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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. actually less. with the system off and idle i believe it was 12.6ish, ill have to do that test again and actually write down the exact numbers, all im sure of is its not where i want it to be. yeah with your system off car on at idle in park it should be 14.4
  2. 12.8 or so is about right at stop lights with your car in gear.... the op is stating that hes only getting 13ish at idle in park if i read it right.... op. if you take your truck down to vato zone.. a load test will show you your output in voltage and amp out put from your alt... and amps is important.... and it shows you the range of your alt output at idle and then at 2k and then 2k with a strong load on it. ( what your alt does when it is doing its job)
  3. jonbearsmt

    installed the SSA XCON today :)

    i break my subs in by giving them as much power as i ever plan to.. and then letting them eat cake
  4. sounds like you have a alt issue.... you can take it down and have a load test done at any auto parts store... but thats what it sounds like to me.
  5. jonbearsmt

    what should i do?

    you need more then 24 amp hours to run 2000 watts, but if your alt is bad its bad.
  6. jonbearsmt

    10's, 12's, or 15's

    never shocks me anymore isent that sad...and they are the pros.
  7. jonbearsmt

    Small port, decent TL score (AA SMD)

    huge part is that little port.. and like phi said.. change the fire direction around and see what plays better for SPL and ami reading that right? you only have a h/o alt... no aftermarket cells??? if not i bet your clipping the shit out of that amp... more cells are in order....
  8. yeah or post in the WTB section... i know people have them laying around... i have an extra one.. but im not willing to part with it!
  9. i would save up or shop around for a sundown... but out of all those? i would pick the AQ my self
  10. jonbearsmt

    fixing a JL 1000/1

    the kidd could have done that.. hes not the best installer.. but from what he was telling me.. on the power input.. the plasic is gone.. so there is nothing keeping the + - and remote fom touching besides the solder on the bored... i have to figure how to keep those apart aswell... so im not sure if the + and the - were just touching here and there...... but i know the diode im looking for is not even there... he tryed to solder it back but he faild and lost the part.. so im trying to get it going for him.. ill have to take out one of the other diodes to see the part number... and ill let you know.. are you still over seas?
  11. jonbearsmt

    Small port, decent TL score (AA SMD)

    144 in a yarris? i would be pissed.
  12. jonbearsmt

    you will never find..... A bitch like mine...

    damn shes sexy..
  13. jonbearsmt

    Nightshade ETA???

    ill sell mine
  14. jonbearsmt

    texas flood 6 9 2010

    these pics are from a down 10 mins south of me... we got ALOT of rain.. i live on the blanco river but it did not come up that high lucky for me.. but they were not so lucky 10 mins south of me. Texas Flood - a gallery on Flickr
  15. jonbearsmt

    fixing a JL 1000/1

    these are the little guys i need.
  16. jonbearsmt

    12 inch bl clipping

    your in koara>?? take a vid of the noise please
  17. i would hope that no member of this site sits at red lights bangin.... i would have to ike turner a bitch
  18. jonbearsmt

    do ya thing

  19. jonbearsmt

    should i sell my new navigator?

    i bought it as i i was limited with what else i could do to the towncar with out losing my back seat.... so i bought this navi to open my range of what i could do audio wise.... not to mention i can tow a trailer.. and pull things.. and well i wanted to try a truck.... but its just not me.. i like a towncar... hints the reason why i have had every body style from 75 to 02... i want a new towncar... but then again ill be limited... and back to where i was.... ill have to build a new box to keep the navi.. im above the window line and thats gonna mess me up in classes... somthing i dont have the money to do right now. tell me what ya think.
  20. jonbearsmt

    2~15" Icon's Build

    another way you can get better throw off your remote is to take it apart... and tape the top of the remote.. then take foil and lay it under and on top of the IR eye.. and then put it back togather...... lemme try to find a vid some remotes are like this