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About loudcav

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  1. Id like to go but after hearing about past shows Ill pass no demos = Ill stay at home
  2. loudcav

    160.3db at 30hz behind C pillar -- SA-10s

    not sure what motor it is but Im thinking that stock it had dual alts
  3. loudcav

    SA-8 / SA-12 Updates

    never mind Jacob Ill email you about getting a 4th
  4. loudcav

    SA-8 / SA-12 Updates

    hey jacob if you havnt shipped my 3 I bought the other day is there any way I can get D2s instead also I want a 4th either way
  5. loudcav

    S1200 vs s3400

    the 3400 should fit almost any GM car
  6. loudcav

    Re-Cone didn't work out, need some help

    perhaps you either need to get the grinder out and clean up the old basket or order a new basket along with your recone. also what type of CA did you use? all CA isnt created equal
  7. loudcav

    Radio pop?

    my car has a pretty Nasty turn off pop and a bit of alt whine untill I can trace it down we just put a switch for the amps in the trunk
  8. loudcav


    just email jacob and he will get back with you quickly probably before he answers here
  9. loudcav

    kinetic hc2400

    whoever told you that is a retard
  10. loudcav

    Guys, what do you thing about Pandas ?

    the panda is loud but more of a one note wonder not the type of car you really want to use for low bass plus there is a lack of space for batteries which is fine for a one note 3 second burst
  11. loudcav

    12x 15s Build -- Teaser Pictures

    ya I dont see why the other 12 15s build would use a diffrent basket since he plans on mounting the woofers normaly
  12. loudcav

    Thanks to all Sundown customers !

    unfortunatly I dont need any thing tho I might need some SI BMs in the future
  13. loudcav


    they sound great and you are correct on the model the 8s are bridged at 4ohms on one of the 100.2s so roughly 200 watts a piece not sure what its all crossed over at it will mostly depend on your taste honestly with a good EQ/ crossover the PA stuff can sound good which is mainly why they work well in the car the Audio control DQXS has control over hem
  14. grow some balls or get off the internet
  15. Stupid people deserve stupid answers