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Everything posted by loudcav

  1. loudcav

    MB Quart PCE 164 issue

    you could also grab a 9 volt battery and if the speaker pushes forward the post that the + of the battery is on is the + post of the speaker if it pulls inward what ever post the + is on is the speaker negative
  2. loudcav

    Nightshades No More !

    nice hopefuly Ive got the funds to buy 4 of the 15s guess we will find out what the finished price is
  3. loudcav

    CD Contest Winner

    Congrats Tommy I wasnt too far off with my guess of 666 hey its a halloween contest so I had to guess that
  4. loudcav

    Nightshades No More !

    so is the Z V2 Brandon proof?
  5. loudcav

    Home Sick

    good to hear that your feeling better I felt a cold coming on yesterday morning and by after noon it seemed to have gone away but today Im feeling chilly and there for a bit couldnt stay out of the bathroom. if I still feel like hell closer to work time Im staying home
  6. loudcav

    I want to play a game....

  7. loudcav

    Saz 3000d fuse

    before Id use the 500 amp fuse I wouldnt fuse at all
  8. loudcav

    prepped ready for install

    lol he has 2 XS Power D3100s why would he want some C&Ds? besides he next step would be 16 volt since he has quite a few D1000s
  9. loudcav

    3 10" subwoofer build, which subs

    if it was me Id run 2 12s instead of 3 10s I found what worked best in my car was a daily tune since it peaked at 43hz if I fired the subs forward and 40hz if I fired them back it seems to be pretty typical that the cavalier peaks at 43hz
  10. loudcav

    Price for 15" NightShade in WI?

    see if Jacob dosent still have some B stocks
  11. loudcav

    prepped ready for install

    ya they have the pole plug longer coil and 4th spider
  12. loudcav

    update on Alex(chops grandson)

    worse comes to worse take him to ohio the columbus childrens hospital is huge
  13. loudcav

    prepped ready for install

    he said that they were quite violent and sounded alot louder than they are he still needs to finish the box
  14. loudcav

    sundown sax 50.4

    you might have a bad ground and the RCAs are acting like the ground
  15. loudcav

    Frustrating Day

    this might sound stupid but did you check the fuses on the amp to see if they are OK?
  16. loudcav

    look what i did!!!

    I doubt any one notices the seriel numbers Ive had the sticker just fall off before on me I think its something more for jacob and the build house
  17. loudcav

    Little Behind on E-Mails

    what you take weekends and holidays off? slacker why dont you reply to PMs and emails at 2AM on sat thats messed up i think your just avoiding me YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. loudcav

    Ported Diamond

    I wouldnt go with a Diamond Id go more for a clam shell
  19. loudcav

    Lots of 18s

    I thaught I saw Mike in one of those vids guess I was right hes a bit far from home isnt he?
  20. loudcav

    SA-10 and SA-15 Factory Pictures

    cool Jacob its sounding like Ive got my 2 nightshade 18s sold so Ill probably be running 8 of the SA 10s
  21. loudcav

    4 15 wardens walled < in action >

    makes me glad that my cavalier dosent have a sun roof
  22. loudcav

    SA-10 and SA-15 Factory Pictures

    Hey Jacob what sort of time frame are you looking at to have the 10s avalible Im finaly about ready to get my car done after all this time and I was thinking of switching up plans for it to 8 of the 10s
  23. loudcav

    nightshade 18`s rms

    get a life the nightshades are the same weather its a 12 or an 18 only diffrence is the cone size motor, coil, and spiders are all the same
  24. loudcav

    Happy Birthday Jacob!!!!

    Happy Birthday whats that make ya 13? lol
  25. loudcav


    nice stuff but I hear that the CS lacks