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Everything posted by chuouwee

  1. chuouwee

    So whats the deal with the 15's?

    hhahah i see i see
  2. chuouwee

    So whats the deal with the 15's?

    wat happen to the XXX?
  3. chuouwee

    12 or 15

    i got mine in a 3.3 cuft venter box used the box plan from gnome audio... man it was crazy loud haha i got a 2003 civic it fits but it was a pain in the ass to get in and the sub is facing up instead of back of the trunk on the side, like how i would want it but its ok.... lets just say i wanan go to a seal enclosure my lil civic can't handle that power...
  4. chuouwee

    Need your opinion!

    that is a great idea as for the post above me, skill/tools/knowledge comes with experience... gotta start somewhere =) and a kit for DIY is a good start...
  5. chuouwee

    A little about us at SI

    but sir... its my sub now.... hehehe i really can't wiat to try it out
  6. chuouwee

    gotta sell the new 15" d2 :(

    -=( its cool man hehe
  7. chuouwee

    gotta sell the new 15" d2 :(

    yeah that is me heheh i sent you the payment already i just got back from work hehe
  8. chuouwee

    gotta sell the new 15" d2 :(

    i read your post on the other forum... and emailed you with questions, so now i read this post and it answer my questions so i want it $350 =)
  9. i want to run my amp at 4 ohm bridge (because that is all it is capable of)... so if i were to get two 12 d2s mags would i need to get a new amp or would it be ok for me to wire the sub at 8 ohm and run it like that?
  10. ohhhh i see i see damn.... only time something like that happen to me was when i was in my friends ford suv running two 15 l7s.... i was gasping for air.... heheh so i dunno which amps to get to push the mags awww screw it ill order the mags this week and then worry about the amp later heheheh
  11. damn so you thinking 400 watts per sub won't be enuff?
  12. hehehe damn that sucks 4 reelz gonna try to get a us amp then but then again in order fo rme to use those amp i must have a monster of an electrical system... hmmm do you guys think 800watts at 2 ohms will be enuff to run two 12s?
  13. we get to send in our old crappy subs and get a price break for buying thiers hehehe =) worth a shot heheh
  14. chuouwee

    i think SI should do wat verzion did

    yeah thats wat i meant sorry for the typo hehehe
  15. chuouwee

    D2 question

    yes you can d2 can be wired 1ohm 4 ohm
  16. hey all i was wondering... should i be expecting a major difference or any difference at all if i switch over from IDmax 12" v2? i want a good SQ sub but gets nice and loud BUT i want it in a sealed enclosure.. right now i have a Avionixx AXT 800.2 running to my IDMax in a 1.5 cu ft box.. thanx ahead btw i was wondering would two 12 mags fit in the back of my 2003 civic sedan thanx again
  17. chuouwee

    changing over from an idmax

    could have not said it better myself... don't get me wrong, I like my IDmax alot jusy didnt seem on par with the other supersubs when it came to dishing out the lows well time for me to be saving up for a mag hehe try to sell my idmax so i could get 15 mag.. gonna run 800 watts to it... do you guys think it will hurt the mag?