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Everything posted by 209er

  1. 209er

    Help on Box Design PlZ.

    32 width 15 height 14 depth
  2. I need Help for my 10 Xcon I would like A Ported Box, would like to have my tuning around 32 If opti.
  3. 209er


    I had ordered my xcon couple months (still have not used it)ago.And now I want to order an amp now (I no finally an amp for that beast) how do I get that 5% discount. It say it would do it automatically (does not) Or do I even get it.
  4. 209er


    Yes it was on sale. That's sucks no discount. Lol its koo
  5. 209er

    4 BC 3500's 8 xcon 10 d2's for sale

    that suks was looking foward for one of those amps lol
  6. 209er

    4 BC 3500's 8 xcon 10 d2's for sale

    deal on amp and 1 sub.
  7. 209er


    Well just took advantage of ssaz BF deal and i just orderd my xcon. Is it possible is will be here before xmas.
  8. 209er


    M I still havent got a box for it. So im not sure when i can put one up
  9. 209er


    I no thats whi its not a problem
  10. 209er


    xcon its a beast of a 10. yea i took pics put em up a lil later. A little tiny chip on side of mag but nothing big. cant wait to get a box for it
  11. 209er


    man this is 1 little bad ass sub....
  12. 209er

    4th order on a xcon 10

    Something like that didnt no how to make port. still tryna figue these sketching tools
  13. Has anyone put a xcon in a 4th order? If so how did it sound will the sq be just ass good?
  14. 209er

    4th order on a xcon 10

    For me to get tuning range around 30hz tuning. was told to tune 4th order around 45hz
  15. 209er

    4th order on a xcon 10

    If port is going through top it can come out 6 1/2 from the box. And can be up to 8' width. If the the middle of seat it can be 6 1/2W by 10H and stick out a couple inches
  16. 209er

    4th order on a xcon 10

    I was going to run port through top. And speaker in middle cosed out from trunk.
  17. 209er

    4th order on a xcon 10

  18. 209er

    4th order on a xcon 10

    So i can run the port straight to the cabin Through middle of back seat.So no sound pressure will enter trunk
  19. 209er

    4th order on a xcon 10

    Looks good you think you could assist me on help with a 10 xcon
  20. 209er

    Awaiting Shipment

    Awaiting shipment means that your order has been processed and will be shipping out very soon OR your item is in the build process. Thanks for the responce you guys should seperate the meaning Awaiting shipment with (YOUR ITEM IS IN THE BUILD PROCESS). And thank you for response. Not to many company owners will respond.