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Everything posted by loudcav

  1. loudcav

    ok you all suck !>?!?!?!?!?!!?

    yep thats why I ignore everyone who competes in Texas bass productions cause those scores arnt real
  2. loudcav

    Done for the season

    as stated PM Lade your name and he will get you verified as soon as thats done you get the price
  3. loudcav

    Done for the season

    you need to PM lade your name and on wendsday when Jacob is back if you check out he sends you the price
  4. loudcav

    Done for the season

    pm me a price i'll see what I can do! yes i am a member Jacob has to verify it before he can sell
  5. loudcav

    hey Jacob

    it should I dont really need it right now anyways the car isnt close to done and Jacob do you think that I could get a spair six spoke 18 basket I dont care if its cracked at really I just want it for when I get ready to do my baffle so I dont have to lift the subs anymore than I have to
  6. loudcav

    hey Jacob

    OK Jacob its all packed back up and I did my best to replicate your packing job like I said the box looked perfect if it was all beat up I woulda been more wooried. good thing Im not even close to needing them yet
  7. loudcav

    hey Jacob

    Ok will do now I gotta dump ann those peanuts all over
  8. loudcav

    hey Jacob

  9. loudcav

    hey Jacob

    ya I know they were my shop vac thanks you for all the peanuts 1Z44R5F60343607501
  10. loudcav

    Done for the season

    I think modding a vehicle like that would change the class he would be in, but maybe a sheet of plexi glass might work, read the rules if your competing. the van allready competes in Extreme his main problem is he is in Iraq right now and is having others do the work
  11. loudcav

    New best score

    honestly Id Email Mike Stires at maxxsonics [email protected] he can hook you up with one
  12. loudcav

    dp 21

    July 4th
  13. loudcav

    To whom it may concern

    its not that after the voltage drop and impedence rise thats what kinda power he makes
  14. loudcav

    New best score

    if you want that 152 try adding a maxxlink
  15. loudcav

    To whom it may concern

    word of advice never ask a street compedator what they are running they will tell you a couple things and the rest is classified
  16. loudcav

    Happy birthday jacob

    ah chit I thaught you were turning 12
  17. loudcav

    Happy birthday jacob

    not 40? so how many times has he turned 39 then jacob has yet to hit 12
  18. loudcav

    Happy birthday jacob

    lol hes not 40
  19. loudcav

    Vote for SAZ-1000D!

    not really the SAZ is just a stronger design
  20. loudcav

    To whom it may concern

    hey Ray were those stock nightshades or were they custom built ones if they were stock thats very impressive since I know those woofers love to drop low that also means that you have alot of room to improve just by reconeing them
  21. loudcav

    linking 3 SAZ-3000's

    Nope. DJ got it with everything loaded down! In fact... he wants 18" Nightshades to replace the MTs. he almost got to test some NS 18s infact
  22. loudcav

    linking 3 SAZ-3000's

    why bother
  23. loudcav

    Just order my new amps!

    lol I bet the shop smells like fried coils
  24. loudcav

    Just order my new amps!

    hes not leaving till the 20th
  25. loudcav

    Just order my new amps!

    I get my stuff in about 3 days thats counting the day it was shipped thats from NC to OH