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Everything posted by jonbearsmt

  1. lots of better batteries for the buck... IMO your paying for the name..... localy.. i can get brand new 100 AH dekes for 10 bucks for then a 55 AH yellow top brand new..... double the size for 10 bucks more.
  2. jonbearsmt

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

  3. jonbearsmt

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    i think its a joint deal......
  4. jonbearsmt

    Is this sub an upgrade, or not worth it?

    ill just say this.. i would pick a gcon over a P2... but a X con or ICON would be better..... your tuned at 28 htz... and ported... but asking about SQ.... your box choice does not reflect an SQ goal IMO.
  5. ohhh do the big three first.......
  6. as long as its sealed.. you can run what ever......... some may tell you a acid and a gell wont mix but i dont buy it.
  7. good shit bro.. i can only image how you feel right now.... kick ass.
  8. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i added a router and it slowed my speed down... i was doing 30 megs... and now only 10...... is there anything i can do to help with my problem?
  9. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP

    how much rick?
  10. all you have done is made statements...... this is a crappy first post... you need to read the rules. and introduce your self in the newbie sign in.
  11. jonbearsmt

    New Sundown Project Vehicle

    whoaaa looks like something from Brazil!
  12. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP

    is there some kinda fad i missed out on??? i hated my wheels to cam. http://youtu.be/H11E0zwI7QA
  13. jonbearsmt

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i have to give stewie 3 benadryl every 12 hours and some times he will get these "hot spots" and they start bleeding and it sucks.. then i have to shave his hair down around the spots and use a tripple silver cream, and give him anti biotics.......... fucking expensive
  14. jonbearsmt

    Sundown sa15

    pretty much the best thing ever. and you will be runnning the game .. ill prolly hate on you.
  15. take it to autozone and have them load test the alt and the battery..... just because a battery have voltage does not mean its good...... dead cells will cause starting issues, and display voltage just fine, and bad battery will also cause a alternator to do weird things.... then fail
  16. jonbearsmt

    Ssa icon or kicker l7

    my g/f does 141's on 500 watts with a icon 15....... on 500 WATTS!!
  17. No, they are not. Kinetik has nothing to do with Shuriken. not what a shuriken rep told me........ i would not just make stuff up.
  18. shuriken is build housed by Kinetik
  19. jonbearsmt

    Metered today :)

    no love for the razzle dazzle?
  20. jonbearsmt

    truck MAJOR update and vids&pics from slamology

    zcon coils are dark from the factory.
  21. jonbearsmt

    Metered today :)

    lookin good babe you worked hard on it for sure!
  22. jonbearsmt

    Impala Metered for the First Time.

    mic in the passenger side kick and drive door open, or the window... just not sealed.
  23. jonbearsmt

    everyone post ur slamology pics and vids here!!!

    prolly cause im a hater....com
  24. jonbearsmt

    truck MAJOR update and vids&pics from slamology

    very nice, and for those who dont know... the SMALLER pictures,.,.... are not pictures at all... they are videos..... photobucket does that for some reason.
  25. jonbearsmt

    truck MAJOR update and vids&pics from slamology

    no name off brand or Orion..... i know what i would pick.. but hey what do i know