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Everything posted by aznboi3644

  1. aznboi3644

    battery or capacitor

    READ http://bcae1.com/regunreg.htm
  2. i was quoted $60 He only charges $50 now. He isn't affiliated with anyone else in his enclosures and designs now...fully independent.
  3. well from what I've learned from Pete he has came up with his own spread sheets by trial and error...what he knows is way over my head...He's shown some pictures of a few and I have no idea what they mean lol. Well I see it like this...50 bucks isn't much really for a nice design. I mean if you want a particular response and bandwith...paying 50 bucks and building it once and hearing what you wanted is better than building multiple enclosures just to get the response and output you want.
  4. what modeling programs can show you the response of a transmission line inside a particular vehicle??
  5. www.hexibase.com possibly
  6. aznboi3644

    can ssd's handle 2000 watts

    there is a safe power handling rating for a reason lol
  7. aznboi3644

    How do you discard of old subwoofer boxes?

    I find a dumpster and toss that bitch in there
  8. aznboi3644

    Problems with BTL setup

    You have a 3000 watt rms amp with a stock electrical....you need to first address this issue. That amp is probably starving for power. have you sealed off the cabin from the trunk?? Try facing the sub and port to the rear??
  9. aznboi3644

    Jl audio opinion?

    I had an old school JL Audio 12W6 and that thing was probably my favorite sub so far. In the transmission line the sq was crazy and output was like two 15's. People didn't believe me that it was a single 12 and 250 watts sounding that good and getting that loud
  10. aznboi3644

    quick Ground question

    I solder all of my power and ground terminals now...I make sure its done right though and not cold soldered.
  11. aznboi3644

    Damplifier Pro

    might be a drain plug
  12. aznboi3644

    Ported enclosure frequency

    usually the box peaks above the tuning frequency correct??
  13. aznboi3644

    Spherical sub enclosure

    it is a sealed enclosure...shape doesn't really matter Even if you wanted to port it tuning it would be easy...same as any other enclosure.
  14. aznboi3644

    Enclosure build pics

    How much does an enclosure like that cost shipped??
  15. aznboi3644

    SQ sub choices

    Don't forget the Exodus Audio Shiva-X and Tempest-X for sq either. XBL^2 ftw...lol
  16. aznboi3644

    ATTN: Jacob :D

    Damn...I still want a 1500D lol
  17. aznboi3644

    MY time with the new Mag.

    I still love that look of the new basket...I really want to see the cone but every picture does not show it lol.
  18. aznboi3644

    MY time with the new Mag.

    When you said you wired the sub in series for an 8 ohm load to the Rockford 450.2. The load was actually 4 ohms with the D2 coils in series so the test wasn't with 200 watts...a bit more.
  19. aznboi3644

    cap or no cap?

    lol this is funny...sub sounds louder and better sq from adding a cap. Sounds like what is printed on the packaging for most capacitors
  20. aznboi3644

    Bed liner fabrication

    Make sure to round the corners a little bit before you bedline it
  21. aznboi3644

    cap or no cap?

    whats everyone think about this? i mean with this its one positive thing about keeping the cap, until i get my engine swap and get a h/o alternator but that wont be until like 2 years or something. this is a lie so you will spend your money on a worthless paperweight
  22. aznboi3644

    My Van...daily driving/comp. vehicle :D

    dan your ish is weak sauce lol. sweet van.
  23. aznboi3644

    My 15" Q blew up...

    bass boost is bad.
  24. aznboi3644

    "the big 3" question

    With an 80 amp alternator....you may want to look at lower power handling subs. Adding more batteries is just going to prolong the time it takes for your alternator to crap out. I'd say save up for a new alternator first if you want to use that much power
  25. aznboi3644


    holy jebus I hope i can get 200 bucks by then...I really need an amp for my components