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Everything posted by sqguy

  1. sqguy


    I've used an alpine G190 that worked well for that, it has a parametric for the bass. Audiocontrol has some EQs more for subs, like the EQL and EQS, maybe more I'm not real familiar with all the stuff they have made. Have to say I will be using the alpine again results were better than my current 16 band, the parametric can dial right in and flatten the sub out or make it respond in the way you want. The alpine is a dash mount so I can use it on the fly. Also some amps have a bass parametric on them you could consider swapping to one. A bass boost is similar, but are typically preset at 40Hz or so, they don't help you if your issue is not at 40Hz and you can't adjust the width like a parametric. I would also change the install or enclosure first, if possible.
  2. sqguy


    Older RF drivers used it a lot. It is a thick dark oil like fluid right on the voicecoil filling the gap. They said it cooled the VC for more power handing. I've seen a lot of tweeters with it in there. It really looks like dirt will collect on it but it seemed to not be a problem. Is it better....I can't say.
  3. sqguy

    Best amp for around $100

    I would just shop on epay, you can look at sold items to check prices...then yes check out craigslist too. Actually the Kenwood I had was a 9152 and is 950rms@2ohm, they are same amp but 9102 has one less transistor and 850rms. Of course there are a pile of amp brands out there, I just used one of the above and had no problem with it. I'm sure there are other brands you can get, this just a suggestion I have seen in the $100 range. They are only 175 to your door new on there (a new 9104D), people trying to get much over 100 used are not selling them. Are they real watts? Never checked it, went loud enough for the setup I had at the time but they must be more real than a lot of no-name amps. He can get better when he has more cash. Also got one for a friend of mine that is still working well. I still have two of the strike I might use, they are 1kw@1ohm and can be strapped. The walmart LA amps were cheap, the strike was a dealer sold amp and is much different/better inside.
  4. sqguy

    o-scoping amps can be dangerous...

    Well, at least you are getting service on them some don't even do service anymore (assuming you have factory/dealer working on them). Cheap amps tend to break more, often for physical reasons but not always. Don't know what amp you have but a lot of them are the same inside, if you look on ampguts it lists some that use the same board in large class d.
  5. sqguy

    Best amp for around $100

    I've sold nice used ~1kw class d for that, like kenwood 9102/3 and lightning audio strike 1kw. I never hammered them but they worked well if you are looking for cheap without going no-name. Some of the strikes don't like vibration but they had good components in them.
  6. 28,000+ posts on an audio site and you can't figure it out? You seem to be knowledgeable about a lot of things, why would you make a retarded comment like that? Of course I would prefer someone who did not know how a parametric worked to understand it, but hey if they don't they can say so. You guys can't even answer my question if you set parametrics all by ear; its like asking the democratic congress when they are going to stop that war they said they would, and lower gas prices they said they would, etc.
  7. sqguy

    o-scoping amps can be dangerous...

    Ouch, this is getting to be a sad amp story. Well good thing they are working on it, hope they figure it out. Nothing can be out of whack when you strap...well guess that is obvious here isn't it. I have a couple amps here with broken RCA, many of them are really cheap plastic things. I wont even use an RCA cable if it goes on hard.
  8. sqguy

    o-scoping amps can be dangerous...

