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Everything posted by aznboi3644

  1. aznboi3644

    TLine for 15" lvl 2.

    dude you still don't get that this is a MLTL...if you really know anything about t-lines its called a MASS LOADED TRANSMISSION LINE...people have been building these for years. Its still a transmission line variant. Don't get bent over it though...thats just the way things are. Call it a ported box is you want...but its a chambered t-line, mass loaded transmission line, or MLTL for short...just don't call it a ported box....because it isn't just a ported enclosure.
  2. aznboi3644

    Orphan 8's Need a Home!

    whats the VC diameter on the orphan 8s??
  3. aznboi3644

    TLine for 15" lvl 2.

    fritos yours is not a chambered t-line....dukes is actually a chambered t-line...not a straight up 1/4 wave resonator like you usually see. Still is a t-line though...iirc its called a MLTL in the diy home audio crowd. (mass loaded transmission line)
  4. aznboi3644

    Fi Q18 enclosure...

    dampening the doors will help a TON with midbass. Also there is nothing wrong with sending 300 watts to 100 watt speakers. My 6x8s are only 40 watts rms but they have been taking 80 watts rms for the past year no problems.
  5. aznboi3644

    TLine for 15" lvl 2.

    chambered t-line...I have a chambered t-line designs I wanting to try out also...but for single 10 and 12 inch subs.
  6. aznboi3644

    I cut two fingertips off today

    I had some tramadol for my neck injury...not bad for pain killer. Works better on me than Tabs.
  7. aznboi3644

    Fi Q18 enclosure...

    18 inch sub...my 19Ov.2 rolled off around 60Hz...big cone has a high end roll off i guess. You might say you have enough midbass but you wouldn't be complaining if you DID HAVE ENOUGH MIDBASS.
  8. aznboi3644

    Mach 5 SPL-12s in a T-Line?

    not too good for a t-line. Qts,qms, and qes are too low. Not saying it won't work...but not optimal for t-line
  9. aznboi3644

    8 Ball : Relax And Take Notes

    only 130db at 20Hz?? didn't Thumper get like 140db that low or lower with two 10s????
  10. aznboi3644

    15" / 18" enclosure questions

    there is ALWAYS enough room between the enclosure and top plate
  11. aznboi3644

    Ported, Vented, or sealed

    40Hz is not high IMO...I like 40Hz for daily.
  12. aznboi3644

    Fi Q18 enclosure...

    bigger you go and lower you tune you lose out on the higher bass like you are saying lacks.
  13. aznboi3644

    Another SSA Build

    turn that empty space into a storage compartment
  14. aznboi3644

    What is the fastest you have gone

    120mph in my 1994 1.3L 104hp Mazda Protege...could have gone faster but the wind was too much...also I later found out the tires were rated for 98mph. Scary knowing they could have exploded about 100 in my aerodynamic as a house Ford Explorer.
  15. aznboi3644

    Help with designing...

    length of the line depends on the driver and what you want. the line's 1/4 wave can be whatever you want.
  16. aznboi3644

    Transmission Line box

  17. aznboi3644

    Transmission Line box

    I would think that you can find the FS with test tones and a ammeter. If the impedance of a driver is highest at FS than I would play tones and see where the current is lowest.
  18. aznboi3644

    Transmission Line box

    It really depends on the install. I had a 33Hz 1/4 wave line and the lowest it played was 27Hz...VERY audibly. But after that it fell on its face and had no output below that. Depends on the design and the install. 40Hz line is fine for most ppl...it should still easily play down to 30Hz audibly and the line will be shorter for easier folding. I would taper it also as there are peaks and dips involved with 1:1 ratio lines.
  19. aznboi3644

    Transmission Line box

    delayed? Not at all...My t-line was a lot more transient than my sealed enclosure.
  20. with my Nine.1 and a 300 watt amp for my highs the dimming is not bad at all and I only have a single run of 4 gauge wire for the alt to battery
  21. if the box was unharmed than they maybe repackaged it after fudgeing it up lol
  22. aznboi3644

    Enclosure for Sony Xplode

    I've never had any mechanical problems with the xplodes.
  23. aznboi3644

    Transmission Line box

    for a 1/4 wave resonator you can tune to whatever wavelength you want...there is no set rule
  24. aznboi3644

    Enclosure for Sony Xplode

    xplodes are decent for the money...get surprisingly loud...sound like crap though. sealed I'd suggest around 1.5 cu ft net. ported between 2.0-3.0 cu ft tuned 35-40Hz
  25. aznboi3644

    Elemental Designs 13Av.2+Nine.1

    And they looks so strong too! I don't care what anyone says about their amps...I loved my Nine.1. Plenty of power.