i run almost 500 amp hours worth of cells...
  2. jonbearsmt

    steve's 02 vette 6 speed

    link no workie
  3. jonbearsmt

    what subs are in stock

    you should check SSA's for sale section if your in a rush.. or if sundown is out of stock... i know jacob was cooking up some T3 Hybrids too.... niiicee
  4. jonbearsmt

    4 Fi X 12's, Single Cab

  5. jonbearsmt

    Signing in from Kansas

    welcome.. jump right in after reading the rules.. im sorry your from kansas i was on FT riley for a while.. HATED IT! manhatten seemed cool.. never got to spend any time in KC only the airport and the greyhound station
  6. jonbearsmt

    SSA DCON Video

    wow.....im surprised but i donno no why.. and i should have known SSA FTW i use that same deck in my wrecker... i run a single 8 in it on 200 watts.. i like that deck.. better the one i have in my navi.
  7. 1500 bucks it better give me a handy while driving.
  8. jonbearsmt

    Making a battery rack\holder..

    no one here has been face to face with as many nasty wrecks as i have.... and i build my shit out of 2x4's.... maybe im stupid wrecks wrecks wrecks - SSA Car Audio Forum
  9. jonbearsmt

    bad voice coil.

    havent seen you in a long time.
  10. i moved to texas in late 97... its a long story how got here but when i arived i lived in the hood for about 2 years.. and i dont mean the bad side of town i mean in the heart of the hood of austin texas.... cheap rent... anyhow i friended many people.. and they were in the music scene so while going everywhere my boys went i met alot of people and hung out with alot of rappers ... well here we are 13 years later.. and some of the guys have made it big... and some have made it big and faild quickly.. and some have stayed at the top.... well this post is for trae.. i was just watching a few new vids and its clear to see that with all that he does for houston hes here to stay.. its wild.. from just hanging out under a street light with people listeing to demo tapes and then the next thing you know the same person is a HEADLIGHT for houston.. yes i ment headlight... google him and all that he does for the local people..... this is one of this insiteful songs and it just shows the kinda level headed man that allways has been,... good job were all proud of you .
  11. jonbearsmt

    install finished

    this bullshit is still going on? yall need to chill.
  12. jonbearsmt

    Well I am off

    my sister is headed to afgan as a truck driver... i hope she comes back... and my best friend is in iraq as we speak. he lauches jets off boats... be safe come back quick.. whats your job ?
  13. jonbearsmt

    Normal to hear highs through sub?

    try an external and check your head unit settings
  14. jonbearsmt

    bad voice coil.

    i love this fucking topic...... b pup claims that the coil "has never seen power" SM bust him b pup... umm yeah but i only clipped it a few times SM yeah sure you only clipped it a few times,.. with your super calibrated ears B pup...but it was the amps fault SM thought you said it was FI's fault. B pup well its anyones fault but mine!! this isent fair SM STFU one day you will know "problems" and thats pretty much the way i read it!!!\ thank god for SSA keeping topics on the books! shhhhhhhhhhhh puppy
  15. jonbearsmt

    im just so proud.

    I have respect for every region I just feel if u group the elite rappers from each region, the east wins. and the judges would be from where?
  16. jonbearsmt

    Termlab results + Cops in my yard!

    any ticket or just a report?
  17. jonbearsmt

    im just so proud.

    i like his deeper shit.. im not a blind follower.. infact.. i only like a hand full of his newer songs.. but he does ALOT for houston ALOT. so thats the good part... but i liked him better as a rapper when he was nobody.. i cant speak on how he is as a person now because its been a very long time sence i have spoke with him.. im sure he dont even remember me.. but his older music before he was known was better to me.. i ineed like a few of the east cost rappers.. i like story telling rap... so of course outkast goodie gob and the whole dungon family
  18. jonbearsmt

    my shit is weak

    ye is so young but so wise!!!! lol j/p
  19. jonbearsmt

    Box for 4 15s

  20. jonbearsmt


    girl looks Asian to mee.
  21. jonbearsmt


    is she old enough to call hot?
  22. jonbearsmt


    lol no.... i dont even know what that means.... but i can see you DVRed it!
  23. jonbearsmt


    with the amount of power your gonna be pulling me too..
  24. jonbearsmt

    BKOLFO4 Excellent Seller!

    i never see him on here much these days.. but hes a great guy.. and a wizard of sorts on 12volt and much more!