    Did you ever get anywhere with this?
  9. I didn't say flat, I said 'flatten out' meaning get rid of peaks and valleys in the response. Lol, you guys must be really bored. So can you guys set parametrics by ear or do you just troll these forums to cut on people instead of helping OPs?
  10. You guys can flatten out a system by ear using parametric EQs? Man you are good, how long does it take you to set a few of them? I only have one for bass and it was hard enough, fun but took a lot of drive days before I was happy with it or rather happy as I'll get for the state its at right now. Don't drive that car much right now but should do the doors and get it more up to snuff. I use my ears too but it can be difficult to find a peak/valley in a system and set a parametric to take it out by ear, or is for me. I can eventually but I would not waste the time on someone else its not worth it. I'd have to drive their car for a couple weeks until I was happy with it. Normal EQ is much easier.
  11. To me it looks like two class D in one case. It all comes down to heat dissipation, but factors affect that like efficiency and what the fets are rated for. You can look up the fets and see. What are people saying then, it will not handle 200A draw for a long period of time? Do they blow up then or overheat? I'm not into the huge amps but I always figure if you could run it below rated load then it was a good amp and you were cheating....don't bag on an amp when you are already cheating....but I know you guys are looking for much as you can find. It is hard to tell by looks, better to see how they work in action if you are trying to rate an amp. Talk to people and search forums for results because opinion means little. I mean look at a linear power amp, hardly anything in there and all by hand...yet they work great 20+ years later so looks only tell you so much. Just my .01.
  12. Q is hard to hear, it is the width of frequency you are manipulating. One way it will only boost/cut the frequency you have it set at, the other way it will affect a wide band of frequency on each side of it. So you could put it at say 40Hz and with wide Q boost/cut everything from 10 to 80Hz, or change Q and it would only work on 35 to 45Hz...as an example as it depends how wide/narrow it will go. Is hard to do by ear, if you can figure out or RTA where your hole/peak in response is you can tune it right to that spot. I guess a good way to hear it is put parametric gain way up and set frequency right above your subs. Then change the Q and you can hear it boost down into your subs one way and stay above them when narrow band. Note it also is doing that above your set point not just below like you hear in this example...or set it to 20hz and the wider you go the higher it will affect. My midbass is weak it took a while and test tones to get it tuned in by ear to flatten them out until I fix that. I don't have your HU, mine is in a crossover. If you have multiple parametric like many HU I'd say try to not use it until you can RTA or test db with tones at least, it could be very difficult to do by ear depending on how much response is off.
  13. sqguy

    Sonotube enclosures

    I looked at some concrete forms and you would have to wack them pretty hard to dent, I'd say that would be trunk abuse...lol, or sub box abuse. I came up with that mostly from trying to fit a sub in my boat, but now I don't run it anyway. Just some resin would moisture-proof it nicely. The light weight would be key in a smaller boat.
  14. sqguy

    Sonotube enclosures

    I saw a nice one someplace that had twin external ports. They came out one end, did a 90, (the baffle was like three circles instead of one, one big and two small) went through the baffle and down each side to end in other baffle. They acted like legs so they were on each side on floor with it laying down. Next time I have to use a box I really want to try one for the weight savings and mounting options. Seems like you could soak the tube with resin, even a little glass if you wanted to. I had a cheap 8" powered I ran on stock systems in rentals for a while, got my moneys worth out of that thing for sure.
  15. sqguy


    It would look cool between the amps. Wow that is ancient, it has terminals for the probes. It may still work for what you are doing but I am not sure as it is different than common ones I have used. I think you don't need the horizontal but I don't see a way to shut it off or know if it will work just not using it. Or it would be harder to read that way but I never tried it. If you had a probe on it you could try it anyway.
  16. sqguy


    You can shop up one that works for <100 online, that is how I got mine. Get a 20Mhz dual trace, that should do anything audio pretty much. Most controls on them are similar it does not take much to learn it. The one you have might work fine too. Go here http://www.bcae1.com/ and scroll down to oscilloscope page and hit it for some pointers. His dvd you can buy goes into much more depth but that is the basics. Make sure the trigger works before you buy, look for a photo of it locked onto a wave. I bought these 300242233412 probes and they work well. Post a photo of the one you have and we can probably tell you how to set it up. You don't need that much of a scope to do audio stuff.
  17. sqguy

    Poll! Can't decide what I want to do.....

