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Everything posted by loudcav

  1. loudcav

    Midwest sundowners?

    they do Import faceoff in a few diffrent states
  2. loudcav

    SD-1 v.2 10" Blowout Sale

    ya they arnt of the website anymore Ive got a pair of the V1 12s Ill hopefuly be using soon
  3. loudcav

    SD-1 v.2 10" Blowout Sale

    no love for the little guys huh?
  4. loudcav

    Sundown Rides Pages

    its going to be quite a wile before you see something from me well any picture of my hopefuly 149.9 bass racer you should have some pics of my truck in a week or so Ive still gotta install that one
  5. loudcav

    Me again.. input voltage

    yes the pin is the posative and the sleve is the ground but be very careful that when you are measurung the voltage that you dont allow them to touch
  6. loudcav

    Sundown Takes 1st

    I didnt know that you left the sand box
  7. loudcav

    SAX-100.4 OUT OF STOCK

    for right now expect the same price as the last version
  8. loudcav

    Plz help Team Sundown

    you might try going to walmart and getting the cheapest set they sell there preferably the clear ones
  9. loudcav

    Plz help Team Sundown

    What RCAs are you using to link the amps?
  10. loudcav

    Me again.. input voltage

    no all of the eclipse units go to 80 useing an Oscope I noticed that my avn5500 starts to clip at 64
  11. loudcav

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    I gave Jacob hell about packing the shirts in bubble wrapsince they are un breakable
  12. loudcav

    Sundown and Fi Build

    sad thing is you could of gotten a much better unit for the same price mabe a bit more if you had looked around
  13. loudcav

    Gain Reduction Knob

    I know the SAX and SAZ knobs are the same Ive personaly interchanged mine
  14. loudcav

    Gain Reduction Knob

    Shoot Jacob an email [email protected] any of the knobs from the saz and sax line works
  15. loudcav

    Another Electrical Question

    I got a chance to drive it today and the voltage still drops into the low 13s when stopped at a stoplight but it may also be because I havent really given the alt time to charge the battery bank since with the batterys hooked back up every time I open a door or decide to roll down the windows it uses battery power
  16. loudcav

    Another Electrical Question

    thats very similar to what I run for 2 3000s a 160 amp rated alt D2400 under the hood and 2 D2700s in the trunk you run 2 of them straped at 2 ohms or each at 1?..... and how is your voltage look while playing. the last time I had them in they were strapped at 2 ohms cant rember what voltage drop was but it wasnt terrable Im still working on the car its probably not gonna be back together till next year at the rate Im going but at anyrate Ive made a couple changes in my wireing. before the changes after the motor was warmed up voltage would fall to the low 13s high 12 volt range now granted I have yet to drive it but after sitting for a good wile so its nice and warm and up to opperating temp voltage is still in the 14 volt range. and no I didnt buy one of the missing link pieces
  17. loudcav

    Another Electrical Question

    thats very similar to what I run for 2 3000s a 160 amp rated alt D2400 under the hood and 2 D2700s in the trunk
  18. loudcav

    SAZ3000D Protection mode on

    chances are that those lil T1s are toast
  19. loudcav

    SAX-100.2 Issue

    so your voltage is only 12.9 with the car running?
  20. loudcav

    SAX-100.2 Issue

    perhaps your ground isnt good
  21. loudcav

    Putting something in the VW

  22. loudcav

    Can SSA do an 18" recone?

    Yeah I think Im going to just have to sell it and ill probably go with an AQ HDC3. perhaps Fi can do it
  23. loudcav

    1500d amp setting tutorial help?

    you probably didnt loose any bass at all distorted sound appears to be louder than something that sounds clean
  24. loudcav

    1500d amp setting tutorial help?

    yes turn that bass boost off Ive been after Jacob to just remove it alltogether
  25. loudcav

    Will my electrical be okay???

    you should be fine that Ohio Gen is alot stronger than 180 amps Ive got a 160 amp and when they tested it it maxed out at 224 amps