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Everything posted by bigarsenal

  1. bigarsenal

    Arsenal power handling questions

    they take way more than 500 i have a orion 2500d on my 15s and they dont get warm at all i swear
  2. bigarsenal

    Want Havocs

    I got a problem i want two havoc 15s but they are 2ohm subs and my amp is 2500 at one ohm can i use the amp i got with two 2 ohm subs
  3. bigarsenal

    Want Havocs

    thanks dawg well scott can you help me if not im willing to trade amps i have a orion 2500d
  4. bigarsenal

    Pics of the Arsenal

    here goes my 15inch arsenals i have vids cant upload them
  5. bigarsenal

    Subs cutting out

    thanks jon my boy told me the same thing best advice i had all day
  6. bigarsenal

    Subs cutting out

    well it went from never doing to doing it alot i will turn it up so everything is shaking then the subs cut of even when my voltage is still around the 13.6v's its pissing me off i have a 160alt two red tops two AA arsenal 15's and a orion 2500d pushing them could my amp be going bad. I was thinking I need to get bigger gauge wire i have 4 cause thats what the amp can fit. PLEASE PLEASE HELP MAN
  7. bigarsenal

    Subs cutting out

    oh i know its not a Ascendant problem im lost tho i think its a remote wire cause sometimes my deck shuts off then cutsback on
  8. bigarsenal

    Getting two more Arsenal 15's

    i really gotta check tommorow i dont know bout same as steve meade if you know who he is
  9. bigarsenal

    Getting two more Arsenal 15's

    well like the title says im going to be getting two more arsenal 15's i have two already I AM A need help with box design the four will be going in a 4 door 96 tahoe. you dont have to tell me how they will sound i already know.
  10. bigarsenal

    Getting two more Arsenal 15's

    tons of space its a 96 tahoe
  11. bigarsenal

    Wanting to jump into these AA's

    i say a arsenal 15 will give you 500rms
  12. bigarsenal

    let me know

    im not complaining about AA products or anything just wondering what happened to chad. he was a great guy to talk to. when i ordered my atlas's i spent a good 15mins talking to him about boxes then another 10mins talking about how to wire the qts to get the best sound, and that was my first time ever talking to him. great guy and IMHO AA had the best customer service i've ever seen. Yea no doubt, i use to talk to chad all the time he helped me design my box for the first arsenals
  13. bigarsenal

    let me know

    out of all honesty i like the new arsenals better then the last model them things can take a beating i dont care who own what as long as AA gets better
  14. bigarsenal

    Fosgate T2 question

    well said denim
  15. bigarsenal

    Mayhem series

    when is these subs coming out meaning mayhem and chaos
  16. bigarsenal

    AA any good?

  17. bigarsenal

    Getting ready. . .

    i bet they gonna hit hard
  18. bigarsenal

    AA any good?

    hell yeah
  19. bigarsenal

    AA Arsenal 15" (older)

    get the new arsenals had them since they dropped and have a orion 2500d pushing them ina box at 28hz. they dont get warm at all scotts rms is always lower than what they can really handle. check them out
  20. bigarsenal


    i dont know about everybody else but i love me some lows so port all day!!!
  21. bigarsenal

    Box build for my Havoc 18s.

    good chit dawg thinking im thinking about doing two 15's havocs
  22. bigarsenal

    avalanche 15" subwoofer driver problem

    i had a arsenal just like yours
  23. bigarsenal

    Trying to decide between AA Havoc and Fi Q

    the havocs will have better SQ than the Q's
  24. bigarsenal

    Advise from any AA experts =)

    yes they will sound great arsenals dont need a lot of power to get loud and sound good. i have two 15's
  25. bigarsenal

    avalanche 15" subwoofer driver problem

    its slightly damaged wont sound good at low tones