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Everything posted by aznboi3644

  1. aznboi3644

    1 sub 149.0db

    sub up port front??
  2. your enclosures make mine look like garbage lol the detail is amazing
  3. Both ports will also have completely different velocity profiles so the tuning will be wierd
  4. aznboi3644

    Transmission Line

    well actually a transmission line does NOT "have" to taper. It can have a negative taper, positive taper, or a 1:1 ratio. today I took one of my friends 12 Type R's and put it in my T-line. He has the Best Buy 4 year replacement plan so he wanted to blow his two and get new ones...I said I could help with that Well I just got back from a HEAVY BEATING SESSION. I mean I threw the full fury of the Elemental Designs Nine.1 at it at 1 ohm and it only gave out some burnt coil smell but still pounds. I mean first I gave it the usual full blast of "White Girl" and "Hypnotize"...the WHOLE SONG. Still nothing...so I said aight well lets see if we can bottom it out. Played a 10Hz tone for a FULL MINUTE. No sweat the sub just laughed at us. Played 20Hz tone for a FULL MINUTE. Ehhh some vc smell but nothing major. Hey how about another minute of some 30Hz tone. Still nothing. The smell came and went. Maybe it was some excess glue. BUT GOD DAMN...this Type R will NOT DIE. My ears are KILLING. I even played a bunch of Bass songs...the usual stuff you download from limewire when putting in "bass tester" and stuff like that. I mean 30 minutes of full blast 1200 watts and tones...the sub is still alive and kicking. WTF?? lol I'll take some vids sunday..I'll be gone for the weekend for a wedding. The vids should be good...it was painful
  5. aznboi3644

    Transmission Line

    Whats up guys...Heres a box I finished up yesterday. It is a transmission line tuned around 31Hz. Right now there is an EHQS 12 (SVC 4 ohm) in there. Amp is a JBL CS200.1. Rated at ~200 watts at 4 ohms. As for how it sounds...FUKIN AWESOME. The tonality is a lot different from the 2.5 cu ft @ 30Hz box it the EHQS was in and output is a lot higher. This thing digs deep and has usable response down to 25Hz testing with sine waves...below that it unloads and doesn't have much output. It has a pretty flat response from 28 - 60Hz. I really love how it sounds. It's easy to tell when the EHQS is reaching its mechanical limits as I can hear it bottoming out but that is only on certain beats but overall it slams hard and gets really low but still retains its punchiness and transients. 30-35Hz tones are fun. Compared to the 2.5 cu ft ported...this T-Line rapes it hands down. Only thing is that the box is 38.5" wide and 21.75" deep lol. But I don't need cargo space. I think everyone should get to listen to a transmission line enclosure...it does really have a different sound to it. I took a small vid today. my sister's camera has barely any memory on it so 29 seconds is all I got. Anyways...heres a little vid and some build pics.
  6. aznboi3644

    eD 13Av.2 Subwoofer

    I have a Nine.1 and a 19Ov.2 and I like them...the amp is tough. The sub is awesome for under 200 bucks. Only bad experience is that when I first ordered my Nine.1 I got one that didn't work and had two small chips in the heatsink...I called eD and told them what was up and they said they test every amp. I said well this one doesn't work. They sent me a new one and I got it two days later BEFORE I even mailed out my defective amp. I was thinking about getting a 13Av.2 but the two year delay turned me off...maybe in the future I may get one
  7. There is an article I read about this a while back...it acts as if its tuned to a single frequency still IIRC. Not sure though
  8. aznboi3644

    Ascendant Audio 18's

    nice box...I always love tremendous amounts of port area
  9. aznboi3644

    eD 13Av.2 Subwoofer

    It isn't even in production yet....there are only a handful of people with the few prototypes that are out there
  10. aznboi3644

    cd or ipod?

    I just use a headphone jack to RCA cable for my Zune...no one has Zune interfaces yet lol.
  11. aznboi3644

    Transmission Line

    The box does fine...I don't feel any flexing or major vibrations. The sub handles 200 watts much better in this box somehow. I can still bottom out the sub if I want to though.
  12. aznboi3644

    It's on NOW...

    Pete aka Hexibase had a couple of these in a folded horn wall in his Vehicross. They are some sexy subs....are these the new 08 ones or the older better looking ones???
  13. aznboi3644

    Ported Box for 2 EHQS 12's?

    eD is a lot better now than it was. I am a happy eD customer. Check out my build for an EHQS 12 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=14000
  14. aznboi3644


    yeah basically you just shorted out a coil on each sub.
  15. aznboi3644

    cd or ipod?

    I like my Zune...it supports lossless.
  16. I've heard on at a local shop...if you are going to install this amp you NEED a BIG alternator and some more batteries...its a power hog
  17. aznboi3644

    Ported Box for 2 EHQS 12's?

    I've had this sub in 1 cu ft tuned to 30Hz and in 2.5 cu ft tuned to 30Hz. The 1 cu ft box was for a couple 6.5's but modded it for a 12 inch sub just to see how it sounded...lol yeah it was pretty small but sounded decent. Nothing too loud but tight as hell. The 2.5 at 30Hz had a super flat response. 2 cubes is a great place to start at.
  18. aznboi3644

    MAW12 for my friend

    nice sub box....I like how you implemented those ports
  19. aznboi3644

    My Q busted... :(

    I always hear about Fi subs snapping tinsels.
  20. aznboi3644

    port size!?

    port shape doesn't really matter...two round 4 inch diameter ports will work
  21. You can use any non-essential bolt but I would choose one with the lowest resistance. Well your truck is a body on frame chassis. If you are grounding to the battery than the only other ground you'd need is the block to battery. If you are grounding to the frame or body than I'd recommend you grounding the block to battery. Then the battery to the body and the battery to the frame. Also if you are grounding to the body than I'd recommend upgrade any of the ground straps underneath the truck connecting the body to frame
  22. aznboi3644

    Wireless LAN Security

    normally when you install the wireless router it asks you if you want to set it up as a secure network or a public one...then all you do is just type in a computer name and password...whoever wants to use your internet must have the name ans password. I set up my wireless in 10 minutes
  23. internals look beefy compared to a 3000D the internals look like they can support 2500 watts.
  24. aznboi3644

    My LS Build log

    sounds like poor install and/or enclosure to me to the OP...damn nice install. Clean.
  25. aznboi3644

    Big, BIG Wire and terminals

    welding wire goes up to like over 0000 gauge