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Everything posted by loudcav

  1. loudcav

    Cheers from cleveland, oh

    you might try talking to the DB Linc Designs guys they are located in Parma
  2. loudcav

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    I really should order 2 more and a 1000D but I dont want to have to run that kind of power in the truck and Id probably have to upgrade to 1/0g wire
  3. loudcav

    Sealed box, Common or separate chambers?

    I say run a common chamber
  4. loudcav

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    Cool Jerry Ill have consumer grade gear in the Silverado too tho Im not sure how many shows it will hit if I had a trailer of my own Id concider hitting them all and having it there too but chances are it will be at all the shows till the cavalier is done then at SVR when Ive got both vehicles tho I can only compete with one
  5. loudcav

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    just curious, where at in ohio is your show? Centerville
  6. loudcav

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    hey Jacob whats the estimated date for these to be in my hands? Ive got a show on the 23rd and wouldnt mind taking some equipment Ive got sitting around here and trying to drive some sales here in Ohio Im just hopeing that something gets someones attentiion and they decide to put in an order I dont really care who here makes a sale from it either you said it your self Ohio is a dead market
  7. loudcav

    new to the team

    I think Jacob also looks for cars that can play music too appeals to his customer base
  8. loudcav

    new to the team

    I like the one on the left best. That's probably why I have owned 2 of them. Jerry the one on the left is a Stetsom you must be talking about the guy in the pics left
  9. loudcav

    Congrats Team Sundown

    Congrats to all the team who went to DB Drag finals Ill try to remember every one Congrats DB Linc Kory it was a good showing unfortunatly it didnt go the way we would have liked to see good luck next year. Db Linc Sean Congrats on the 3rd place at Indy reginals god luck next year. Db Linc Jake Congrats on being the first Sundown Compedator to break the 160 mark he had woofer problems all weekend guess we will see what it really has in it when that gets taken care of. Last but not least Db Linc SS Audio/ Mike Singer he deserves a big congrats he is the World Champ in Bass race 140-149.9 Im sure I missed someone if I did let me know
  10. loudcav

    Door Panels with E8s

    hey Jacob how dose Brandon have that 100.2 ran for the mid bass? is he using an EQ or is the amp able to run them by its self Id much rather use the 100.2 to match my amps
  11. loudcav

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    ya the 125.2 would work if ran on each channel you wont want to bridge it tho
  12. loudcav

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    sent in my money for 2 of em
  13. loudcav


    dont give me any Ideas
  14. loudcav

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    isnt it past your bedtime?
  15. loudcav

    SicNik / Usaci 08

    Ive got one thing against MECA to be compedative you have to run a bunch of small fuses which can get expensive quick especially in testing
  16. loudcav

    which sundown amp for my tweeters

    you could get the 100.4 and wire 4 tweets per channel in parallel for a .75 ohm load or wire 2 pairs, each pair series connected, in parallel per channel. 3 ohm load the .75 ohm load is not an option
  17. loudcav

    SicNik / Usaci 08

    the mic stand dosent affect your score so quite your bitchin
  18. loudcav

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    I might have to order a pair my door pannels need to be redone anyways. how dose an E8 and a multi sync 8 in each door sound?
  19. loudcav

    Amp Clipping

    that they are but if your running a ton of power its a tool like a DMM and Clamp meter that you should have. Ive still gotta pick up a clamp meter and a true RMS DMM one of these days
  20. loudcav

    Amp Clipping

  21. loudcav

    Amp Clipping

    the apsolute best way to set your gain is with an O-scope most headunits clip long before you run out of knob eclipse tends to clip at volume 64 out of 80
  22. loudcav

    A True Sponsor and Friend

    what do they look like?
  23. loudcav

    First Comp

    you dont think that if he was playing hard before the run the cells might have been lower then normal and did not get the charge they were looking for in the time that he recharged, or maybe im thinkin off..... but you should charge faster with more runs. not really remember that his front battery gets the charge first and it equalizes out
  24. loudcav

    Why No Love for the SD-1's?

    your point is? Ive got 2 of them but I use the SD-1s in a single cab truck