    I guess I would figure my top priorities if I were doing this. Do you really want 3-way stage? What about your equipment, do you have to use those amps? I'd put my priorities together and look hard for some small amps and try one big sub or smaller subs if you really want to do the 3-way, drop to 2-way if you have to....but just IMO. Had a std cab ranger long ago with 2-way+sub and it was a pita. I had my high amp mounted to the defroster duct behind the HU, most of the rest near the steering column but it was all smaller stuff and only 8" subs and 100w amp on those behind seat...but that cab was tiny and I had to have the seat all the way back just to fit in there.
  18. Makes me wonder if I should make a fused RCA for mine before I install it, I keep reading this same thing.
  19. I have a pile of stuff here too, often is easier to swap things out to find problem. Like guy says usually ground is issue for any noise problem (or shield ground) is what I should have said. An amp can short and blow the HU shield ground. I don't ever remember an RCA going bad on me unless it was actually cut or smashed, or the end was messed up. In my cars I put the power a few inches away from the RCA, have for long time I never get noise...yeah just lazy but I'd move it if I did get noise. Agreed, HU problems just suck. O/P, cool you found that I've had some amps fry or protect when outputs shorted. If your amp and HU grounds are good, I think first thing I would do is add another ground to the case of the HU. Usually easy to do and has worked many times for me. Attach to case and to metal part of car close to HU, assuming your HU is not mounted in a metal dash. Some Pioneer have issues with noise I've read, hope not because I just got one. I had a strange issue when I put my 5ch amp in. I still had another amp on highs and hooked up the sub side of the 5ch. It worked but I could hear the CD player changing tracks, like a thumping between tracks but not loud or anything. When I used all of the 5ch (high and low) it was gone. Both amps were on an external crossover when it did that, but the sub amp in there before the 5ch did not.
  20. X2, before you tear into stuff (check HU ground). Check that RCA to see if shield is grounded in HU, it should be. Can try wiggle test on RCA plug on amp in case of bad solder/etc. Check any switches/controls on amp also.
  21. sqguy

    o-scoping amps can be dangerous...

    I'm not real into strapping amps, but they typically have a strapped only input connection via RCA or data cable. This is so the feedback is connected in the two amps; then one does not get confused seeing the other amp's output. If that connection failed it could end in smoke but all depends on the design of the amp itself. I have never heard of an amp not being able to run with no load (no speaker connections), or 'idle' as most call it. DC offset is measured that way and is a standard measure of any amp far as I know. I would certainly think this issue is to do with strapping, either incorrect wiring or a fault in the amp. I am not 100% sure if you can run strapped amps idle, but one would think so. If you had a sub wiring fault or blew a sub it would instantly blow the amp every time if that is the case....and that is way stupid for any manufacturer to do. However mtx shows here they do not use a feedback connection: http://www.mtx.com/caraudio/products/manua...sure-Manual.pdf
  22. sqguy

    Does it actually work?

    I use it on 2 strokes mostly, it is great for outboard engines. Of course a 2 stroke collects a lot more carbon inside and can eventually screw up the rings, cause hot spots/etc. I can see the difference when I look in the plug hole after using it. But a car, it would need to have many miles or a particular carbon issue to benefit, I would think, much like other additives. I only had one car that needed injector cleaner every 10K or so, it would run rough. Every other car it made no difference so I don't bother. I don't use that solvent type stuff in oil...only have used slick 50 and stp, and they worked for what I needed them to do. I try to run synthetic oil and never add anything until 100K+ or better. But gas, it could help a car with some miles, or one that has weak valve guides/etc...I have seen oil goo and carbon stuck to the back of intake valves, that could impede air flow, and seafoam ought to help remove it.
  23. sqguy

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    Maybe you just can't comprehend as well as you thought. Why don't you show me what you don't understand so I can help explain the complex nuances of remedial car stereo.
  24. sqguy

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    Hey maybe your math is right, how could I ever get mixed up reading something on here...I had to leave and could not stay to figure it out. Increase yes, difference threw me. This started way back on post 44 when I said: "I could not run a high side to my liking on anything less than a 75rms/ch@4ohm@12v amp. This 70rms/ch kicker does not get it, at 14+V I am sure." Everyone got it wrong many times. But now that I look at it, I can't argue it anyway Audio-Neon is right about CEA and ratings. I would have to bench an old 2x75 amp against the kicker 70w to find out what the difference is and I don't have the means. I am surprised you guys run small amps, here I thought big SQ all ran huge amps for all that headroom. What do you mean "edit" my posts? I don't seem to have any edit button on my old posts.
  25. sqguy

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    I'm not sure about you guys, you can't read and I'm not sure about the math. I've posted repeatedly that I like an old 12v rated 2x75 rms for highs, and the newish kicker 4x70 I'm using two channels on the front stage is not powerful enough. The new kicker is rated 70 at 14.4v, thus it is more like ~40wrms at 12v to compare to an old amp. Anyone who is saying 5 watt difference can not read, or more likely does not want to read. You example does not look right, 30 to 50 is not 166% difference. 50 is 166% of 30, the difference would be 66%. Either way, try it and see if you can tell it is louder. I can and I bet you can too.