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Everything posted by loudcav

  1. loudcav

    Sundown @ SBN

    this team member is gonna be at Gregs show on the 30th
  2. loudcav

    How much power do these pull?

    your not gonna have enough batteries Ive got a 100.2 @ 4 ohms and a 3000D @ 1/2 ohm 200 amp alt Powermaster D2400 under the hood and 2 D2700s out back and I could use more batteries but Ill probably end up putting my stock alt back in and run it along with my 200 amp alt for a bit more Idle voltage and more on the top end too
  3. loudcav

    Sundown @ SBN

    I think you need to sit in Bobs van for bass race like the guy from New York did would make for a good vid
  4. loudcav

    Check these #s out.

    did you get the numbers at the exact same time? if not thats why they are so high
  5. loudcav

    Hifonics amps?

    http://www.db-r.com/sell/store/index.php?productID=147 that would work out good for you
  6. loudcav

    saz-1500 OWNERS MANUAL?

    it works for me too but his link dosent work http://www.sundownaudio.com/amps/SAX-100.2...manual_0607.pdf
  7. loudcav

    got the new Beast

    mabe you need to make a small ass box for that SX should allow it to take the power a bit better
  8. loudcav

    Not getting 1000 watts out of my SAE-1000D

    ya it all depends alot of times on your enclosure the one I have in my car right now you can plainly hear clipping
  9. loudcav

    Not getting 1000 watts out of my SAE-1000D

    my personal favorite is to use an Oscope to set your gains 2nd option would be to play a 50hz tone till you hear distortion and back in down a bit to where it sounds clean
  10. if you still have one of those 3000Ds in april I may take one if I can get some stuff taken care of. would be nice to show up to a 3 show weekend we are having in april and be able to hopefuly bassrace the 149.9 class from the trunk of a cavalier
  11. loudcav

    Not getting 1000 watts out of my SAE-1000D

    by half way you mean straight up and down right? if so Id personaly turn it down a hair and on the ssf Id play some low tones and if its not bottoming out and dosent seem to be stressing Id leave it off if it is turn it up till it quits
  12. loudcav

    Not getting 1000 watts out of my SAE-1000D

    accualy your subsonic is set too high and you low pass needs to be turned down a hair then you need to properly set your gain. also if I remember right the frequency that Jake measures power at is 60hz
  13. loudcav

    139.8 today

    how about 4 of those?
  14. loudcav

    Buying a meter

    I know someone who has that meter its fairly close to the TL if your lookin to talk to someone who has one hit up 18inchjeepin
  15. loudcav


    get a new DMM then check your coils again
  16. loudcav

    3000d questions

    I most deffinatly would not try it you might get lucky and be able to get a burp off but your gonna have to roll into it
  17. loudcav


    dose anyone know who sat in Bobs van? I heard that he was ready to go again
  18. loudcav

    1500D's strapped

    just a bit of a tip turn the bass boost off
  19. loudcav

    My Street Max 1-2 van

    ya I heard about it too congrats. did Corey happen to make it up there?
  20. loudcav

    MECA Event @ Carl Casper 2008 (pics!!)

    they stick the sensor to their foreheads. in allreality they have a mic stand that holds it in the legal position
  21. loudcav

    Question about my 1500ds

    in reply to yer signature, dear lord, that is seriously yer car's audio setup? damn... i am jealous of you rich people and your money filled richness...^.^ Yep, that is the setup in the truck I wouldn't say I'm rich, but being in the audio business does make it a bit easier to build a big system. makes it very important to build a big system gotta showcase your product
  22. loudcav

    MECA Event @ Carl Casper 2008 (pics!!)

    great numbers fellas! glad to see Sundown opening a can of whoop ass! I know Sundown is at home all day long with SPL events but, Jake wanna talk about a SQ car? Im sure he would love to Jacob is an SQ guy at heart look at him in the truck he wears ear muffs
  23. loudcav

    New Heatsink

    the 3000D is the rest arnt yet the 1500 should have it in April when the new shipment is in and the rest will follow when they get sold out
  24. Sundown us reps deal with jacob directly