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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    Haunted House reaction pictures.

  2. jonbearsmt


    forgot i got 18 inch basket from steve shortly ago. same deal easy and fast just like i likem
  3. there is a car show and live performance, and i will be doing a non sanctioned sound off no points no trophies,. but it will be fun! in san marcos text october 8th..... willl you be there?
  4. jonbearsmt

    my little buddy. audio unrelated.

    WOOF WOOF cute kid for sure.
  5. jonbearsmt

    1 18 ZCON build

    there is indeed room in the back... i just got rid of one, a 67. steve mead had a zcon 18 in a tiny box on a sae 1200 and it was loud!
  6. ok ok so i had a lil show today.... and i heard some stupid ass shit come out of peoples mouth... . and some shit that made me prove my point of running 15's IE "yeah fam thats why i like 12's you can hear them hoes from far away!. "yeah you cant make 10's loud " "i like 15's cause them hoes hit low you cant get that sound from a 10" " so you can make 12's loud like your 15's?? nah nah nah i dont belive that " but the good out of what i run.. "damn thats only 2 15s!!?? " " i thought it was 2 18s" i got two 15's but they dont hit like that " so anyway im thinking in the black town car i can do anything... and i was thinking 2 or 3 18's ... then i was thinking 4 15's .... but now im thinking maybe a gang of 8's in a trunk.. on 4K or so... and just disprove all that bullshit . im drinking right now so lemme know what you think.. a gang of 8s in a trunk murdering lows would surly make a fuse.. becuse honestly .. most people think.. if 8s are baning like that if i get 15s then ill be louder then him!! and aslong as they are dreaming of #$(*#$# audio when they toss and turn then fuck it.
  7. you know.. im drunk and i have to confress... hugo was in my car... and i pulled out my SQ music flash drive.. and i thought about it.. and i threw it back down .. because hugos truck is just so fucking boss on SQ.. and my front stage sounds good for me.. but im lacking in a few areas.. but for what i do.. its loud and in your face just like the subs.. and you can hear it loud outside while i demo.. and thats my MO but hugos truck is wild with how precise the drums and just everything about a SQ system .. just great . just wanted to say i felt inferior . my fuck bucket is empy lemme fill it.
  8. jonbearsmt

    cross roads on the black lincoln

    they look like little no name monsters.. and i like that. whats your take on my reasoning?
  9. jonbearsmt

    cross roads on the black lincoln

    It's not very impressive to be loud with a shit load of drivers because it's not really that hard. Whether it's a trunk car or not. Just saying. I know if it was me, I would be much more impressed with a few drivers and high output then a ton of drivers and even higher output. But that's always the debate with show cars... in my mind aswell.. but you have to remove everything you know about audio.. then think about it like they do.... simple minded, little drivers = little sound. big drivers = big sound.
  10. jonbearsmt

    cross roads on the black lincoln

    yes kinda like that.. but... in a trunk.. see the a trunk system ads a element of surprise .. and im not talking 4.. im talking a gang.. but also remember there is a man already doing 12 10s in a town car.
  11. jonbearsmt

    6000 post

    well i try to only post when i have somthing to add or somthing to say.. and im not an Ihoper. 6000 nigga please.
  12. jonbearsmt

    6000 post

  13. jonbearsmt

    Pics from todays SPL :)

    this one didnt have the turn out we hoped for.. rain in the forcast fucks shit up. so glad you didnt make a trip for this one. but i have soon to have a real nice meet.. i hope.... im getting better at getting a pattren down on how to run the show. but.. im kinda like a guy with a tuxedo shirt on ..... im tryin to be formal... but IM HERE TO PARTY!!
  14. jonbearsmt

    Pics from todays SPL :)

  15. jonbearsmt

    Pics from todays SPL :)

    every time we see Steve he has a SSA shirt on! dedicated dude right there! ... im jelly.
  16. jonbearsmt

    6000 post

    im going to edit some shit now.
  17. jonbearsmt

    6000 post

    ill email it to you! im a big hearty mafaka and i charge by the pound!
  18. no no hugo i seen you takin a few pics.. lets see them! thanks again for coming,
  19. rain in the forcast scared alot of people from making the trip.. but a few of us still made it ~!!! yes im leanin. there was some rain but we delt with it , lets get to some pics and scores. hugo demoed for a while before he made a pass... so keep in mind that his subs were hot. 2 dd9515 on a warhorse 147.7 legal sorry i thought i had a pic of your score... steve was pounding it for a while.. checking out the Zcon 18 for the first time, in a TINY box, with a sae 1200 i think.. (WAY underpowered) but it was very nice,. the Zcon is a champ. he was deep, and i liked it. 142.2 music, outlaw 143.3 music 145.2 burp. dani hit the lanes in the accord ssa icon 15 on a jl 500/1outlaw i was very impressed franky envoy 2 rf p1s on a jl 500/1 outlaw robert 2 kicker somthing or others 140.1 outlaw cyrus 95 lincoln town car, 2 12 MTX 5500 on a lanzar vibrant 1600 126.6 outlaw fred... thought he had a big ole cock. 2 15 VCR kickers... i donno thats what he wrote.. and he didnt write down what amp he had 135.5 outlaw thats all for the scores.. now on to the pics! BEST PIC OF THE DAY!! my hommie! sundown got a GREAT SHOWING today.. i demoed HARD today. my car stayed on for 7 hours, and i would demo 3 full songs at a time, alot of people caught the sundown bug today ! then i popped the trunk and spoke the gospel if you can zoom in on it DO!!! look at the faces of the people..!!! do it!! and some vids that dani took.. she needs more practice thanks for coming guys!!
  20. jonbearsmt


    i seen on a chevy fourm where they had made a cut off line.. from what i rememeber they used a cup,. and a scion projecter beam, and some hard work.. but the end result was a nice clean cut line .. as not to distract drivers. but it also looks cool... i blind other drivers. my shit is every where... but i never drive my car... i have a company truck and a few cars.
  21. jonbearsmt

    National Denim Day

    i wore you all day. how did you meet mike?
  22. i have a show in the morning i need help on coming yo with a score sheet.. something like - name - ride - system - score 1 - score two - score three-- - - - - - - - somthing i can print out thanks fellas.
  23. jonbearsmt

    need help from you smart computer guys

    perfect! thanks,
  24. jonbearsmt

    need help from you smart computer guys

    can you also on this one ad a space with check boxs, with options. of legal. outlaw, port and head rest . or freestyle .. and another check box, with check options of seat up and seat down.
  25. jonbearsmt

    need help from you smart computer guys

    pefect now can you work me up a master score sheet .. somthing that has each one of those sections at the top.. and have it run from top to bottom, so I can keep every ones scores on 1 sheet. thanks it looks great!