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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. jonbearsmt

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    dude you know im understanding you ... i get critized and get doled advice by people that have never posted a single score.... comical.
  2. jonbearsmt

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    sweet bro, its gonna be fun to watch these number clib from here... this is nuts, im so lucky that this build is some what local to me.... i get to hear it while the rest get to "youtube hate it" killin son!!
  3. jonbearsmt

    sundown lincoln

    hopefuly when i get a test tones on my USB or get the CD to stop skipping.
  4. jonbearsmt

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    your a beast son! looking good
  5. jonbearsmt

    10" RE MT recone doesn't fit 12 spoke basket

    WHHHHHHAAAAAAAA thats crazy
  6. jonbearsmt

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    hes installing runs of 2/0.. have to take out the baffel to run the wires to his battery bank.
  7. jonbearsmt

    Metered today :)

    3 cubes or so .. tuned to 36 htz, sub forwerd port to passenger side. its an 09 SSA icon... boobie
  8. jonbearsmt

    sundown lincoln

    did a bit of metering today, .. before i install my new mechman alternator. and here are spome results..// i could not get a good peak metering, because my CD player is now skipping i found its DB limit..so this is the best i could get while skipping burp on music now these are a series of me testing my stereo, and basicly watching voltage and doing some music metering here is my best music score.. ever... so the next video series will be WITH the new mech man intalled
  9. jonbearsmt

    Metered today :)

    on less then 400 watts or so, from a trunk.
  10. jonbearsmt

    Thank you aaron and mark

    i see in u sig u have a icon 15 ?¿?? yes,,, is that a question or a statement?
  11. jonbearsmt

    Thank you aaron and mark

    pick up 1 pink for now.. and we will pick up another soon, funny, we came home from dinner, and she went inside while i started to gather the stuff from wal-mart .. all i heard was a SCREAM from the house, lol i already knew what came. i was very suprised.. super fast shipping,. thanks mark! and thank you both for doing pink! it will be repped at shows. for sure.
  12. jonbearsmt

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    i think there is a big black snake coiled up in one of your pics!!! how do you like it?
  13. jonbearsmt

    sundown lincoln

    always!!! you know me. SSA second skin and now mechman too!!
  14. jonbearsmt

    sundown lincoln

    not really sure off the top of head, a memeber and friend set them for me with his russian or german or belgin its a magic little box from a nother land, that sets an active cross over with persision so i just looked up the specs on the drivers.. told hugo and he went to work... thanks hugo!
  15. jonbearsmt

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    sweet!! is there anyway to put a rubber heater hose over the power steering hose? i know you can atach it near the joint.. but perhaps you can fit it on then secure it from the other end?
  16. jonbearsmt

    best material to sound proof doors

    i used the luxury liner pro on my doors.. worked great.. . no issues with the panel going back on at all .
  17. jonbearsmt

    RE MT 15 specs?

    i have a friend that is trying to build a 4th order box for an old RE MT 15... soo are there any true specs for it? or is there another sub in the family that it can be closely modeled to? thanks.
  18. jonbearsmt

    Big brake upgrade thoughts

    i switched to a slotted and cross drilled rotor on my black town car and it helped alot ,
  19. jonbearsmt

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

  20. jonbearsmt

    Crossfire 360

    could be a RCA issue
  21. jonbearsmt

    sundown lincoln

    oh forgot.. then after the show.. ya know a fat man gotta eat.. so we went to a dine in dinners and dives spot from food tv ... tip top there in san antonio.. awsome food all old school.. still like it was back in 1937 when they opened look at this chicken fried http://www.facebook....100000117149478 lol he didnt show... i think thats why i won
  22. jonbearsmt

    sundown lincoln

    oh forgot.. then after the show.. ya know a fat man gotta eat.. so we went to a dine in dinners and dives spot from food tv ... tip top there in san antonio.. awsome food all old school.. still like it was back in 1937 when they opened look at this chicken fried
  23. jonbearsmt

    sundown lincoln

    they had me parked around the side of the building.. aways from the show.. and every time i would start demoing a croud would walk over,.. good times! god damn im huge videos... my chick is still trying to get taking vids down pat, she moves around a bit too much, my sealed run.. on music... windshild anway thats the finish and update ... i have yet to do any outlaw metering..
  24. jonbearsmt

    SA-8 coil gets hot fast

    pics please.
  25. jonbearsmt

    SA-8 coil gets hot fast

    i had a friend come to me with the same issue on a SA 12 that i sold him.... in his mind he thought that series would be like wiring up 2 12 volt batteries into series.. http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1280&bih=885&tbm=isch&tbnid=s-KkxrvyWmH3tM:&imgrefurl=http://mymilescity.com/how-to-solar-power/series_wiring_batteries.html&docid=qxLyRtDr1e5dUM&imgurl=http://mymilescity.com/images/series-battery-wiring.jpg&w=294&h=271&ei=rEdnT7boGqGGsgLstJi3Dw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=364&vpy=332&dur=3846&hovh=216&hovw=234&tx=120&ty=89&sig=105210265450493815808&page=1&tbnh=159&tbnw=172&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0 but thats incorrect. that will directly short it.