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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    time to lose weight.

    ok this topic is very old and i know..... BUT 4/4/11 i started my new life..... i weighed in at a staggering 455.... on 4/3/11 i went to the store, and bought veggies rice chicken water 3 heads of lettuce tomatoes broccoli special k bars and cereals , ground turkey, and alot more...... then i got rid of all the chairs on my porch, and got 2 stationary bikes, i figure if im gonna be sitting around on my porch i might as well be sitting on a bike,.... well i have been eating different, breakfast is a orange or a banana and a special k bar and a bottle of water, lunch is a salad dinner is grilled or boiled chicken breast and white rice and a veggy, i started to read everything i was eating before i ate it ... WOW i had no fuckkin clue that some of the shit i was eating was anywhere from 500 cals to 800 for a snack during the day! and then my meals were some times 4000 cals... wow.. what an asshole i feel like now.... anyway .. so today is the 27th i have been weighting in once a week.... and im down 21 lbs in 23 days..... not bad if i do say so my self! thanks for all the help guys even tho it took me longer to get seriouse about it then i wanted.. im on track now!!! 23 days and 21 lbs shed,... whoop!
  2. jonbearsmt

    burnt negitive leads

    burned leads are almost always due to over powering, good luck if this is your first sundown woofer please dont let it salt you.. they are amazing woofers.
  3. jonbearsmt

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    i emailed you last week jacob and still have not received anything back.. times like this when i miss the old days when sundown was just a baby
  4. jonbearsmt

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a pair of Double Dees

    looking sweet hugo, i have been looking at that ms-8 for a while but never heard any ones. looks like now is the time! looks good bro
  5. jonbearsmt

    TeamSSA Meet

    lets talk month.
  6. jonbearsmt

    TeamSSA Meet

    i think last time we had about 20 people show... but i hold them in san marcos.. just south of austin.. last year was at a pretty nice little bar,... but we had compaints from people around.. so ill have to find yet another place i have a termlab dual, hugo has a russian.. and steve does too.. so but we always have a great time..!
  7. jonbearsmt

    TeamSSA Meet

    i can work on one for somtime this summer. let me know what is a good month for everyone.
  8. i picked up a motorolla backflip, that is flashed for tmobile, but when i put in my t mobile sims it ask for a sim unlock net work pin. i looked all over the internet, and found a few codes but none worked, it gives me 10 trys then locks permently from what i understand i have already used 4 of the 10, any help would be great thanks guys,
  9. jonbearsmt

    USACI Competition 03-27-11

    i donno but i would not fuck with him... whats he like 6'8 380 or so... dude looks like he eats babies for lunch
  10. jonbearsmt

    15 bl in silverado ext. cab

    i would port to the side,.
  11. jonbearsmt

    WHOS PUSHIN 150's BABY???

    IMO it depends on what kinda trunk. and what kinda metering your talking about... .see people love to say "trunked" but then they have thair seats down and all this nonsence.... then others meter with odd placement, and call it a score. but yes.. 2 12's can achive a 150 score.
  12. jonbearsmt


    no shims no glue.. i used bizz cards for shims and 5 mins epoxy for the spider and amazing goop
  13. jonbearsmt

    Sub and port placement

    subs back port side worked well in my chicks grand am..... in town cars i found that sub back and port back sound better... sub up port up ahh deeper but not better
  14. no it needs both left and right to a mono block amp
  15. alot of ways,. here are a simple one. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370336656896+
  16. jonbearsmt

    Fi Bl 12 port location

    personally i do.... get with a member in Houston by the name of Steve mead (not meade) he has on going build in pick ups, we were just talking about this the other day,
  17. jonbearsmt

    Fi Bl 12 port location

    honestly it will sound better with the port loading off the side... twored the door or anything else... when you fire into open space.. you may think it will be louder.. but thats not always true...
  18. jonbearsmt


    has any one ever cut the wire from the ballast too the bulb ? it always says "do not cut"
  19. jonbearsmt


    on the new lincolns it kind of a cunt to put normal hid conversions in.. sooo i found these http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110541229492+&viewitem= and i was wondering if anyone else has used them.. perhaps you can tellme a bit about it.
  20. jonbearsmt


    oops forgot to link the pic of my headlight http://www.autopartswarehouse.com/popup/?type=moreℑ=L2ltYWdlcy9wcm9kdWN0X2ltYWdlcy9pbWFnZXMvcmVwbGFjZW1lbnQvbDEwMDEwNl8xZnRiay5qcGc=&title=UmVwbGFjZW1lbnQgSGVhZGxpZ2h0&text=SEVBRExJR0hUIEFTU0VNQkxZLCBDTEVBUiBQTEFTVElDIExFTlMgLS0gQnVsYnMgaW5jbHVkZWQ7IENvbXBvc2l0ZSwgY29tYmluYXRpb24sIGFuZCBoYWxvZ2VuIHR5cGU7IERPVCBhbmQgU0FFIGFwcHJvdmVkOyBBIGhpZ2ggcXVhbGl0eSwgT0UgcmVwbGFjZW1lbnQgaGVhZGxpZ2h0IGFzc2VtYmx5OyBCYWNrZWQgYnkgMS15ZWFyLCB1bmxpbWl0ZWQtbWlsZWFnZSB3YXJyYW50eS4=
  21. jonbearsmt


    ah.. i kinda red plug and play on this site http://dealnay.com/1049329/xenon-hid-d1c-d1r-d1s-headlights-light-bulbs-blue-10000k.html i can kinda see now it keeps saying BULB.... here is the problem i am haveing... the headlight is a all in one.. incased deal.. and it had 1 9 pin plug in for each side. an you can see in the pic circled .... http://www.autopartswarehouse.com/popup/?type=moreℑ=L2ltYWdlcy9wcm9kdWN0X2ltYWdlcy9pbWFnZXMvcmVwbGFjZW1lbnQvbDEwMDEwNl8xZnRiay5qcGc=&title=UmVwbGFjZW1lbnQgSGVhZGxpZ2h0&text=SEVBRExJR0hUIEFTU0VNQkxZLCBDTEVBUiBQTEFTVElDIExFTlMgLS0gQnVsYnMgaW5jbHVkZWQ7IENvbXBvc2l0ZSwgY29tYmluYXRpb24sIGFuZCBoYWxvZ2VuIHR5cGU7IERPVCBhbmQgU0FFIGFwcHJvdmVkOyBBIGhpZ2ggcXVhbGl0eSwgT0UgcmVwbGFjZW1lbnQgaGVhZGxpZ2h0IGFzc2VtYmx5OyBCYWNrZWQgYnkgMS15ZWFyLCB1bmxpbWl0ZWQtbWlsZWFnZSB3YXJyYW50eS4= so i would have to drill the back cover of the headllight cover, so i can put the wires out.. to power the ballest.. then run the hot wires back into the headlight cover and hope like hell i can get it sealed again. and i have to do it twice on each side.. for high and low beams.
  22. jonbearsmt

    Deka batteries

    2 dekas would be better then one d3100 of course... the orileys yellow tops are 45 amphours.
  23. jonbearsmt

    The Big Three

    you could double up on the 4 too.
  24. jonbearsmt

    sundown nightshade hmmmmm

    who is this guy... and why does he think its tactful?